On this page:
1 Purpose
2 Outline

Lecture 30: More Performance

1 Purpose

Explain how to get more detailed performance information

2 Outline

Last time, we learned how to measure the performance of code. This is a helpful start, but it doesn’t necessarily tell you how to make the code faster, if you have decided it needs to be faster!

Often, you can look at a given function and figure out a way to make it faster. But why should you spend time making one function faster (and more complicated, harder to read, etc) rather than another?

To figure out where the time is spent, we can’t just measure the whole program, we instead want to know relative time: what functions occupy how much time. Then we can focus our time on the actual places that will make the code faster, rather than spending time on parts that don’t matter.

Consider the following program:

(define (prime? n)
  (andmap identity
          (build-list n (lambda (i)
                          (if (< i 2)
                              (not (zero? (remainder n i))))))))
(define (count-occurrences lon x)
  (length (filter (lambda (y) (= y x)) lon)))
(define (is-bigger-than-100? n)
  (> n 100))
(define (pipeline lon)
  (apply +
         (map (lambda (x)
         (if (prime? x)
       (filter is-bigger-than-100?
               (map (lambda (x) (count-occurrences lon x)) lon)))))

We can time this as a whole, and figure out its pretty slow, testing on a list with 1000 and 10000 elements.

(require lsl/performance)
(visualize (build-list 2 (lambda (n) (build-list (expt 10 (+ n 3))
                                                 (lambda (_) (random 1000)))))


Now, the program includes two things that might be slow: a really naive primality test (divide by every number up to the number in question), and a count of occurrences over the whole list (making a computation O(n^2)). Which do you think takes more time? How much more?

We can speculate on this, and with practice, at least on simple cases like this, we might be able to get the answer correct, but on large systems with thousands of methods, any number of which might be initially written naively (as is often a good idea, if the code is easier to read), eyeballing it won’t work.

Instead, we can run a profiler. What a profiler does is sample periodically: there is a separate process running concurrently to the program, and every few milliseconds, it records the current "call stack": the call stack is the current function that is executing and the function it returns to, and the function that returns to, etc. If the program runs long enough, these samples can then be used to provide an idea of how much time is spent in which functions: if they show up in the sample a lot, then a lot of the time the program must have been there.

Reading the output of profilers can be difficult, since they give percentages spent in functions, but the percentages don’t add to 100%, since a function is counted when it is anywhere on the call stack. It’s actually much easier to understand this using a visualization called a Flame Graph, created by a Netflix performance engineer Brendan Gregg. Flame Graphs are a language independent idea, but we’ll use a Racket library profile-flame-graph that profiles Racket code and, provided you have Brendan’s library is your PATH, will generate an SVG and open it in your browser automatically.

(require profile-flame-graph)
(define LON (build-list 100000 (lambda (_) (random 1000))))
(profile (pipeline LON)
         #:svg-path "l30-1.svg"
         #:preview? #t)

You can see the output of the FlameGraph tool, which is an interactive SVG, here:


This clearly shows that the primality test is essentially irrelevant. Since the filter removes so many of the values, even if an individual call to prime? is as slow (or slower!) than a call to count-occurrences, there is no point in optimizing prime? if the goal is to make the program faster.

Instead, we should figure out a faster way to count occurrences. Since the order doesn’t actually matter, one way of doing that would be to first sort the numbers, and then count the adjacent numbers up, replicating the eventual count the appropriate number of times.

(define (count-occurrences-linear n lon)
  (cond [(empty? lon) empty]
        [(and (cons? lon)
              (empty? (rest lon)))
         (build-list n (lambda (_) n))]
        [(= (first lon)
            (second lon))
         (count-occurrences-linear (add1 n)
                                   (rest lon))]
         (append (build-list n (lambda (_) n))
                 (count-occurrences-linear 1 (rest lon)))]))
(define (pipeline2 lon)
  (apply +
         (map (lambda (x)
                (if (prime? x)
              (filter is-bigger-than-100?
               (count-occurrences-linear 1 (sort lon <))))))

Now, clearly, we should check if this kind of refactoring produced equivalent code. This is an obvious use for both property-based and unit testing. Since we are in Racket here, we don’t have LSL’s normal facilities, and I don’t want to bring in a separate library, but we can easily apply ideas from PBT to run a one-off test that

(define (pipeline-equiv-prop lon)
  (equal? (pipeline lon)
          (pipeline2 lon)))
(andmap pipeline-equiv-prop
        (build-list 10
                    (lambda (_)
                      (build-list 10000
                                  (lambda (_)
                                    (random 50))))))


What this is doing is generating random lists of 10000 elements, all of them numbers under 50. It then calls our two pipeline functions and makes sure they always agree. We could obviously run more tests!

But now, let’s re-run our original timing test on both pipeline and pipeline2: since the inputs are random, it’s important that we run this in a single call to visualize, so we aren’t getting "lucky" or "unlucky" in one of the runs: the two functions are operating on the same input.

(visualize (build-list 2 (lambda (n) (build-list (expt 10 (+ n 3))
                                                 (lambda (_) (random 1000)))))
           pipeline pipeline2)


The difference is dramatic. Since we chose the right thing to optimize, we made a huge difference in the overall performance.

With this modified program, we can run our profiler again. It might be that now, the prime? test has a more significant impact.


And we can see that it does! Almost half the time is now spent in the prime? test. So if we could make that faster, we would be able to make our overall program faster. But its only worth it now to consider doing that, once we fixed the overwhelming performance problem. And it might be that we end up deciding the program is plenty fast enough!

