On this page:
14.1 Information in the Snake Game
14.2 The world
14.3 Coordinate interface
14.4 An implementation of coordinates:   segments
14.5 Another implementation of coordinates:   food
14.6 Representing the snake
14.7 Seeing the world
14.8 The whole ball of wax
14.9 Exercises
14.9.1 Different representation of Snakes
14.9.2 Zombie!
14.9.3 Primum non copy-and-paste
14.9.4 Space Invaders!

14 Larger system design: Snakes on a plane

So far, we have introduced a lot of important new concepts such as interfaces and data and method inheritance for class-based abstraction. In this chapter, we are going to see these concepts being applied in the context of a larger program design. It’s a game we’ve all seen and designed before; we’re going to develop a class-based version of the Snake Game.

14.1 Information in the Snake Game

Our first task in designing the Snake Game is to take an account of the information that our program will need to represent. This includes:

14.2 The world

Let’s start by designing a minimal world% class. We will iteratively refine it later to add more an more features. For now, let’s just have the snake move.

;; A World is a (new world% Snake Food).
(define-class world%
  (fields snake food)
  (define (on-tick)
    (new world%
         (send (send this snake) move)
         (send this food)))
  (define (tick-rate) 1/8)
  (define (to-draw)
    (send (send this food) draw
          (send (send this snake) draw MT-SCENE))))
14.3 Coordinate interface

Let’s focus on the system of coordinates. There are really two coordinate systems we will need to represent; one is necessitated by the animation system we are using, the other by the logic of the Snake Game. We are consumers of the big-bang animation system, which uses a pixel-based, graphics-coordinate system (meaning the origin is at the Northwest corner). This is part of big-bang’s interface, which we don’t have the power to change, and therefore we have to communicate to big-bang using pixels in graphics-coordinates. In general, when we design programs, the interfaces of libraries we use impose obligations on our code.

On the other hand, using pixel-based graphics-coordinates is probably not the best representation choice for the information of the Snake Game. We’ll be better off if we design our own representation and have our program translate between representations at the communication boundaries between our code and big-bang. Let’s use a grid-based coordinate system where the origin is the Southwest corner. We can define a mapping between the coordinate systems by defining some constants such as the grid size and the size of the screen:

#lang class/0
(define WIDTH  32) ; in grid units
(define HEIGHT 32) ; in grid units
(define SIZE   16) ; in pixels / grid unit
(define WIDTH-PX  (* SIZE WIDTH))  ; in pixels
(define HEIGHT-PX (* SIZE HEIGHT)) ; in pixels

This defines that our game is logically played on a 32x32 grid, which we will render visually as a 512x512 pixel image. This are the values we cooked up in class, which results in the following grid for our game:

As an exercise, try to write an expression that produces this image.


But for the sake of our notes, let’s develop the game for a much smaller grid that is rendered on a larger scale. It will be easy to change our definitions at the end in order to recover the original design. If done properly, all of test cases will remain unaffected by the change.

(define WIDTH   8) ; in grid units
(define HEIGHT  8) ; in grid units
(define SIZE   32) ; in pixels / grid unit

This defines that our game is logically played on a 8x8 grid, which we will render visually as a 256x256 pixel image. The grid for our game now looks like:


Now we need to consider the interface for coordinates (henceforth, the term "coordinate" refers to our representation of coordinates in the Snake Game, not the graphics-coordinates of big-bang). What do we need to do with coordinates? Here’s a coarse first approximation:

This list suggest the following interface for coordinates:

;; A Coord implements
;; same-pos? : Coord -> Boolean
;; Is this coordinate at the same position as the given one?
;; draw : Scene -> Scene
;; Draw this coordinate on the scene.
;; move : -> Coord
;; Move this coordinate.
;; on-board? : -> Boolean
;; Is this coordinate on the board?

This is a good place to start, but as we start thinking about what these methods should do and how we might write them, some issues should come to mind. For example, in thinking about the what: what should be drawn when the draw method is invoked? Perhaps we want the coordinate "to just know" what should be drawn, which suggests that when we implement coordinates they should contain data representing what to draw. Perhaps we want to tell the draw method what to draw, which suggests we should revise the contract to include an argument or arguments that represent what to draw. For the time-being, let’s decide that the coordinate will know what to draw.

