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CS G256 / CS G359 Home Page - Summer 2004


All assignments will be posted from the schedule page, which you should check regularly for updates. Click on the recitation number or lecture number to see the assignment for that class meeting. If an assignment refers to a paper number, it typically is the number of the paper in the reading list. For your convenience, I have posted electronic versions of most papers. If an assignment requires you to hand in something, you are expected to hand it in at the beginning of the class meeting.


August 9th, 204 Final projects have been posted.

August 6, 2004 Quiz #2 answers have been posted

July 28, 2004 Quiz #2 has been posted. [PDF] [DOC]

July 1, 2004 The following notes have been posted:

L09 powerpoint slides
L10 instructor notes
L10 biometrics [powerpoint] [PDF]

June 28, 2004 The optional Assignment #8 has been posted.

June 4, 2004 Assignment for Lecture 11 will be posted by the end of today. On the evaluation forms, many students asked that the assignments clearly identify what they should read and what they can skim. Because this is a graduate course, it is generally expected that you can figure this sort of thing out for yourself. However, your teacher will attempt to clearly indicate which materials are important. Specifically, be sure to read all of Carl Ellison's articles that were assigned for L10, and be sure to read RFC 2693. These items will be on the quiz.

June 3, 2004 Your teacher has verified the Unix password NEf5XissHxu5o; there is no error on the web page.

June 2, 2004 The assignment for June 3rd will be up shortly.

May 30, 2004 There was an error on the schedule; assignment #5 is due Tuesday, May 31st, as previously announced in class.

The reading assignments for Tuesday the 31st have been posted.

May 27, 2004 As a result of the Democratic National Convention, class on July 27th will be canceled, the missing 90 minutes added to two lectures the previous week. The quiz scheduled for July 29th will be done as a take-home quiz.

Also, after much searching, I have found a nice web page showing the difference between ECB and CBC modes

May 21, 2004 Slides from Lecture 04 have been posted. Also posted is the Microsoft Fat32 Specification version 1.03. (The document can also be downloaded from Microsoft's website,

May 21, 2004 Revised 8:18am The first USB image (40i.img.gz) has been posted. I'm looking around for some Windows disk imaging tools. Here are some links that may be promising:

Please let the class know if you have a positive experience with these or other programs!

May 14th, 2004 Readings for Lecture 5 have been posted.

May 13th, 2004 Slides from L03 are now posted.

May 11th, 2004 This class now meets in Caseroom 270 of Dodge Hall.

May 11th, 2004: Some students asked me about their grades on their homework #1 that was handed back today, so I wanted to clarify the grading policy.

If there are any further questions, please let me know.

May 10th, 2004: The reading assignment for today's class has been shortened and the assignment for Lecture 4 has been posted. Please do not forget to bring three copies of today's assignment to class --- two of them can be anonymous if you wish. These other two copies will be shared with two other classmates.

May 4th, 2004: Notes from the first class have been posted.

Mail went out to the class mailing list tonight. If you didn't get it, please drop an email to Simson Garfinkel to make sure that you are added to the class mailing list.

The class feedback website will be operational before 9am on the morning of Thursday May 6th.

May 1st, 2004: This website is now operational.

Questions or comments regarding CS G256 / CS G359? Send e-mail to the the webmaster.

CS G256 / CS G359 home // Last updated $Date: 2004/05/11 12:50:31 $ by $Author: simsong $