15 Universe
In this chapter, we’re going to start looking at the design of multiple, concurrently running programs that communicate we each other. We will use the universe system as our library for communicating programs.
15.1 A look at the Universe API
The basic universe concept is that there is a “universe” program that is the adminstrator of a set of world programs. The universe and the world programs can communicate with each other by sending messages, which are represented as S-Expressions.
So far we have focused on the design of single programs; we are now going to start looking at the design of communicating systems of programs.
In addition to these notes, be sure to read the documentation on The World is not Enough. %% TODO: FIX THIS?
15.2 Messages
A message is represented as an S-Expression. Here is there is their data definition:
An S-expression is roughly a nested list of basic data; to be precise an S-expression is one of:
a string,
a symbol,
a number,
a boolean,
a char, or
a list of S-expressions.
The way that a world program sends a message to the universe is by constructing a package:
;; A Package is a (make-package World SExp).
The world component is the new world just like the event handler’s produced for single world programs. The s-expression component is a message that is sent to the universe.
15.3 Simple world
As a simple example, let’s look at a world program that counts up and sends messages to a universe server as it counts. In this simple example there is only one world that communicates with the server, and the server does nothing but receive the count message (it sends no messages back to the world).
Let’s start with the counting world program, which does not communicate with any server, it just counts:
#lang class/0 (require class/universe) (require 2htdp/image) ;; Scene is 300x100 pixels (define WIDTH 300) (define HEIGHT 100) ;; A CounterWorld is a (new cw% Natural) ;; and implements ;; - tick-rate : -> Number ;; Tick rate for counting. ;; - on-tick : -> CounterWorld ;; Increment counter world state. ;; - to-draw : -> Scene ;; View counter world state as a scene. (define-class cw% (fields n) (define (tick-rate) 1) (define (on-tick) (new cw% (add1 (send this n)))) (define (to-draw) (overlay (text (number->string (send this n)) 40 "red") (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT)))) ;; Run, program, run! (big-bang (new cw% 0))
When you run this program, you see the world counting up from zero.
15.4 Simple world, broadcasting to server
Now let’s modify our program so that it does some simple communication with a server. As an initial design, we’ll make a program that simply notifies a server as it counts. In other words, our program will only engage in one-way communication by broadcasting data to the server.
So what exactly do we want to broadcast? If we want to communicate
the current state of the world, we may be tempted to try to
communicate the current CounterWorld value; but remember that
the current world state is an object, which isn’t included in
the data definition of messages. Moreover, the current state includes
not only data, but functionality: functionality for handling tick
events, viewing the current count as an image, etc.—
We can now revise the on-tick method to not only produce the new state of the world, but additionally a message to be sent to the server:
(define (on-tick) (make-package (new cw% (add1 (send this n))) (add1 (send this n))))
Thinking about the message protocol for this simple scenario, the client and server communications will look like this:
Client Server |
-------------------------- --------- |
Event State Message |
Bang (new cw% 0) =========> |
Tick (new cw% 1) 1 ---------> |
Tick (new cw% 2) 2 ---------> |
Tick (new cw% 3) 3 ---------> |
... ... ... ... |
Here, the ==> arrow indicates the world registering with the server. This is the one time communication that establishes a dialogue (really, in this case, a monologue) between the client and server. After registering with the server, the client will send its current count, indicated wtih –> arrows, as it ticks along.
In this table we show the state of the client and the events that
occur. With each event, which potentially changes the state, we show
what message is sent to the server. At this point the server is
Now to register this program with a universe server, we need to implement a register method that produces a string that is the IP address of the server. (Since we’re going to run the universe and world on the same computer, we will use LOCALHOST which is bound to the address of our computer.)
;; register : -> String ;; IP address of server (define (register) LOCALHOST)
Now when you run this program you will see the world program try to
connect to the universe, but since we have not written—
Our complete client is:
#lang class/0 (require class/universe) (require 2htdp/image) ;; Scene is 300x100 pixels (define WIDTH 300) (define HEIGHT 100) ;; A CounterWorld is a (new cw% Natural) ;; and implements ;; - register : -> String ;; IP address of server ;; - tick-rate : -> Number ;; Tick rate for counting. ;; - on-tick : -> (make-package CounterWorld Number) ;; Increment counter world state, broadcast to server. ;; - to-draw : -> Scene ;; View counter world state as a scene. (define-class cw% (fields n) (define (register) LOCALHOST) (define (tick-rate) 1) (define (on-tick) (make-package (new cw% (add1 (send this n))) (add1 (send this n)))) (define (to-draw) (overlay (text (number->string (send this n)) 40 "red") (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT)))) ;; Run, program, run! (big-bang (new cw% 0))
15.5 Simple universe, receiving broadcasts
Now let’s write a simple server that receives the message from the counter world client. We could write the server in the same file as the client, but since these are really two separate programs that talk to each other, let’s emphasize that by writing the server in its own tab.
a new world starts communicating with the server,
a world sends a message.
