On this page:
9.1 Constructor design issue in modulo zombie (Assignment 3, Problem 3)
9.2 Abstracting list methods with different representations
9.3 Delegation

9 Abstraction via Delegation

9.1 Constructor design issue in modulo zombie (Assignment 3, Problem 3)

Course staff solution for regular zombie game:


(define (teleport)
  (new world%
       (new player%
            (random WIDTH)
            (random HEIGHT))
       (this . zombies)
       (this . mouse)))

This has a significant bug: it always produces a plain player%, not a modulo-player%.

Bug (pair0MN):


(define (teleport)
  (new player%
       (* -1 (random WORLD-SIZE))
       (* -1 (random WORLD-SIZE))))

This has a similar bug: it always produces a plain player%, not a modulo-player%. However, it’s in the the modulo-player% file, so there’s an easy fix.

Lack of abstraction (pair0PQ):


;; warp : Real Real -> ModuloPlayer
;; change the location of this player to the given location
(define (warp x y)
  (new modulo-player%
       (this . dest-x)
       (this . dest-y)
       x y))


;; warp : Real Real -> Player
;; change the location of this player to the given location
(define (warp x y)
  (new player%
       (this . dest-x)
       (this . dest-y)
       x y))

This works correctly (this is the fix for the bug in Pair0MN’s solution), but it duplicates code.

We want to fix these bugs without duplicating code.

Possible solutions (suggested in class):
  • Parameterize the teleport method with a class name. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work because the class name in new is not an expression.

  • Use this as the class name. This doesn’t work because this is an instance, not a class.

The solution is to add a new method to the interface, which constructs a new instance of the appropriate class. So, we add this method to the player% class:

(define (move x y)
  (new player% x y))

And this method to the modulo-player% class:

(define (move x y)
  (new modulo-player% x y))

Here’s an example of the technique in full. We start with these classes:

#lang class/1
(define-class s%
  (fields x y))
;; A Foo is one of:
;; - (new c% Number Number)
;; - (new d% Number Number)
(define-class c%
  (super s%)
  (define (make x y) (new c% x y))
  (define (origin) (new c% 0 0)))
(define-class d%
  (super s%)
  (define (make x y) (new d% x y))
  (define (origin) (new d% 0 0)))

Now we abstract the origin method to use make, and we can abstract origin to the superclass s%, since it becomes identical in both classes, avoiding the code duplication.

#lang class/1
(define-class s%
  (fields x y)
  (this . make 0 0))
;; A Foo is one of:
;; - (new c% Number Number)
;; - (new d% Number Number)
(define-class c%
  (super s%)
  (define (make x y)
    (new c% x y)))
(define-class d%
  (super s%)
  (define (make x y)
    (new d% x y)))
(new c% 50 100)
((new c% 50 100) . origin)
9.2 Abstracting list methods with different representations

Here is a parametric list interface definition:

;; ==========================================================
;; Parametric lists
;; A [Listof X] implements
;; cons : X -> [Listof X]
;; Add the given element to the front of the list.
;; empty : -> [Listof X]
;; Produce the empty list.
;; length : -> Nat
;; Count the number of elements in this list.
;; append : [Listof X] -> [Listof X]
;; Append the given list to the end of this list.
;; reverse : -> [Listof X]
;; Reverse the order of elements in this list.
;; map : [X -> Y] -> [Listof Y]
;; Construct the list of results of applying the function
;; to elements of this list.
;; filter : [X -> Boolean] -> [Listof X]
;; Construct the list of elements in this list that
;; satisfy the predicate.
;; foldr : [X Y -> Y] Y -> Y
;; For elements x_0...x_n, (f x_0 ... (f x_n b)).
;; foldl : [X Y -> Y] Y -> Y
;; For elements x_0...x_n, (f x_n ... (f x_0 b)).

Here’s the usual implementation of a small subset of this interface, first for the recursive union implementation:

(define-class cons%
  (fields first rest)
  (define (cons x)
    (new cons% x this))
  (define (empty)
    (new empty%))
  (define (length)
    (add1 (this . rest . length)))
  (define (foldr c b)
    (c (this . first)
       (this . rest . foldr c b))))
(define-class empty%
  (define (cons x)
    (new cons% x this))
  (define (empty)
  (define (length)
  (define (foldr c b)

And for the wrapper list implementation:

(define-class wlist%
  (fields ls)
  (define (cons x)
    (new wlist% (ls:cons x (this . ls))))
  (define (empty)
    (new wlist% ls:empty))
  (define (length)
    (ls:length (this . ls)))
  (define (foldr c b)
    (ls:foldr c b (this . ls))))

None of these look the same, so how can we abstract? Our abstraction design recipe for using inheritance requires that methods look identical in order to abstract them into a common super class. But, for example, the length method looks like this for wlist%:

(define (length)
  (ls:length (this . ls)))

Like this for empty%:

(define (length)

And like this for cons%:

(define (length)
  (add1 (this . rest . length)))

In fact, all of them—but that’s a topic for another day.

Before we can abstract this method, we must make them all look the same. Fortunately, many list operations can be expressed using just a few simple operations, of which the most important is foldr. Here’s an implementation of length which just uses foldr and simple arithmetic.

(define (length)
  (this . foldr (λ (a b) (add1 b)) 0))

Note that this isn’t specific to any one implementation of lists—in fact, we can use it for any of them. This means that we can now abstract the method, creating a new list% class to share all of our common code:

(define-class list%
  (define (length)
    (this . foldr (λ (a b) (add1 b)) 0))
  ;; other methods here

The only methods that need to be implemented differently for different list versions are empty and cons, because they construct new lists, and foldr, because it’s the fundamental operation we use to build the other operations out of. It’s also helpful to implementat foldl, since it’s fairly complex to factor out.

9.3 Delegation

So far, we’ve seen multiple ways to abstract repeated code. First, in Fundies 1, we saw functional abstraction, where we take parts of functions that differ and make them parameters to the abstracted function. Second, in this class we’ve seen abstraction by using inheritance, where if methods in two related classes are identical, they can be lifted into one method in a common superclass.

However, can we still abstract common code without either of these mechanisms? Yes.

Consider the class/0 language, without helper functions. We can write a binary tree class like this:

#lang class/0
;; A BT is one of:
;; - (new leaf% Number)
;; - (new node% Number BT BT)
;; double : Number -> BT
;; Double this tree and put the number on top.
(define-class leaf%
  (fields number)
  (define (double n)
    (new node% n this this)))
(define-class node%
  (fields number left right)
  (define (double n)
    (new node% n this this)))

Unfortunately, the double method is identical in both the leaf% and node% classes. How can we abstract this without using inheritance or a helper function?

One solution is to create a new class, and delegate the responsibility of doing the doubling to it. Below is an example of this:

(define-class helper%
  ;; Number BT -> BT
  ;; Double the given tree and puts the number on top.
  (define (double-helper number bt)
    (new node% number bt bt)))
(define tutor (new helper%))
(define-class leaf%
  (fields number)
  (define (double n)
    (tutor . double-helper n this)))
(define-class node%
  (fields number left right)
  (define (double n)
    (tutor . double-helper n this)))

The helper% class has just one method, although we could add as many as we wanted. We also need only one instance of helper%, called tutor, although we could create new instances when we needed them as well. Now the body of double-helper contains all of the doubling logic in our program, which might become much larger without needing duplicate code.