This schedule gives the topics planned for each lecture and lab meeting. It also shows assignment due dates and readings. Readings marked ER and AMR are sections in the course texts. (The text at the very beginning of chapter i is referred to as i.0.) All readings should be completed before coming to the corresponding lecture.
Links will be activated below as they are posted throughout the term. Links to posted lectures and assignments are also avilable on their own pages.
This schedule is subject to change. Hit “reload” to be sure you’re seeing the most recent revision (the timestamp of the revision you’re looking at is shown at the bottom of the page). We will make a best effort to ensure that the schedule is accurate both historically and for one week in the future. In most cases, things scheduled for more than a week in the future are only estimates.
Mon no lab meeting
Wed no lab meeting
Fri no office hours L2 — rotation sensors; electric motors HW0 due 11pm ER 3.0-3.5, ch 4
Tue LAB0 due 11pm no lecture, no office hours
Wed LAB1 out LAB1 — implementing differential drive
Mon MLK Day - no lab meeting, 102WVH closed
Tue L3 — continued Diff Steering
Wed LAB1 — continued
Fri L4 — motor control ER ch 5; optional: AMR 3.6
Mon LAB1 — continued
Tue L4 — continued
Wed LAB1 — final demonstrations LAB1 due 11pm
Fri no lecture, no office hours
Mon LAB2 out LAB2 — obstacle avoidance and navigation
Tue L5 — obstacle avoidance and local nav ER 16.8,9; AMR 6.4; Goldberg 2002 sec 4
Wed snow day - no lab meeting, 102WVH closed
Fri L6 — sensors for mobile robots ER 3.6-8; AMR 4.0-1
Mon LAB2 — continued
Tue L6 — continued L7 — global navigation ER 16.3-7, 16.10; AMR 6.0-3
Wed LAB2 — continued
Fri no lecture, no office hours
Mon Presidents Day - no lab meeting, 102WVH closed
Tue L7 — continued
Wed LAB2 — continued
Fri L8 — basic localization and mapping ER 16.0-2, ER 18
Mon LAB2 due 11pm LAB2 — final demonstrations
Tue L9 — arm kinematics ER 14
Wed LAB3 out LAB3 — arm kinematics and grasping
Fri L9 — continued Selig 1992 5.0-5.2
Sat Spring Break - 102WVH closed
Sun Spring Break - 102WVH closed
Mon Spring Break - no lab meeting, 102WVH closed
Tue Spring Break - no class, no office hours, 102WVH closed
Wed Spring Break - no lab meeting, 102WVH closed
Thu Spring Break - 102WVH closed
Fri Spring Break - no class, no office hours, 102WVH closed
Sat Spring Break - 102WVH closed
Sun Spring Break - 102WVH closed
Mon LAB3 — continued
Tue L9 — continued Selig 1992 6.0-6.3; Buss 2009
Wed LAB3 — final demonstrations, LAB4 — visual servoing LAB3 due 11pm LAB4 out
Fri L10 — cameras and images ER 3.9, 19.0,1,2,5,8; AMR 4.1.11, 4.2.8; OpenCV refs
Mon LAB4 — continued
Wed LAB4 — continued, LAB5 — final project LAB5 out
Mon LAB5 — continued LAB4 — continued
Tue L13 — visual servoing AMR 4.2.7, 4.4-4.5; optional: Hutchinson 96, 06 (I)/07 (II)
Wed LAB4 — final demonstrations, LAB5 — continued LAB4 due 11pm
Fri L13 — continued LAB5 — project proposals only — due 11pm
Mon LAB5 — continued
Tue L14 — extended Kalman filter Localization, L15 — EKF SLAM AMR 5.0-5.8
Wed LAB5 — continued
Fri no lecture, no office hours
Mon no lab
Tue L15 — continued
Wed LAB5 — continued
Mon LAB5 — final demonstrations
Tue no lecture - final project work time LAB5 due 11pm