When these events occur, the server reacts by calling the appropriate method, in this case on-new and on-msg.
We’ll be working with the OO-style universe, but you should read the documentation for 2htdp/universe and translate over the concepts to our setting as you’ve done for big-bang.
As it turns out, if you leave these methods off, the universe library will do something sensible, namely nothing. So for our simple counter program, the following works:
#lang class/0 (require class/universe) (define-class cu%) ;; Run, server, run! (universe (new cu%))
This is equivalent to doing the following:
#lang class/0 (require class/universe) (define-class cu% ;; IWorld -> Bundle (define (on-new iw) this) ;; IWorld S-Expr -> Bundle (define (on-msg iw m) this))
When a world registers, the on-new method is called with an IWorld value. An IWorld value opaquely represents a world, that is you do not have the ability to examine the contents of the value, but you can compare it for equality with other IWorld values using iworld=?.
When a world sends message, the on-msg method is called with the IWorld representing the world that sent the message and the S-Exp message that was sent.
In both cases, the method must either produce a universe or a bundle:
;; A Bundle is a (make-bundle Universe [Listof Mail] [Listof IWorld]). ;; A Mail is a (make-mail IWorld S-Exp).
A bundle signals communication to some set of worlds. Within a bundle, the universe component is the new state of the universe; the list of mail is a list of messages that will be sent back to the worlds (more on this in a moment), and the list of worlds are worlds that the server has chosen to disconnect from.
For the purposes of our example, the universe maintains no state (the class has no data). When a new world registers, we do nothing, and when a world sends a message, we also do nothing, send nothing in response, and disconnect no worlds.
Running this program launches the universe server, making it ready to receive registrations from worlds. After starting the universe server, if we switch back to the world program tab and run it, we’ll see that it successfully registers with the universe and the universe console reports that the world signed up with it.
If we examine the server side of the diagram considered above, we see:
Client Server |
-------- ----------------------- |
Message Event State |
Bang (new cu%) |
=========> Join (new cu%) |
---------> 1 OnMsg (new cu%) |
---------> 2 OnMsg (new cu%) |
---------> 3 OnMsg (new cu%) |
... ... ... |
From the perspective of the server, the client is opaque—
The server, as written, will actually work if more than one client connect to the server. To try it out, just run two clients at the same time. When multiple clients connect, we may see interaction like this:
A B Server |
----- ----- ----------------------- |
Message Event State |
Bang (new cu%) |
=========> Join (new cu%) |
---------> 1 OnMsg (new cu%) |
---------> 2 OnMsg (new cu%) |
================> Join (new cu%) |
----------------> 1 OnMsg (new cu%) |
----------------> 2 OnMsg (new cu%) |
---------> 3 OnMsg (new cu%) |
----------------> 3 OnMsg (new cu%) |
... ... ... |
If we would like to rule out this kind of interaction and have the server listen only to one client, that’s easy to do. The idea is that we can develop a server that accepts no new clients. Such a server would have the following on-new method:
(define (on-new iw) (make-bundle this empty (list iw)))
Now we can have the server start in the accepting universe state that will allow a client to join, but as soon as one does, it transitions to the unaccepting state that rejects all new clients:
#lang class/0 (require class/universe) ;; A Server is one of: ;; - (new accept%) ;; - (new reject%) (define-class accept% (define (on-new iw) (new reject%))) (define-class reject% (define (on-new iw) (make-bundle this empty (list iw)))) ;; Run, server, run! (universe (new accept%))
The interaction described above would now look like:
A B Server |
----- ----- ----------------------- |
Message Event State |
Bang (new accept%) |
=========> Join (new reject%) |
---------> 1 OnMsg (new reject%) |
---------> 2 OnMsg (new reject%) |
================> Join (new reject%) |
<================ Disconn (new reject%) |
---------> 3 OnMsg (new reject%) |
... ... ... |
We can imagine more sophisticated scenerios such as one where we want to enable peer-to-peer communication. As a simple example, let’s build a system where one client can broadcast messages to another. This server will have to involve some data since it needs to remember who to broadcast mail to when it receives a message. The initial state of the server is waiting for the broadcaster to join, after which it waits for the broadcastee. Once both parties have joined, every time the broadcaster sends a message, the server relays it to the broadcastee:
#lang class/0 (require class/universe) ;; A Server is one of: ;; - (new wait-caster%) ;; - (new wait-castee%) ;; - (new relay% IWorld) (define-class wait-caster% (define (on-new iw) (new wait-castee%))) (define-class wait-castee% (define (on-new iw) (new relay% iw))) (define-class relay% (fields castee) (define (on-new iw) (make-bundle this empty (list iw))) (define (on-msg iw msg) (make-bundle this (make-mail (send this castee) msg) empty))) ;; Run, server, run! (universe (new wait-caster%))
Notice how the relay% class contains an IWorld that it broadcasts to when it receives a message. It also rejects any new clients that try to connect.
