(require class/universe) | package: base |
(big-bang obj) → World
obj : World
An object-oriented version of big-bang.
The given world object should provide some of the methods descibed below. For any methods that are not provided, DrRacket will use a default behavior. The world must at least provide a to-draw method.
Here is an example world program that counts up from zero:
#lang class/0 (require class/universe) (require 2htdp/image) (define-class counter-world% (fields n) (define (on-tick) (new counter-world% (add1 (send this n)))) (define (tick-rate) 1) (define (to-draw) (overlay (text (number->string (send this n)) 40 "red") (empty-scene 300 100)))) (big-bang (new counter-world% 0))
Produces the name of the world.
Tick this world, producing a world.
key : key-event?
Handle the keystroke key, producing a world.
(send a-world on-release key)
key : key-event?
Handle the key release key, producing a world.
x : integer?
y : integer?
m : mouse-event?
Handle the mouse event m at location (x,y),
producing a world.
Draw this world, producing an image.
Produce the rate at which the clock should tick for this world.
If this method produces true, the world program is shut down.
(send a-world check-with)
If this method produces true, the world is considered a
valid world; otherwise the world program signals an error.
If this method produces true for the initial world,
DrRacket enables a visual replay of the interaction.
If this method produces true for the initial world,
DrRacket displays a seperate window in which the current state is
(universe obj) → Universe
obj : Universe
An object-oriented version of universe.
The given universe object should provide some of the methods descibed below. For any methods that are not provided, DrRacket will use a default behavior. The universe must at least provide a on-new and on-msg method.
Signal that the given new world has joined the universe, producing a bundle.
Signal that the given world has sent the given message to the
universe, producing a bundle.
Tick this universe, producing a bundle.
Produce the rate at which the clock should tick for this universe.
(send a-universe on-disconnect iw)
iw : iworld?
Signal that the given world has left the universe, producing a bundle.
(send a-universe check-with)
If this method produces true, the universe is considered a
valid universe; otherwise the universe program signals an error.
Produce a string representation of the universe.
If this method produces true for the initial universe,
DrRacket displays a seperate window in which the current state is