On this page:
3.1 Problem 1
3.2 Problem 2
3.3 Problem 3

3 Homework 4🔗

This assignment is due Thursday, 1/30 by MIDNIGHT

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3.1 Problem 1🔗

Design a function duplicate-element that, given a list of non-negative integers, if there exists at least one that appears more than once, returns one of those repeated integers. If there are no duplicates, it should return -1 (since the input list is all non-negative, this value is easily identifiable). First write the signature, informal purpose, and formal purpose as duplicate-element-prop that ensures that the returned element does indeed appear more than once. If -1 is returned, duplicate-element-prop need not validate that this was the correct choice. Implement the function (hint: sorting first might help) and use check-contract with duplicate-element-prop to ensure your function works. You could also try to write regular unit tests, but they might be fragile—why?

3.2 Problem 2🔗

Design a function common-element that, given a list of lists of non-negative integers, if there exists an element common to all of them, returns it, or -1 if there is no such element. Again, first implement a formal purpose statement common-element-prop that checks that the function works (if -1 is returned, common-element-prop need not validate that this was the correct choice), and then implement the function itself. (Hint: while an efficient algorithm might have to be clever, a simple one can look through the first sublist for any element that appears in all other sublists).

3.3 Problem 3🔗

Design a function pair-with-sum that, given a list of integers and a target number, returns either a list with exactly two elements that sum to that target number, or an empty list if there are no two elements that sum to the target. As before, first write a formal purpose pair-with-sum-prop that validates the solution (if an empty list was returned, pair-with-sum-prop need not validate that this was the correct choice), and then write an implementation. (Hint: since you are only matching two elements together, you can proceed through the list, checking each element with all that follow it).