An example interaction for this serve is:
A B Server |
----- ----- ----------------------- |
Message Event State |
Bang (new wait-caster%) |
=========> Join (new wait-castee%) |
---------> 1 OnMsg (new wait-castee%) |
---------> 2 OnMsg (new wait-castee%) |
================> Join (new relay% A) |
---------> 3 OnMsg (new relay% A) |
<---------------- 3 |
---------> 4 OnMsg (new relay% A) |
<---------------- 4 |
... ... ... |
Notice how in this example, B, the broadcaster, starts sending messages before another client has joined. Those messages are simply ignored. After a second client joins and the server goes into the relay state, subsequent messages will be sent to A, the broadcastee.
15.6 Simple world, receiving messages from the server
This should be re-written to use the state pattern.
In the example considered so far, the server sends messages to a client, but that requires the client is willing to receive such messages. Let’s look at how to adapt our simple broadcasting client to one that listens for message from the universe server.
This client is in one of two states: it either hasn’t received a message yet, so it doesn’t know what the current “count” is yet, or it has received at least one message and so it knows the most recent count, relayed from the counting to world to the server to this client. The listener client doesn’t need to generate any of its own events so we drop the on-tick handler and instead add a on-receive method that handles incoming messages from the server.
#lang class/0 (require class/universe) (require 2htdp/image) ;; Scene is 300x100 pixels (define WIDTH 300) (define HEIGHT 100) ;; A ListenerWorld is one of: ;; - (new wait-first%) Interp: waiting for first msg. ;; - (new wait-next% Number) Interp: waiting for next msg. ;; and implements ;; - to-draw : -> Scene ;; View counter world state as a scene. ;; - on-receive : Number -> ListenerWorld ;; Receive new counter state from the universe. (define-class wait-first% (define (register) LOCALHOST) (define (on-receive msg) (new wait-next% msg)) (define (to-draw) (overlay (text "Waiting" 40 "red") (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT)))) (define-class wait-next% (fields n) (define (on-receive msg) (new wait-next% msg)) (define (to-draw) (overlay (text (number->string (send this n)) 40 "red") (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT)))) ;; Run, program, run! (big-bang (new wait-first%))
We can now run the clients and server and observe the communication, but to do so, you have to be careful about the order in which you start things. Our server assumes the first client to connect is the broadcaster. This is really a flaw in our design, and we can look at eliminating it, but as a work around just be sure to first start the server, then the counter world, and then the listener world.
15.7 Rules of engagement: protocols and enforcement
There are a couple subtle points worth noting about the server and the possible interactions it allows.
First, if the broadcaster and broadcastee don’t join in that order, nothing works as intended. While it may be reasonable to think we can control the order for simple experiments, when our programs are released into the wild and we have no control over when and where the clients run, this isn’t a reasonable assumption to make. We should refine our program to allow the clients to join in any order.
If the clients can join in any order, a client must identify their role by sending a message after joining. But now the protocol, even for this simple scenario, becomes fairly complicated. You can imagine a client joins but waits a long time to identify their role. Another client may join in the interim and immediately identify their role. What if two clients want to broadcast? What if two clients want to listen?