In the thinking about the how: how do you imagine the draw coordinate will be written? Assuming we know what to draw, the next question is how will the method know where to draw it? We have a coordinate, which is a grid coordinate, but will need to use place-image to actually draw that image on the given scene. But place-image works in the pixel-based graphics-coordinate system. We need to be able to convert a coordinate to a pixel-based graphics-coordinate in order to write the draw method, but there is nothing in the interface that gives us that capability, and the interface is all we will have to work with. This suggests we should revise the interface to include this needed behavior.

Similarly, if we consider how to write the same-pos? method, we will want to compare the x- and y-components of the given coordinate with the x- and y-components of this coordinate. Again, there is nothing in the interface as given that allows this, so we need to revise.

Now consider the move method. How can we write it? What do we expect to happen? There’s not enough information to know—should the coordinate move up? Down? Right three and down seven? Hard to say. While we might expect a coordinate to know how to draw itself, we cannot expect a coordinate to know which way to move itself. This suggests we need to add inputs to the method that represent this needed information. For the purposes of our game, a position needs to be able to move one grid unit in one of four directions. Let’s design the representation of a direction and a directional input to the move method.

Interface design is incredibly important, especially when, unlike in our current situation, it is not easy to revise in the future. Modern computer systems are littered with detritus of past interface design choices because interfaces are difficult and expensive, if not impossible, to change. As an example, the developers of the UNIX operating system, which was developed in the 1970s and is now the basis of both Linux and Mac OS, made the choice to save characters and call the operation that creates a file "CREAT". Forty years later, I’m writing these notes on a portable computer while flying from Boston to Houston. My machine, which weighs far less than any computer that ran UNIX in the 70’s, has not one, but two 2.66 GHz processors and 8 gigs of RAM: unimaginable computing resources in the 70s. And yet, when my OS wants to make a new file, it calls the "CREAT" function—not because that missing "E" is a computational extravangance I cannot afford, far from it, but because it is simply too difficult a task to realize a redesign of the interface between my computer and its operating system. The unforunate thing about interfaces is that when they change, all parties that have agreed to that interface must change as well. Too many people, programs, and devices have agreed to the UNIX interface to make changing "CREAT" to "CREATE" worthwhile.

You won’t be able to make the perfect interface on the first try, but the closer you get, the better your life will be in the future.

Revising our interface as described above, we arrive at the following:

;; A Coord implements:
;; same-pos? : Coord -> Boolean
;; Is this coordinate at the same position as the given one?
;; draw : Scene -> Scene
;; Draw this coordinate on the scene.
;; move : Dir -> Coord
;; Move this coordinate in the given direction.
;; on-board? : -> Boolean
;; Is this coordinate on the board?
;; {x,y} : -> Nat
;; The {x,y}-component of grid-coordinate.
;; {x-px,y-px} : -> Nat
;; The {x,y}-component of pixel-graphics-coordinate.

We haven’t designed Dir data definition for representing direction; let’s take care of that quickly. In our game, a direction is one of four possibilities, i.e. it is an enumeration. We could use a class-based enumeration, but for the sake of simplicity, let’s just use strings and say that:

;; A Dir is one of:
;; - "left"
;; - "right"
;; - "up"
;; - "down"

This representation has the nice property of being a subset of big-bang’s KeyEvent representation, so we can rely on the coincidence and handle the "up" key event by moving in the "up" direction without need to convert between representations.

14.4 An implementation of coordinates: segments

At this point, we’ve flushed out enough of the initial design of the coordinate interface we can now start working on an implementation of it. There are two components that will implement the coordinate interface: segments and food. Let’s start with segments.

;; A (new seg% Int Int) is a Coord
;; Interp: represents a segment grid-coordinate.
(define-class seg%
  (fields x y)

Our template for seg% methods is:

;; ? ... -> ?
(define (seg-template ...)
  (... (send this x) ... (send this y) ...))

We’ve now made a data definition for segments and committed ourselves to implementing the interface. This obligates us to implement all of the methods in coord%. We’ve decided to implement the coord% using a class with an x and y field. This satisfies part of our implementation right off the bat: we get an x and y method by definition. Let’s now do same-pos?:


(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 0) same-pos? (new seg% 0 0)) true)
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 0) same-pos? (new seg% 1 0)) false)
(define (same-pos? c)
  (and (= (send this x) (send c x))
       (= (send this y) (send c y))))

And now draw:


(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 0) draw MT-SCENE)
              (place-image (square SIZE "solid" "red")
                           (* 1/2 SIZE)
                           (- HEIGHT-PX (* 1/2 SIZE))
(define (draw scn)
  (place-image (square SIZE "solid" "red")
               (send this x-px)
               (send this y-px)

