On this page:
1 1/  6:   Objects
2 1/  9:   Data definitions and functionality with classes
3 1/  13:   Interfaces
4 1/  16:   Pac  Man
5 1/  20:   No Class
6 1/  23:   Delegation, Parameterized Data Definitions, Pac  Man II
7 1/  27:   Invariants and random testing
8 1/  30:   Review and Inheritance I
9 2/  3:   Universe and protocols and invariants
10 2/  6:   Inheritance and Constructors
11 2/  10:   In-class Exam 1
12 2/  13:   Java I:   Syntax and Semantics
13 2/  17:   Holiday (Presidents Day)
14 2/  20:   Java II:   Types, Constructors and equality
15 2/  24:   Function Objects and Generics
16 2/  27:   Review of Generics, Binary Trees and Visitors
17 3/  3:   Holiday (Spring Break)
18 3/  6:   Holiday (Spring Break)
19 3/  10:   Mutation I
20 3/  13:   Mutation II
21 3/  17:   Array Lists and Loops
22 3/  20:   Equality, Redux
23 3/  24:   In-class Exam 2
24 3/  27:   While loops, Iterators and Iterables
25 3/  31:   Big-O notation
26 4/  3:   Implementing Objects
27 4/  7:   Mixins and Prototypes and Java  Script, Oh My
28 4/  10:   Review


In this section, you’ll find brief notes from each lecture. For more detailed notes, please see the book.

1 1/6: Objects

If you don’t have a CCIS account, you need to get one TODAY.

2 1/9: Data definitions and functionality with classes

Defining simple composite classes, examples of enumerations and unions, making the rocket land and take off; adding a satellite and animating bouncing balls.

3 1/13: Interfaces

An interface is what an object does, not what an object is. Worked throgh Mobile example, as a data definition, and tried to define balanced.

4 1/16: PacMan

Working on methods that require structurally-recursive helper methods (such as Mobile’s width). Began designing a PacMan game: data representations, the beginning of rendering, and the need for accumulator parameters.

5 1/20: No Class


6 1/23: Delegation, Parameterized Data Definitions, PacMan II

Extracting common position-related methods to a posn% class, including clamping a position to the game boundaries (as opposed to wrapping around from one side to the other). Abstracting away from ILoNumber and ILoGhost to [List T], and parameterizing the methods that go along with that data type.

7 1/27: Invariants and random testing

Introduction of invariants as “information about the data beyond what the type tells you”. Using and defining invariants to maintain a sorted list of numbers and a sorted tree of numbers.

8 1/30: Review and Inheritance I

Recap of classes, interfaces, methods and delegation. Introduction of inheritance as another mechanism for code reuse.

9 2/3: Universe and protocols and invariants

Introducing the object-oriented Universe system for communicating between worlds. Introduce client/server programming and the need for message protocols. Understand that protocols require enforcing an invariant to ensure that messages arrive in an expected pattern. Also recognize that the error-checking needed for malformed messages is almost identical to the errors obtained when calling a method incorrectly, and that there is a close parallel between sending a message between worlds and sending a message to an object.

10 2/6: Inheritance and Constructors

11 2/10: In-class Exam 1

12 2/13: Java I: Syntax and Semantics

13 2/17: Holiday (Presidents Day)

There is no lecture on 2/17 since it is Presidents Day.

14 2/20: Java II: Types, Constructors and equality

15 2/24: Function Objects and Generics

Boston Marathon examples of filter and fold-like questions, as a motivation for generic IRunnerPredicate function objects. Then generalizing them to IFun<S ,T>, and implementing map on a general-purpose IList<T>.

16 2/27: Review of Generics, Binary Trees and Visitors

17 3/3: Holiday (Spring Break)

There is no lecture on 3/3 since it is during Spring break.

18 3/6: Holiday (Spring Break)

There is no lecture on 3/6 since it is during Spring break.

19 3/10: Mutation I

20 3/13: Mutation II

Counters, setting the nth item of a list, union-find, more aliasing.

21 3/17: Array Lists and Loops

ArrayList<T> as a built-in example of IMutableList<T>, working with for and for-each loops, and implementing in-place selection sorting of ArrayList<T>s.

22 3/20: Equality, Redux

Finishing in-place selection sorting of ArrayList<T>s; dictionaries, equals and hashCode; exam review

23 3/24: In-class Exam 2

24 3/27: While loops, Iterators and Iterables

We defined while loops, and simplified for loops into equivalent while loops. We also defined the Iterable<T> and Iterator<T> interfaces, that together express the ability to be used with a for-each loop. We defined an Iterator for ArrayLists that used an integer index to keep track of the current item, another Iterator for Deques that kept track of the current Node, and finally an in-order Iterator for binary trees that had to keep track of a whole stack of the nodes remaining to be iterated over.

25 3/31: Big-O notation

Selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort, and the beginnings of heap sort. Examined worst and best case behaviors of algorithms

26 4/3: Implementing Objects

27 4/7: Mixins and Prototypes and JavaScript, Oh My

28 4/10: Review