Second, if the broadcastee ever decides to send a message, rather than just passively listening to what’s sent its way, we will treat this message as though it came from the broadcaster (and thus send it back to the broadcastee). That is, the following scenario is possible:
A B Server |
----- ----- ----------------------- |
Message Event State |
Bang (new wait-caster%) |
=========> Join (new wait-castee%) |
================> Join (new relay% A) |
---------> 1 Msg (new relay% A) |
<---------------- 1 |
---------> 2 Msg (new relay% A) |
<---------------- 2 |
----------------> 7 Msg (new relay% A) |
<---------------- 7 |
... ... ... |
This brings up the interesting issue of protocols, that is, what are the proper rules of conduct for the clients’ and server’s interaction. First and foremost, it’s important to establish and document the rules of interaction. After doing so, we may want to enforce protocols, either on the client or server side, or both.
Let’s try to develop broadcast and listener clients and a server that address these two issues. In this design, the clients’ changes are relatively straightforward. They start by sending an initial message identifying their role, either 'broadcast or 'listen.
The server is more involved. Here we model connections with worlds as either being an unknown connection, a broadcast connection, or a broadcastee connection. The server starts in a state with no connections. When a world joins, it transitions to a single, unknown connection state. When a second world joins, it transitions to a two-connection state. Any time after a connection has been made the server accepts role messages and sends them to the connections. If the connection is in an unknown state and the role came from that connections’ underlying world, the connection is assigned the requested role. The only issue remaining with this server is handling the case of two clients want to both broadcast or both listen, which we just ignore for now.
#lang class/0 ;; A Server is ;; - (new wait%) ;; - (new one% Conn) ;; - (new two% Conn Conn) (define-class wait% (define (on-new iw) (new one% (new unknown% iw)))) (define-class one% (fields conn) (define (on-new iw) (new two% (send this conn) (new unknown% iw))) (define (on-msg iw msg) (cond [(role? msg) (new one% (send (send this conn) ident msg))] [else this]))) (define-class two% (fields conn1 conn2) (define (on-msg iw msg) (cond [(role? msg) (new two% (send (send this conn1) ident msg) (send (send this conn2) ident msg))] [else (make-bundle this (append (send (send this conn1) mail msg) (send (send this conn2) mail msg)) empty)]))) ;; A Conn is one of: ;; - (new unknown% IWorld) ;; - (new caster% IWorld) ;; - (new castee% IWorld) ;; implements ;; - mail : Msg -> [Maybe Mail] ;; Maybe send mail to this connection. ;; - ident : IWorld Role -> Conn ;; Assign given role for this connection. ;; A [Maybe X] is one of: ;; - empty ;; - (list X) ;; An Role is one of 'broadcast or 'listen (define (role? x) (or (eq? 'broadcast) (eq? 'listen))) (define-class unknown% (fields iw) (define (mail msg) empty) (define (ident iw role) (cond [(iworld=? (send this iw) iw) (cond [(eq? role 'broadcast) (new caster% (send this iw))] [else (new castee% (send this iw))])] [else this]))) (define-class caster% (fields iw) (define (mail msg) empty) (define (ident iw role) this)) (define-class castee% (fields iw) (define (mail msg) (list (make-mail (send this iw) msg))) (define (ident iw role) this))
Now that we’ve seen the basics of communicating programs, let’s build something a little more substantial.
15.8 Exercises
15.8.1 Tron
For this assignment, you will design and develop the Tron Lightcycle game. The basic idea of this game, if you haven’t seen the movie, is that two players move around the screen, leaving a trail of where each of the players has been. If a player runs into the trail that they or the other player has left behind, or into a wall, they lose. If the two players simultaneously hit each other, or both hit a wall or trail at the same time, the game is a tie.
Here’s a flash game where you can play the game yourself online.
Distributed Tron
The first version of Tron you will develop is a distributed one, using the class/universe library. You will need to design two separate parts of the program:
The server: this will accept connections from two clients, communicate with the clients via messages indicating the directions the clients want to move, and then send back updated information about the positions of both players and the trails on the board.
The client: you should only need to implement one client, but you will run two of them, one for each player. The client will draw the world to the screen, recieve messages from the server and update the world state in response, allow the user to input their desired direction (probably via the arrow keys) and communicate this direction to the server.
Once you’ve implemented both the server and client, you’ll be able to play against your friends and classmates over the network.
Computer Tron
In this part of the assignment, you’ll implement a new kind of client—
a computer player. This player will, like the regular client, display the world as well as send and recieve messages to and from the server. However, it won’t take input from the user; instead it will make decisions itself based on the state of the board. There is no requirement for any particular behavior for your computer player—
you can have it behave randomly, behave dumbly, or be the world’s best tron player. We won’t grade your assignment based on its playing choices, but we encourage you to go wild with your choices of how the computer player behaves.