Now, what would have happened if we instead decided to optimize prime? Just looking at the code, we could see that it was a naive algorithm. For the particular application we have: testing prime numbers under a certain bound, this is a good application for pre-computing all the primes and then just checking membership. An efficient algorithm for this is known as the Sieve of Eratosthenes – essentially, you take a list of all numbers 2...n, and then remove all multiples of 2, then all multiples of 3, then all multiples of 5, etc. This can be expressed very concisely as the following generative recursive program, where we then define a constant for a sieve of the primes under 100000.

(define (prime-sieve l)
(if (empty? l)
    (cons (first l)
           (filter (lambda (m) (not (= (remainder m (first l)) 0)))
                   (rest l))))))
(define PRIME-SIEVE (prime-sieve (rest (rest (build-list 100000 identity)))))

This will be enough for our application (much more than we likely will need, actually).

We can then use the sieve to define a fast primality test as:

(define (prime?-fast n)
  (cons? (member n PRIME-SIEVE)))

(Note that in Racket, member returns the tail of the list if it finds a match and #f otherwise, and there is no member?, so to turn it into a boolean predicate we just check whether we got a cons)

As before, we want to make sure our function is equivalent. Obviously, prime? works on arbitrary sized input, but we are only using it on numbers under 100,000.

(define (prime?-equiv-prop n)
  (equal? (prime? n)
          (prime?-fast n)))
(andmap prime?-equiv-prop
        (build-list 10
                    (lambda (_)
                      (random 100000))))


Now that we have that faster definition, we can try implementing pipeline3, which uses prime?-fast instead of prime?. Remember, this is instead of pipeline2, so we are still using the slow count-occurrences, as we said this is what would have happened if we didn’t profile and just guessed that prime? was the problem.

(define (pipeline3 lon)
  (apply +
         (map (lambda (x)
                (if (prime?-fast x)
              (filter is-bigger-than-100?
                      (map (lambda (x) (count-occurrences lon x)) lon)))))

We should check, as before, that we didn’t change the meaning. Obviously, since we did this check for prime?, we hope this would pass, but we did make assumptions about the size of inputs in that test, so its good to do this one as well:

(define (pipeline3-equiv-prop lon)
  (equal? (pipeline lon)
          (pipeline3 lon)))
(andmap pipeline3-equiv-prop
        (build-list 10
                    (lambda (_)
                      (build-list 10000
                                  (lambda (_)
                                    (random 50))))))


And finally, we can do our performance test:

(visualize (build-list 2 (lambda (n) (build-list (expt 10 (+ n 3))
                                                 (lambda (_) (random 1000)))))


Now, this shows that, as expected, it made very little difference.

However, if we first did the optimization of pipeline2, and then did this as a second one, we can construct a pipeline4 that includes both:

(define (pipeline4 lon)
  (apply +
         (map (lambda (x)
                (if (prime?-fast x)
              (filter is-bigger-than-100?
               (count-occurrences-linear 1 (sort lon <))))))

Again, we should check that this change didn’t change the meaning. This time, we’ll use as our reference pipeline2:

(define (pipeline4-equiv-prop lon)
  (equal? (pipeline2 lon)
          (pipeline4 lon)))
(andmap pipeline4-equiv-prop
        (build-list 10
                    (lambda (_)
                      (build-list 10000
                                  (lambda (_)
                                    (random 50))))))


Now we can performance test pipeline4 against pipeline2. Since both should be quite fast, we bump the input to test on one order of magnitude larger as well, to make sure we are getting a good test:

(visualize (build-list 3 (lambda (n) (build-list (expt 10 (+ n 3))
                                                 (lambda (_) (random 1000)))))


Now, we get a somewhat surprising result. pipeline4 is much slower than pipeline2! Our "naive" primality test is much faster. Since the only difference is prime? vs prime?-fast (poorly named!), we can investigate that directly. And if we think about what happens with a non-prime number, we realize member will look through the whole list: it doesn’t understand that the list is ordered, and that it doesn’t have to look once it finds a number that is bigger than what it is searching for.

We can fix this by updating prime?-fast:

(define (prime?-faster n)
  (local ((define (sieve-member s)
            (cond [(empty? s) #f]
                  [(= n (first s)) #t]
                  [(> (first s) n) #f]
                  [else (sieve-member (rest s))])))
    (sieve-member PRIME-SIEVE)))
(define (prime?-fast-equiv-prop n)
  (equal? (prime?-fast n)
          (prime?-faster n)))
(andmap prime?-fast-equiv-prop
        (build-list 10
                    (lambda (_)
                      (random 100000))))


And we can make an updated pipeline5 using this:

(define (pipeline5 lon)
  (apply +
         (map (lambda (x)
                (if (prime?-faster x)
              (filter is-bigger-than-100?
               (count-occurrences-linear 1 (sort lon <))))))
(define (pipeline5-equiv-prop lon)
  (equal? (pipeline5 lon)
          (pipeline4 lon)))
(andmap pipeline5-equiv-prop
        (build-list 10
                    (lambda (_)
                      (build-list 10000
                                  (lambda (_)
                                    (random 50))))))


And finally, we can re-benchmark that against pipeline2:

(visualize (build-list 3 (lambda (n) (build-list (expt 10 (+ n 3))
                                                 (lambda (_) (random 1000)))))


Which is essentially as expected. Our profiling information suggested that, once we improved the speed of count-occurrences, roughly half the time was spent in prime?, so if we could dramatically speed that up, we could maybe see a significant difference, which we do. On even bigger inputs, the difference might be even more significant.