CS5350: Assignments

The course policies page outlines academic honesty as applied to this course, including our policies for working with other students on homework assignments. It also gives the rules for on-time homework submission.

Turning In Assignments

Unless otherwise specified, follow these instructions to turn in each homework assignment.

  1. Make a directory D named “e_name_HWn” whereFor example, if the instructor were to hand in HW1, D would be “m_vona_HW1”. Put all files and subdirectories related to your assignment below D.
  2. Make a plain-text (ASCII) file D/README.txt, with the following contents:
  3. Using either a pkzip-compatible (e.g. zip on *nix) archiver or tar | gz, make a single-file archive of the directory tree under D, including D itself. The file should be named either D.zip or D.tar.gz, accordingly.
  4. In a separate temporary directory, test uncompressing your submission. Verify that the top-level directory D is contained in your archive. If the assignment included writing code, ensure that your instructions for both compilation and execution will work for the course staff when we grade your assignment. If you have any question about whether the tools (compiler etc) or libraries you used will be available to us, you must have resolved that question prior to handing in your work.
  5. Email your archive to the course instructor at the email address listed on the course homepage. Be aware that large attachments (greater than 25MB) will not go through.