The Style
In addition to following the design recipe, all code written for this class should adhere to the following basic style guidelines for your programs:
No line should span more than 80 characters. See bottom right of DrRacket. Break lines at those points suggested by HtDP and this web page.
No function should span more than five to eight lines for now. If it does, reconsider your interpretation of the "one task, one function" guideline.
Use names that make sense with respect to the problem.
Start the file with globally useful data definitions and constant definitions. Then arrange to place the most important function near the top of the file and the less important ones near the bottom. NOTE: You don’t have to develop the functions in this order, you just have to arrange the program this way.
Separate distinct sections of your program with dashed lines that are exactly 80 columns wide.
Programs use the parentheses style displayed in HtDP and this web page:
(define (f l)
(cond [(empty? l) 0]
[else (add1 (f (rest l)))]))
(define (f l)
(cond [(empty? 1) 0]
[else (add1 (f (rest l)))]
These dangling parentheses in the second code excerpt are considered extremely bad style. You will lose all style points for using it even once.
Do not embed images in the primary source files of your projects. Doing so defeats the benefits of using revision control software such as svn since it requires the entire file to be encoded in a non-human readable format. Instead, if you need to embed images, create a file image-constants.rkt which embeds all the images you need and gives them names. At the top of this file, write (provide (all-defined-out)). There should be no other code in the file other than the image definitions. Then in the files that need to use the images, add the following to the top: (require "image-constants.rkt"). You should then be able to use any of the names defined in image-constants.rkt.
Place short and informative test cases between the method signature and implementation. (A single test written between the signature and code should not be longer than 3 lines.) Place longer and more complicated test cases at the bottom of your program. The test suite should be organized around which classes and behaviors that are being tested and there should be comments that make it easy to discern the organization of the test suite.
Not observing these very basic guidelines leads to unreadable code and to loss of points.