On this page:
8.1 Problem 1
8.2 Problem 2
8.3 Problem 3
8.4 Problem 4

8 Homework 9🔗

This assignment is due Thursday, 3/13 by MIDNIGHT

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8.1 Problem 1🔗

In this problem, we have two implementations of a "counter": make-counter-1 and make-counter-2. Each is a zero argument function that, when called, produces a single argument function. The function that is produced, the counter, takes a number as input and adds that to a running current sum. Each time the counter is called, it returns the current value of the sum. These could be used to keep track of a count within a larger software system.

 (define-mutable-struct counter (val)) 
 (define-contract (Counter X) (Struct counter [X])) 
 (: make-counter-1 (-> (-> Natural Natural))) 
 (define make-counter-1 
   (let ([c (make-counter 0)]) 
     (lambda () 
       (lambda (inc) 
           (set-counter-val! c (+ inc (counter-val c))) 
           (counter-val c)))))) 
 (: make-counter-2 (-> (-> Natural Natural))) 
 (define make-counter-2 
   (lambda () 
     (let ([c (make-counter 0)]) 
       (lambda (inc) 
           (set-counter-val! c (+ inc (counter-val c))) 
           (counter-val c))))))

For example:

(define counter (make-counter-2))
(counter 1) ; outputs 1
(counter 5) ; outputs 6
(counter 2) ; outputs 8

They are not, however, identical. Your task is to write a function, counter-distinguish, which should produce different results when called with make-counter-1 as an argument vs. when called with make-counter-2 as an argument. Note, you pass the function to create the counter (i.e., make-counter-1, make-counter-2), not a counter itself (i.e., counter in the example above). You do not need to worry about your function working when invoked with any other arguments.

 (: counter-distinguish (-> (-> (-> Natural Natural)) Natural))

If your function works, the following test should pass:

(check-expect (not (equal? (counter-distinguish make-counter-1)
                           (counter-distinguish make-counter-2)))

Note: your code should not call either make-counter-n function within its body. It will be passed one of them as an argument, but will have no way of knowing which one.

8.2 Problem 2🔗

Sometimes batching operations can speed things up. In this case, we simulate this by creating a function, fast-incr, that increments two counter structs (defined for Problem 1) at once, and then returns the sum of their new count.

 (: fast-incr (-> (Counter Natural) (Counter Natural) Natural)) 
 (define (fast-incr c1 c2) 
   (begin (set-counter-val! c1 (+ (counter-val c1) 1)) 
          (set-counter-val! c2 (+ (counter-val c2) 1)) 
          (+ (counter-val c1) (counter-val c2))))

We would expect the following property to hold; i.e., that after incrementing them both, the new sum would be two higher than previously.

 (: fast-incr-prop (-> (Counter Natural) (Counter Natural) True)) 
 (define (fast-incr-prop c1 c2) 
   (equal? (+ (counter-val c1) (counter-val c2) 2) 
           (fast-incr c1 c2)))

This turns out not always to be the case. Define a function, fast-incr-exercise, that calls fast-incr with inputs that cause it to violate this property. Your function should create the appropriate inputs to fast-incr; it can return the output of fast-incr, or any other Natural.

 (: fast-incr-exercise (-> Natural)) 
 (define (fast-incr-exercise) ...)

Note: your function should not call, or use in any way, fast-incr-prop: that code is just provided as a reference for what should hold of how you are invoking fast-incr. The call to fast-incr should be internal to fast-incr-exercise. You can, however, use fast-incr-prop to help figure out what to do: call it with different arguments until you find something that causes it to fail. Those are the arguments you should pass to fast-incr within your fast-incr-exercise.

8.3 Problem 3🔗

In this problem, we give the same code as fast-incr, but call it fast-incr-fixed. Why? Because we want you to give it a signature (using Function) that ensures that inputs that cause it to violate fast-incr-prop will not be allowed by the signature. i.e., if you run the code from your fast-incr-exercise (changing fast-incr to fast-incr-fixed), you would get a contract violation. Hint: do not require the inputs to pass fast-incr-prop, but instead require the inputs to avoid the underlying problem that causes fast-incr-prop to fail.

 (: fast-incr-fixed ...) 
 (define (fast-incr-fixed c1 c2) 
   (begin (set-counter-val! c1 (+ (counter-val c1) 1)) 
          (set-counter-val! c2 (+ (counter-val c2) 1)) 
          (+ (counter-val c1) (counter-val c2))))

8.4 Problem 4🔗

Consider the following redefining of lists:

 (define-mutable-struct mcons (first rest)) 
 (define-contract (Mcons X Y) (Struct mcons [X Y])) 
 (define-contract MList (OneOf empty? (Mcons Integer MList)))

This has the exact same shape as a normal list, so we can define a length function as follows:

 (: mlength (-> MList Natural)) 
 (define (mlength ml) 
   (cond [(empty? ml) 0] 
         [(mcons? ml) (add1 (mlength (mcons-rest ml)))]))

However, there is a problem. There are some inputs for which mlength, despite following structural recursion, will run forever. Think about how that could be, and then define a custom predicate good-mlist that, if given a bad list, will raise the following exception:

 (define-struct invalid-mlist ())

Any mlist that is passed to good-mlist that does not cause an exception to be raised should be able to be passed to mlength without causing the program to run forever.

Important: the signature to good-mlist should be (-> Any Boolean); do not change it to (-> MList Boolean), as the contract check for MList will run forever on the same bad inputs as cause mlength to run forever!

Now, change the input in the signature of mlength to be good-mlist instead of MList – this will prevent check-contract from working (since good-mlist is just a predicate, so putting it in a contract position is equivalent to an Immediate contract without a generate clause), but regular check-expect or check-raises unit tests will work fine.

Note: do not change the implementation of mlength, only the signature.

Note: in addition to mlength running forever, the contract MList will also run forever on the same inputs, as it checks the entire list. Be sure you have only good-mlist as the input in the signature, rather than (AllOf MList good-mlist).