17 Visitors and Folds
17.1 The Visitor Pattern
The visitor pattern is a general design pattern that allows you to seperate data from functionality in an object-oriented style.
For instance, suppose you want to develop a library of ranges. Users of your library are going to want a bunch of different methods, and in principal, you can’t possibly know or want to implement all of them. On the other hand, you may not want to expose the implementation details of how you chose to represent ranges.
The visitor pattern can help—
So here is our data definition for ranges:
; A Range is one of ;; - (new lo-range% Number Number) ;; Interp: represents the range between `lo' and `hi' ;; including `lo', but *not* including `hi' ;; - (new hi-range% Number Number) ;; Interp: represents the range between `lo' and `hi' ;; including `hi', but *not* including `lo' ;; - (new union-range% Range Range) ;; Interp: including all the numbers in both ranges (define-class lo-range% (fields lo hi)) (define-class hi-range% (fields lo hi)) (define-class union-range% (fields left right))
We will add a single method to the interface for ranges:
;; The Range interface includes: ;; - visit : [RangeVisitor X] -> X
We haven’t said what is in the [RangeVisitor X] interface, but the key idea is that something that implements a [RangeVisitor X] represents a computation over ranges that computes an X. So for example, if we wanted to compute where a number is included in a range, we would want to implement the [RangeVistitor Boolean] interface since that computation would produce a yes/no answer.
The idea, in general, of the visitor pattern is that the visitor will have a method for each variant of a union. And the method for a particular variant takes as many arguments as there are fields in that variant. In the case of a recursive union, the method takes the result of recursively visiting the data.
Under that guideline, the [RangeVisitor X] interface will contain 3 methods:
;; An [RangeVisitor X] implements: ;; lo-range : Number Number -> X ;; hi-range : Number Number -> X ;; union-range : X X -> X
Notice that the contracts for lo and hi-range match the contracts on the constructors for each variant, but rather than constructing a Range, we are computing an X. In the case of union-range, the method takes two inputs which are Xs, which represent the results of visiting the left and right ranges, respectively.
Now we need to implement the visit method in each of the Range classes, which will just invoke the appropriate method of the visitor on its data and recur where needed:
(define-class lo-range% (fields lo hi) (define (visit v) (v . lo-range (this . lo) (this . hi)))) (define-class hi-range% (fields lo hi) (define (visit v) (v . hi-range (this . lo) (this . hi)))) (define-class union-range% (fields left right) (define (visit v) (v . union-range (this . left . visit v) (this . right . visit v))))
We’ve now established the visitor pattern. Let’s actually construct a visitor that does something.
We forgot to implement the in-range? method, but no worries – we dont’ need to edit our class definitions, we can just write a visitor that does the in-range? computation, which is an implementation of [RangeVisitor Boolean]:
;; An InRange? is an (in-range?% Number) ;; implements [RangeVisitor Boolean]. (define-class in-range%? (fields n) (define (lo-range lo hi) (and (>= (this . n) lo) (< (this . n) hi))) (define (hi-range lo hi) (and (> (this . n) lo) (<= (this . n) hi))) (define (union-range left right) (or left right)))
Now if we have our hands on a range and want to find out if a number is in the range, we just invoke the visit method with an instance of the in-range?% class:
(some-range-value . visit (in-range?% 5)) ;; is 5 in some-range-value ?