And now move:


(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 0) move "up")    (new seg%  0  1))
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 0) move "down")  (new seg%  0 -1))
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 0) move "left")  (new seg% -1  0))
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 0) move "right") (new seg%  1  0))
(define (move d)
  (cond [(string=? d "up")
         (new seg% (send this x) (add1 (send this y)))]
        [(string=? d "down")
         (new seg% (send this x) (sub1 (send this y)))]
        [(string=? d "left")
         (new seg% (sub1 (send this x)) (send this y))]
        [(string=? d "right")
         (new seg% (add1 (send this x)) (send this y))]))

And now on-board?:


(check-expect (send (new seg% 0  0) on-board?) true)
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 -1) on-board?) false)
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 (sub1 HEIGHT)) on-board?) true)
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 HEIGHT) on-board?) false)
(define (on-board?)
  (and (<= 0 (send this x) (sub1 WIDTH))
       (<= 0 (send this y) (sub1 HEIGHT))))

And finally, the x-px and y-px methods:


(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 0) x-px) (* 1/2 SIZE))
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 0) y-px) (- HEIGHT-PX (* 1/2 SIZE)))
(define (x-px)
  (* (+ 1/2 (send this x)) SIZE))
(define (y-px)
  (- HEIGHT-PX (* (+ 1/2 (send this y)) SIZE)))

That completes all of the obligations of the seg% interface.

14.5 Another implementation of coordinates: food

Food is another implementation of the coord<%> interface, and it is largely similar to the seg% class, which suggests that seg% and food% may be good candidates for abstraction, but that’s something to worry about later. For now, let’s implement food%. Since we’ve already been through the design of seg%, we’ll do food% quickly:

;; A Food is a (new food% Nat Nat) is a Coord
(define-class food%
  (fields x y)
  (define (same-pos? c)
    (and (= (send this x) (send c x))
         (= (send this y) (send c y))))
  (define (draw scn)
    (place-image (square SIZE "solid" "green")
                 (send this x-px)
                 (send this y-px)
  (define (move d)
    (cond [(string=? d "up")
           (new food% (send this x) (add1 (send this y)))]
          [(string=? d "down")
           (new food% (send this x) (sub1 (send this y)))]
          [(string=? d "left")
           (new food% (sub1 (send this x)) (send this y))]
          [(string=? d "right")
           (new food% (add1 (send this x)) (send this y))]))
  (define (on-board?)
    (and (<= 0 (send this x) (sub1 WIDTH))
         (<= 0 (send this y) (sub1 HEIGHT))))
  (define (x-px)
    (* (+ 1/2 (send this x)) SIZE))
  (define (y-px)
    (- HEIGHT-PX (* (+ 1/2 (send this y)) SIZE))))

You’ll notice that this class definition is nearly identical to the definition of seg%. The key differences are in move and draw. We’ll hold off on abstracting for now.

14.6 Representing the snake

What information needs to be represented in a snake?

What are the operations we need to perform on snakes?

;; A Snake implements:
;; move : -> Snake
;; Move this snake in its current direction.
;; grow : -> Snake
;; Grow this snake in its current direction.
;; turn : Dir -> Snake
;; Turn this snake in the given direction.
;; draw : Scene -> Scene
;; Draw this snake on the scene.

Here’s a possible data definition:

;; A (new snake% Dir [Listof Seg]) is a Snake
(define-class snake%
  (fields dir segs))

But after a moment of reflection, you will notice that a snake with no segments doesn’t make sense—a snake should always have at least one segment. Moreover, we need to settle on an interpretion of the order of the list; either the front of the list is interpreted as the front of the snake or the rear of the list is interpreted as the front of the snake. Together, non-emptiness and order let us determine which element is the head of the snake.

Here’s our revised data definition:

;; A (new snake% Dir (cons Seg [Listof Seg])) is a Snake
(define-class snake%
  (fields dir segs)

An alternative data definition that might be worth considering is:

;; A Snake is a (new snake% Dir Seg [Listof Seg])
(define-class snake%
  (fields dir head segs))

But for the time being let’s stick with the former one.

Now let’s implement the interface. Here’s the template:

;; ? ... -> ?
(define (snake-template ...)
  (send this dir) ... (send this segs) ...)

