Lecture 31: Visualization for Concurrency
1 Purpose
Go over solution to HW11A, and show GUI for concurrency library that will help with HW12A.
2 Outline
In class we went over HW11A, lessons from it and how to use techniques from this class to make it easier. In particular, we talked about spending time thinking about how to test, not just giving up when it seems hard. For example, the following helper function could make writing pretty ordinary unit tests for most of the assignment quite straightforward:
(define (with-memory M thnk) (begin (define cur MEMORY) (set! MEMORY M) (define res (thnk)) (set! MEMORY cur) res))
Then, we showed start-gui, which is a graphical version of start/start-debug from our concurrency library. We used it with examples from Lecture 26: Concurrency,Lecture 27: Concurrency II,Lecture 28: Concurrency Lab, and Homework 10B, as well as talked some about Homework 12A.