17.2 Folds
17.3 Generators
#lang class/2 (require 2htdp/image class/universe) ;; A World is (world% Generator Number) ;; and implements IWorld (define-class world% (fields generator num) ;; to-draw : -> Scene (define (to-draw) (overlay (text (number->string (this . num)) 20 "black") (empty-scene 500 500))) ;; on-key : Key -> World (define (on-key k) (world% (this . generator) ((this . generator) . pick)))) ;; A Generator is a (generator% [Listof Number]) ;; and implements ;; pick : -> Number ;; produce a number to show that isn't in bad (define-class generator% (fields bad) (define (pick) (local [(define x (random 10))] (cond [(member x (this . bad)) (pick)] [else x])))) (check-expect (<= 0 ((generator% empty) . pick) 10) true) (check-expect (= ((generator% (list 4)) . pick) 4) false) (big-bang (world% (generator% empty) 0))
#lang class/2 (require 2htdp/image class/universe) ;; A World is (world% Generator Number) ;; and implements IWorld (define-class world% (fields generator num) ;; to-draw : -> Scene (define (to-draw) (overlay (text (number->string (this . num)) 20 "black") (empty-scene 500 500))) ;; on-key : Key -> World (define (on-key k) (cond [(key=? k "x") (local [(define g (this . generator . add-bad (this . num)))] (world% g (g . pick)))] [else (world% (this . generator) (this . generator . pick))]))) ;; A Generator is a (generator% [Listof Number]) ;; and implements ;; pick : -> Number ;; produce a number to show that isn't in bad ;; add-bad : Number -> Generator ;; produce a generator like that with an additional bad number (define-class generator% (fields bad) (define (add-bad n) (generator% (cons n (this . bad)))) (define (pick) (local [(define x (random 10))] (cond [(member x (this . bad)) (pick)] [else x])))) (check-expect (<= 0 ((generator% empty) . pick) 10) true) (check-expect (= ((generator% (list 4)) . pick) 4) false) (check-expect (= (((generator% empty) . add-bad 4) . pick) 4) false) (big-bang (world% (generator% empty) 0))
#lang class/3 (require 2htdp/image class/universe) ;; A World is (world% Generator Number) ;; and implements IWorld (define-class world% (fields generator num) ;; to-draw : -> Scene (define (to-draw) (overlay (text (number->string (this . num)) 20 "black") (empty-scene 500 500))) ;; on-key : Key -> World (define (on-key k) (cond [(key=? "x" k) (begin (this . generator . tell-bad) (world% (this . generator) (this . generator . pick)))] [else (world% (this . generator) (this . generator . pick))]))) ;; A Generator is a (generator% [Listof Number] Number) ;; interp: the list of bad numbers, and the last number picked ;; and implements ;; pick : -> Number ;; produce a number to show not in the list ;; tell-bad : -> ;; produces nothing ;; effect : changes the generator to add the last number picked to the bad list (define-class generator% (fields bad last) (define (tell-bad) (set-field! bad (cons (this . last) (this . bad)))) (define (pick) (local [(define rnd (random 10))] (cond [(member rnd (this . bad)) (this . pick)] [else (begin (set-field! last rnd) rnd)])))) (check-expect (<= 0 ((generator% (list 2 4 6) 0) . pick) 100) true) (big-bang (world% (generator% (list 2 4 6) 0) 0)) (check-expect (member ((generator% (list 2 4 6) 0) . pick) (list 2 4 6)) false) (define (tell-bad-prop g) (local [(define picked (g . pick))] (begin (g . tell-bad) (not (= picked (g . pick)))))) (check-expect (tell-bad-prop (generator% (list 1 2 3) 0)) true)
#lang class/3 (require 2htdp/image class/universe) ;; A World is (world% Generator Number) ;; and implements IWorld (define-class world% (fields generator num) ;; to-draw : -> Scene (define (to-draw) (overlay (text (number->string (this . num)) 20 "black") (empty-scene 500 500))) ;; on-key : Key -> World (define (on-key k) (cond [(key=? k "x") (world% (this . generator) (this . generator . pick-bad))] [else (world% (this . generator) (this . generator . pick))]))) ;; A Generator is a (generator% [Listof Number] Number) ;; interp: numbers not to pick, last number picked ;; and implements ;; pick : -> Number ;; produce a number to show that isn't in bad ;; pick-bad : -> Number ;; pick a number to show, and remember that the last one was bad (define-class generator% (fields bad last) (define (pick-bad) (begin (set-field! bad (cons (this . last) (this . bad))) (pick))) (define (pick) (local [(define x (random 10))] (cond [(member x (this . bad)) (this . pick)] [else (begin (set-field! last x) x)])))) (check-expect (<= 0 ((generator% empty 0) . pick) 10) true) (check-expect (= ((generator% (list 4) 0) . pick) 4) false) (big-bang (world% (generator% empty 0) 0))
17.4 Exercises
17.4.1 Quick visits
This problem builds on the quick lists problem.
Here was the interface you should have implemented for lists using the quick list data structure that supports a fast list-ref method:
;; A [List X] implements ;; - cons : X -> [List X] ;; Cons given element on to this list. ;; - first : -> X ;; Get the first element of this list ;; (only defined on non-empty lists). ;; - rest : -> [List X] ;; Get the rest of this ;; (only defined on non-empty lists). ;; - list-ref : Natural -> X ;; Get the ith element of this list ;; (only defined for lists of i+1 or more elements). ;; - length : -> Natural ;; Compute the number of elements in this list. ;; empty is a [List X] for any X.
Make sure your quick list implementation is working and place it into a file named "quick-lists.rkt". That file should provide one name, empty, by including the following at the top of the file:
(provide empty)
In a file named "slow-lists.rkt" re-develop an implementation of the list interface, but in the usual way as a recursive union of mt% and cons% classes. That file should also provide empty by including the same line above at the top.