The move method works by moving the head of the snake and dropping the last element of the list of segments:

(check-expect (send (new snake% "right" (list (new seg% 0 0))) move)
              (new snake% "right" (list (new seg% 1 0))))


(define (move)
  (new snake%
       (send this dir)
       (cons (send (first (send this segs)) move (send this dir))
             (all-but-last (send this segs)))))

This relies on a helper function, all-but-last, which is straightforward to write (recall that segs is a non-empty list):

(check-expect (all-but-last (list "x")) empty)
(check-expect (all-but-last (list "y" "x")) (list "y"))
;; (cons X [Listof X]) -> [Listof X]
;; Drop the last element of the given list.
(define (all-but-last ls)
  (cond [(empty? (rest ls)) empty]
        [else (cons (first ls)
                    (all-but-last (rest ls)))]))

The grow method is much like move, except that no element is dropped from the segments list:


(check-expect (send (new snake% "right" (list (new seg% 0 0))) grow)
              (new snake% "right" (list (new seg% 1 0)
                                        (new seg% 0 0))))
(define (grow)
  (new snake%
       (send this dir)
       (cons (send (first (send this segs)) move (send this dir))
             (send this segs))))

Now let’s write the turn method:


(check-expect (send (new snake% "left" (list (new seg% 0 0))) turn "up")
              (new snake% "up" (list (new seg% 0 0))))
(define (turn d)
  (new snake% d (send this segs)))

And finally, draw:


(check-expect (send (new snake% "left" (list (new seg% 0 0))) draw MT-SCENE)
              (send (new seg% 0 0) draw MT-SCENE))
(define (draw scn)
  (foldl (λ (s scn) (send s draw scn))
         (send this segs)))

As this method shows, functions and methods can co-exist nicely in a single language.

14.7 Seeing the world

At this point we have a working but incomplete system and we can interact with it in the interactions window:


> (define w0 (new world%
                  (new snake%
                       (list (new seg% 5 1)
                             (new seg% 5 0)
                             (new seg% 4 0)))
                  (new food% 3 4)))
> (send w0 to-draw)


> (send (send w0 on-tick) to-draw)


> (send (send (send w0 on-tick) on-tick) to-draw)


We’ll leave it at this point and further the refine the program in the future.

