2 Homework 3
This assignment is due Thursday, 1/23 by MIDNIGHT
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2.1 Problem 1
The greatest common divisor (GCD) of two natural numbers is the largest natural that divides both evenly. Design a function called common-divisors that takes two naturals and returns a sorted list of all their common divisors. Using common-divisors, write a function called gcd-ref that returns the GCD of two numbers. (Note (gcd-ref 0 0) is 0).
There is a clever algorithm, due to Euclid, that calculates GCD. Look up the definition of Euclid’s algorithm online and design a function gcd that calculates GCD using it. As before, follow the design recipe, including writing a formal specification gcd-prop that takes two naturals and ensures that gcd indeed returns the greatest common divisor according to the reference implementation gcd-ref.
NOTE: the autograder will only be checking gcd (i.e., the efficient algorithm) and gcd-prop; the suggestion to implement gcd-ref is in order to help writing gcd-prop, but if you want to organize it in another way, you are welcome to.
2.2 Problem 2
In a list of numbers (or any other elements), a majority element is one that appears more than half the time. In this problem, we want you to design find-majority that takes a list of natural numbers and produces the majority element, if one exists, or -1, if no such element exists. As before, write down the signature, informal purpose, and formal purpose in the form of a function find-majority-prop that takes the input list and ensures that, when find-majority is called, the output is indeed the majority if it returns something other than -1 (note that find-majority-prop does not need to check that there is no majority if -1 is returned: this is a simplification for the sake of the problem).
Next, implement find-majority. We’d suggest looking up the Boyer-Moore majority voting algorithm for a simple way to do it with two accumulator arguments (a counter and candidate element).
2.3 Problem 3
Design a function exclusive-range? that takes three integers, lo, hi, and n, and returns #t if n is between lo and hi, and #f if it is either equal to them or outside the range.
Use check-contract to ensure that your function satisfies the contract you gave it.
Next write a function exclusive-range?-prop that takes two integers, lo and hi, picks a random number between them, and ensures that exclusive-range? always returns #t. If it is passed input where (>= (add1 lo) hi), you can just have it return #t. Ensure that this works using check-contract (note that, as a property that should always hold, it should return True).
2.4 Problem 4
Define a contract Odd for odd integers. Use that to design a function double-plus1 which takes a number, doubles it and adds 1. It should take in and produce Odd numbers. Verify that it works using check-contract.
2.5 Problem 5
Define a predicate divisible-by-3-or-5? that takes an integer and checks whether it is divisible by either 3 or 5. Use check-contract to make sure it satisfies the contract you give it. Then use it to define a contract Divis3Or5. Then design a function divide-3-or-5 that takes an integer and if it is divisible by 3 or 5, returns the same number; otherwise it should return 0. The output type of your function should be Divis3Or5, and you should confirm your function satisfies its contract with check-contract.