Finally, start a third file called "use-lists.rkt" that will make use of both kinds of lists by including the following at the top of the file:
(require (prefix-in q: "quick-lists.rkt")) (require (prefix-in s: "slow-lists.rkt"))
You now have two lists: q:empty and s:empty; both are represented in very different ways, but so long as you use them accoring to the list interface, they should be indistinguishable.
Let’s now revise the [List X] interface to include support for visitors:
;; A [List X] implements ... ;; - accept : [ListVisitor X Y] -> Y ;; Accept given visitor and visit this list's data. ;; A [ListVisitor X Y] implements ;; - visit-mt : -> Y ;; Visit an empty list. ;; - visit-cons : X [Listof X] -> Y ;; Visit a cons lists.
Implement the revised [List X] interface in both "quick-lists.rkt" and "slow-lists.rkt".
In "use-lists.rkt" you should be able to define particular visitors and have it work on both representations of lists. As an example, here is a list visitor that computes the length of a list:
;; A (new length%) implements [ListVisitor X Natural]. ;; List visitor for computing the length of a list. (define-class length% (define (visit-mt) 0) (define (visit-cons x r) (add1 (r . accept this)))) (define len (new length%)) (check-expect (q:empty . accept len) 0) (check-expect (s:empty . accept len) 0) (check-expect (q:empty . cons 'c . cons 'b . cons 'a . accept len) 3) (check-expect (s:empty . cons 'c . cons 'b . cons 'a . accept len) 3)
And here’s one for the sum of a list of numbers:
;; A (new sum%) implements [ListVisitor Number Number]. ;; List visitor for computing the sum of a list of numbers. (define-class sum% (define (visit-mt) 0) (define (visit-cons n r) (+ n (r . accept this)))) (define sum (new sum%)) (check-expect (q:empty . accept sum) 0) (check-expect (s:empty . accept sum) 0) (check-expect (q:empty . cons 3 . cons 4 . cons 7 . accept sum) 14) (check-expect (s:empty . cons 3 . cons 4 . cons 7 . accept sum) 14)
Implement a [ListVisitor X X] named reverse% that reverses a list (note: you may need to implement a “helper” visitor that corresponds to the helper function you’d write for the reverse function). Note that this visitor will have to commit to produces either a quick list or a slow list, but it really doesn’t really matter which... well, except for testing. So for example, let’s say the reverse visitor produces slow lists. Then we would expect the following test to pass, assuming reverse% works as specified:
(define rev (new reverse%)) (check-expect (q:empty . accept rev) s:empty) (check-expect (q:empty . cons 'c . cons 'b . cons 'a . accept rev) (s:empty . cons 'a . cons 'b . cons 'c))
Of course, this isn’t ideal since our test is testing more than is actually required of reverse%. In particular, it should be perfectly acceptable for reverse% to produce quick lists without tests failing.
What’s happening here is that check-expect is checking too much because it is not treating the objects it compares solely according to their interface. We will see how to fix this problem by defining an interface-respecting equality computation, but for now, just test as shown above.
Now to build some larger pieces with visitors. First, here’s an interface definition for functional objects that represent functions from Xs to Ys. Such an object has a single method called apply that consumes an X and produces a Y:
;; A [Fun X Y] implements ;; - apply : X -> Y ;; Apply this function to given x.
Now implement the following two visitors:
;; A (new filter% [Predicate X]) implements [ListVisitor X [List X]]. ;; Filters visited list to produce a list of elements satisfying predicate. ;; A (new map% [Fun X Y]) implements [ListVisitor X [List Y]]. ;; Maps visited list to produce a list of results of applying the function.
Implement at least one [Fun Natural String] and one [Predicate String] to use for testing filter% and map%.
17.4.2 Folds vs Visitors
;; A [List X] implements ... ;; - fold : [ListFold X Y] -> Y ;; Accept given fold and process this list's data. ;; A [ListFold X Y] implements ;; - fold-mt : -> Y ;; Process an empty list. ;; - fold-cons : X Y -> Y ;; Process a cons lists.
Now revise your implementations of the filter% and map% to implement folds as well as visitors. Be sure to specify what interfaces they implement.
;; A (new list-ref% Number) implements [ListVisitor X X] ;; Retrieves the element at the specified index.
Could you implement this using the ListFold interface? Which was more elegant for map% and filter%?
17.4.3 JSON visitor
Develop the visitor pattern for JSON values.
Design an equality visitor for JSON values.