14.8 The whole ball of wax
#lang class/0
(require 2htdp/image)
(require class/universe)
(define WIDTH   8) ; in grid units
(define HEIGHT  8) ; in grid units
(define SIZE   32) ; in pixels / grid unit
(define WIDTH-PX  (* SIZE WIDTH))  ; in pixels
(define HEIGHT-PX (* SIZE HEIGHT)) ; in pixels
(define MT-SCENE (empty-scene WIDTH-PX HEIGHT-PX))
;; A World is a (new world% Snake Food).
(define-class world%
  (fields snake food)
  (define (on-tick)
    (new world%
         (send (send this snake) move)
         (send this food)))
  (define (tick-rate) 1/8)
  (define (to-draw)
    (send (send this food) draw
          (send (send this snake) draw MT-SCENE))))
;; A Coord implements:
;; same-pos? : Coord -> Boolean
;; Is this coordinate at the same position as the given one?
;; draw : Scene -> Scene
;; Draw this coordinate on the scene.
;; move : Dir -> Coord
;; Move this coordinate in the given direction.
;; on-board? : -> Boolean
;; Is this coordinate on the board?
;; {x,y} : -> Nat
;; The {x,y}-component of grid-coordinate.
;; {x-px,y-px} : -> Nat
;; The {x,y}-component of pixel-graphics-coordinate.
;; A Dir is one of:
;; - "left"
;; - "right"
;; - "up"
;; - "down"
;; A (new seg% Int Int) is a Coord
;; Interp: represents a segment grid-coordinate.
(define-class seg%
  (fields x y)
  (check-expect (send origin same-pos? (new seg% 0 0)) true)
  (check-expect (send origin same-pos? (new seg% 1 0)) false)
  (define (same-pos? c)
    (and (= (send this x) (send c x))
         (= (send this y) (send c y))))
  (define (draw scn)
    (place-image (square SIZE "solid" "red")
                 (send this x-px)
                 (send this y-px)
  (define (move d)
    (cond [(string=? d "up")
           (new seg% (send this x) (add1 (send this y)))]
          [(string=? d "down")
           (new seg% (send this x) (sub1 (send this y)))]
          [(string=? d "left")
           (new seg% (sub1 (send this x)) (send this y))]
          [(string=? d "right")
           (new seg% (add1 (send this x)) (send this y))]))
  (define (on-board?)
    (and (<= 0 (send this x) (sub1 WIDTH))
         (<= 0 (send this y) (sub1 HEIGHT))))
  (define (x-px)
    (* (+ 1/2 (send this x)) SIZE))
  (define (y-px)
    (- HEIGHT-PX (* (+ 1/2 (send this y)) SIZE))))
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 0) draw MT-SCENE)
              (place-image (square SIZE "solid" "red")
                           (* 1/2 SIZE)
                           (- HEIGHT-PX (* 1/2 SIZE))
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 0) move "up")    (new seg%  0  1))
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 0) move "down")  (new seg%  0 -1))
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 0) move "left")  (new seg% -1  0))
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 0) move "right") (new seg%  1  0))
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0  0) on-board?) true)
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 -1) on-board?) false)
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 (sub1 HEIGHT)) on-board?) true)
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 HEIGHT) on-board?) false)
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 0) x-px) (* 1/2 SIZE))
(check-expect (send (new seg% 0 0) y-px) (- HEIGHT-PX (* 1/2 SIZE)))
;; A Food is a (new food% Nat Nat) is a Coord
(define-class food%
  (fields x y)
  (define (same-pos? c)
    (and (= (send this x) (send c x))
         (= (send this y) (send c y))))
  (define (draw scn)
    (place-image (square SIZE "solid" "green")
                 (send this x-px)
                 (send this y-px)
  (define (move d)
    (cond [(string=? d "up")
           (new food% (send this x) (add1 (send this y)))]
          [(string=? d "down")
           (new food% (send this x) (sub1 (send this y)))]
          [(string=? d "left")
           (new food% (sub1 (send this x)) (send this y))]
          [(string=? d "right")
           (new food% (add1 (send this x)) (send this y))]))
  (define (on-board?)
    (and (<= 0 (send this x) (sub1 WIDTH))
         (<= 0 (send this y) (sub1 HEIGHT))))
  (define (x-px)
    (* (+ 1/2 (send this x)) SIZE))
  (define (y-px)
    (- HEIGHT-PX (* (+ 1/2 (send this y)) SIZE))))
;; A Snake implements:
;; move : -> Snake
;; Move this snake in its current direction.
;; grow : -> Snake
;; Grow this snake in its current direction.
;; turn : Dir -> Snake
;; Turn this snake in the given direction.
;; draw : Scene -> Scene
;; Draw this snake on the scene.
;; A (new snake% Dir Seg [Listof Seg]) is a Snake
(define-class snake%
  (fields dir segs)
  (define (move)
    (new snake%
         (send this dir)
         (cons (send (first (send this segs)) move (send this dir))
               (all-but-last (send this segs)))))
  (define (grow)
    (new snake%
         (send this dir)
         (cons (send (first (send this segs)) move (send this dir))
               (send this segs))))
  (define (turn d)
    (new snake% d (send this segs)))
  (define (draw scn)
    (foldl (λ (s scn) (send s draw scn))
           (send this segs))))
(define origin (new seg% 0 0))
(check-expect (send (new snake% "right" (list (new seg% 0 0))) move)
              (new snake% "right" (list (new seg% 1 0))))
(check-expect (send (new snake% "right" (list (new seg% 0 0))) grow)
              (new snake% "right" (list (new seg% 1 0)
                                        (new seg% 0 0))))
(check-expect (send (new snake% "left" (list (new seg% 0 0))) turn "up")
              (new snake% "up" (list (new seg% 0 0))))
(check-expect (send (new snake% "left" (list (new seg% 0 0))) draw MT-SCENE)
              (send (new seg% 0 0) draw MT-SCENE))
(check-expect (all-but-last (list "x")) empty)
(check-expect (all-but-last (list "y" "x")) (list "y"))
;; (cons X [Listof X]) -> [Listof X]
;; Drop the last element of the given list.
(define (all-but-last ls)
  (cond [(empty? (rest ls)) empty]
        [else (cons (first ls)
                    (all-but-last (rest ls)))]))
(big-bang (new world%
               (new snake%
                    (list (new seg% 5 1)
                          (new seg% 5 0)
                          (new seg% 4 0)))
              (new food% 3 4)))
14.9 Exercises
14.9.1 Different representation of Snakes

Consider the alternative data definition suggested for Snakes:

; A Snake is a (new snake% Dir Seg [Listof Seg])
(define-class snake%
  (fields dir head segs))

Revise the Snake Game to use this definition and carry out all the changes it implies.

