On this page:
Practice with the Hourglass exam server
Finite Increasing Arithmetic Sequences
List Abstractions
Signature Detective

5 Designing With Lists and Abstractions🔗

home work!

Purpose: This lab focuses on designing programs on lists, as well as creating abstractions.

Textbook references:

Part II: Arbitrarily Large Data

Chapter 14: Similarities Everywhere

Chapter 15: Designing Abstractions

Practice with the Hourglass exam server🔗

Before starting the programming exercises below, first we’ll walk through a tutorial on using the Hourglass exam server for our first exam.
  • Make sure that you are using either Chrome or Firefox. Make sure that your browser window is not maximized.

  • Navigate to https://hourglass.khoury.northeastern.edu. You should see “Hourglass tutorial” as an active exam, and possibly “Exam 1” as an upcoming exam (if I have it configured in time for lab!).

  • When the TAs see that everyone is logged in, you can all start taking the tutorial exam, to familiarize yourselves with the user interface. If you have questions, you can ask the course staff for help.


Goals: Your new lab partner today will be your HW partner for the next several weeks.

Exercise 1 Sit next to your new partner.

Exercise 2 Exchange contact information with your partner: telephone number, latest-greatest social network scheme, whatever-app.

Exercise 3 Agree to a first meeting time and meeting place. At that meeting, agree to next meeting time and meeting place.

Finite Increasing Arithmetic Sequences🔗

Goals: Use abstraction in an unfamiliar context.

Starter Code: Below is the data definition of a finite increasing arithmetic sequence.

; A FIAS (Finite Increasing Arithmetic Sequence) is a:
; (make-fias Number Number Positive)
(define-struct fias [min max step])
; where (make-fias min max step) represents all numbers
; of the form min + (k * step), where k is a natural number,
; such that min + (k * step) < max.
(define fias-empty (make-fias 1 1 0.25)) ; empty sequence, as min >= max
(define fias-1 (make-fias 0 1 0.25)) ; sequence with the elements (0, .25, .5, .75)
; fias-temp : FIAS -> ?
(define (fias-temp fias)
  (... (fias-min fias) ... (fias-max fias) ... (fias-step fias) ...))

Sample Problem Design a function that determines if a FIAS is empty.

; empty-fias? : FIAS -> Boolean
; determines if the given FIAS is empty
(define (empty-fias? fias)
  (>= (fias-min fias) (fias-max fias)))

Sample Problem Design the function next-sequence, which takes a FIAS and returns a new FIAS with the same max and step. The new min will be the original FIAS’s min with its step added to it.

; next-sequence : FIAS -> FIAS
; returns a new FIAS where the min is the original FIAS's min plus its step
(define (next-sequence fias)
    (+ (fias-min fias) (fias-step fias))
    (fias-max fias)
    (fias-step fias)))

Sample Problem You may have noticed that next-sequence returns the rest of a FIAS, empty-fias? determines if it is empty, and that if it is non-empty fias-min is the first element in it. Redefine your fias-temp to take advantage of this recursive structure.

; fias-temp : FIAS -> ?
(define (fias-temp fias)
    [(empty-fias? fias) ...]
    [else (... (fias-min fias) ... (fias-temp (next-sequence fias)) ...)]))

Exercise 4 Design a function which sums the elements of a FIAS.

Exercise 5 Design a function which multiplies the elements of a FIAS. Hint: the product of an empty sequence is 1.

Exercise 6 Design a function which lists the elements of FIAS.

Exercise 7 All of these functions look marvelously similar; abstract them, redefine them with your new function, and ensure all of your tests still pass.

Exercise 8 Design a function which determines if any element of FIAS is a perfect square. Hint: integer?.

Exercise 9 Design a function which determines if any element of FIAS is even.

Exercise 10 Both of these functions look marvelously similar; abstract them, redefine them with your new function, and ensure all of your tests still pass.

List Abstractions🔗

Goals: Practice understanding how to use the foldr list abstraction.
(define-struct circl [radius mode c])
(define-struct squar [side-length mode c])
(define-struct rectangl [width height mode c])
; A Shape is one of:
; - (make-circl Number Mode Color)
; - (make-squar Number Mode Color)
; - (make-rectangl Number Number Mode Color)
; and represents either:
; - the radius in pixels, mode, and color of a circle
; - the side length in pixels, mode, and color of a square
; - the width and height in pixels, the mode, and color of a rectangle
; A Mode is one of:
; - "solid"
; - "outline"

Exercise 11 Provide examples and templates for the above data definitions.

Exercise 12 Use filter to design a function that takes a [List-of Shape] and keeps only circles.

Exercise 13 Use foldr to design a function that takes a [List-of Shape] and stacks all of its images vertically (hint: you may need to use map as well).

Signature Detective🔗

Goals: Practice understanding what the data type restrictions on code must be when reading it.

Exercise 14 Determine the signature for the following functions.

(define (a supercut of us)
  (+ of
     (if (empty? supercut)
         (us #f)
         (us (first supercut)))))
(define (the moments i play in the dark)
  (play (in (play the dark)) (play moments i)))
(define (come home to my heart)
  (cond [(home my) (to heart)]
        [(my heart) " "]
        [else ""]))