14.9.2 Zombie!

Design and develop an interactive game called Zombie!. In this game, there are a number of zombies that are coming to eat your brains. The object is simple: stay alive. You can maneuver by moving the mouse. The player you control always moves toward the mouse position. The zombies, on the other hand, always move toward you. If the zombies ever come in contact with you, they eat your brains, and you die. If two zombies happen to come in to contact with each other, they will mistakenly eat each other’s brain, which it turns out is fatal to the zombie species, and so they both die. When a zombie dies, the zombie flesh will permanently remain where it is and should any subsequent zombie touch the dead flesh, they will try to eat it and therefore die on the spot. Survive longer than all the zombies, and you have won the game.

(This game is based on the Attack of the Robots! game described in Land of Lisp. Unlike the Land of Lisp version, this game is graphical and interactive rather than text-based. Hence, our game doesn’t suck.)

Once you have a working version of the game, add the following feature: whenever the user does a mouse-click, the player should be instantly teleported to a random location on the screen.

14.9.3 Primum non copy-and-paste

A natural design for the Zombie game is to have a Zombie and Player class of data. But you may find your first iteration of the Zombie game duplicates a lot of code between these classes. In fact, the Zombie and Player classes have more in common than apart. It may even be tempting to pursue an unnatural design in which there is only a single class of data, which must consist of an additional bit, which is interpreted as signifying “zombieness” versus “playerness.” Down that path waits shame, defeat, and a brittle design that makes babies cry.

To recoil at the prospect of copy-and-paste is commendable, but we shouldn’t throw the crying babies out with the bathwater. Let’s step back and ask ourselves if this dilemma is really inescapable.

First, let’s consider the information that needs to be represented in a game. When you look at the game, you see several things: live zombies, dead zombies, a player, and a mouse. That might lead you to a representation of each of these things as a separate class, in which case you may later find many of the methods in these classes are largely identical. You would like to abstract to avoid the code duplication, but thus far, we haven’t seen any class-based abstraction mechanisms. So there are at least two solutions to this problem:

  1. Re-consider your data definitions.

    Program design is an iterative process; you are continually revising your data definitions, which induces program changes, which may cause you to redesign your data definitions, and so on. So when you find yourself wanting to copy and paste lots of code, you might want to reconsider how you’re representing information in your program. In the case of zombie, you might step back and see that although the game consists of a player, dead zombies, live zombies, and a mouse, these things have much in common. What changes over time about each of them is their position. Otherwise, what makes them different is how they are rendered visually. But it’s important to note that way any of these things are rendered does not change over the course of the gamea dead zombie is always drawn as a gray dot; a live zombie is always drawn as a green dot; etc. Taking this view, we can represent the position of each entity uniformly using a single class. This avoids duplicating method definitions since there is only a single class to represent each of these entities.

  2. Abstract using the functional abstraction recipe of last semester.

    Just because we are in a new semester and studying a new paradigm of programming, we should not throw out the lessons and techniques we’ve previously learned. In particular, since we are writing programs in a multi-pararadigm language—one that accomodates both structural and functional programming and object-oriented programming—we can mix and match as our designs necessitate. In this case, we can apply the recipe for functional abstraction to the design of identical or similar methods, i.e. two methods with similar implementations can be abstracted to a single point of control by writing a helper function that encapsulates the common code. The method can then call the helper function, supplying as arguments values that encapsulate the differences of the original methods.

Revise your Zombie! program.

14.9.4 Space Invaders!

For this exercise, you will design and develop (a pared down version of) the classic game of Space Invaders. In this game, there are a number of space aliens that are descending from the top of the screen. They move left to right and then down at uniform speed. The player controls a laser canon that can be moved left or right along the bottom of the screen. The player can fire the laser, which shoots straight up. If the laser hits an alien, the alien dies. If any alien makes it to the bottom of the screen (or hits the cannon), the player loses. If the player destroys all the invaders, the player wins.

To get a sense of the game, you can play this online version of the game. Your version doesn’t need to have all of the features of the online game; at a minimum, your game should:
  • Allow players to shoot (using the spacebar)

  • Allow players to move (using left and right arrow keys)

  • Allow aliens to shoot

  • Make aliens drop down and reverse direction when they reach the edge of the screen

  • End the game when all aliens are destroyed or some alien reaches the ground.

If you want to embellish your game, you can add additional features:
  • Keep score

  • Add the flying saucer for bonus points

  • Have several rows of aliens

  • Have several kinds of aliens

  • Give the player multiple lives

  • Support bunkers to shield the player

But remember, you’re graded for your program design, not making a cool video game. So whatever you add, make sure it’s well designed.