Due: Wednesday, April 14Friday, April 16, 11:59pm

Submission: Create a release on GitHub tagged p9. Add a p9-exec.zip to the release, containing:

  1. The snarlServer and snarlClient executables for the testing task
  2. A README.md file explaining how to start the server, and how to run and interact with the client.
  3. Any packages/modules necessary for the above executables to function

Here is a sketch of the p9-exec.zip layout:

    |-- README.md
    |-- snarlClient
    |-- snarlServer

Submit a ZIP with the following on Handins:

  1. For the programming task, the server and client components source files under Snarl/src/Remote/, as well as any relevant updated source files under Snarl/src/
  2. For the testing task, a folder Snarl/net/ with the source code for snarlClient and snarlServer.

Here is a sketch of an example Handins ZIP layout:

    |-- net
    |   |-- README.md
    |   |-- snarlClient.<ext>
    |   |-- snarlServer.<ext>
    |   ...
    `-- src
        |-- Remote
        |   |-- Client.<ext>
        |   |-- Server.<ext>
        |   ...

The objective of this Milestone is to implement the networked client-server architecture of Snarl. At this point in the project, your code base contains almost all the components needed to accomplish this. The remaining work is to write “wrappers” that enable these components to talk to each other over TCP sockets. From an OOD perspective, these wrappers might be instances of design patterns known as Remote Proxy (which will be introduced in a lecture/video) and Adapter (which you have seen in CS3500).

Programming Task

Implement a remote player client and a server component for Snarl.

The client component’s purpose is to connect the player front-end to the server via TCP, and allow playing a game, following the Snarl protocol specification.

The server waits for player clients to connect via a TCP socket. After each player connects, the server should wait for up to a given number of seconds (60 by default) for the next player, until the maximum number of players is reached. The maximum number can be a server instance-specific maximum number (e.g., supplied via command line) or 4, whichever is lower.

Once at least one player is ready to play (and timeouts have lapsed), the first level begins. When the game is over (all levels have been completed, or due to another reason), the server closes down all connections and shuts down.

Testing Task

The goal of this “testing” task is to provide two executables: snarlServer and snarlClient.


The snarlServer executable starts your server. It should take the following optional command line arguments:

  • --levels FILE, where FILE is the path and name of a file containing a JSON level specifications as described in Milestone 8. Default is snarl.levels (in the current directory).

  • --clients N, where 1 ≤ N ≤ 4 is the maximum number of clients the server should wait for before starting the game. This option determines max_clients in the protocol specification. Default is 4.

  • --wait N, where N is the number of seconds to wait for the next client to connect. This option determines reg_timeout. Default is 60.

  • --observe – when this option is given, the server should start a local observer to display the progress of the game.

  • --address IP, where IP is an IP address on which the server should listen for connections. Default is You can choose to support a hostname (e.g., localhost), but this is not required.

  • --port NUM, where NUM is the port number the server will listen on. Default is 45678

After starting, the server should wait for clients to connect on the specified address and port. Once the maximum number of clients has connected or the timeout has lapsed, the server should run a game according to the Snarl protocol specification and the local game description given in Milestone 8.


The snarlClient executable starts your player client. It should take the following optional command line arguments:

  • --address IP, where IP is an IP address the client should connect to. Default is You can choose to support a hostname (e.g., localhost), but this is not required.

  • --port NUM, where NUM is the port number the client should connect to. Default is 45678

As soon as snarlClient starts up, it should prompt the user for their name, and attempt to connect to the server on the given address and port. After connecting, it should behave according to the protocol and allow the user to play a Snarl game on the server.


Write up a README.md explaining how to use snarlServer to run and snarlClient to connect to networked Snarl games. The description for the client should include basic instructions on how to play the game. The executables need to be runnable and playable on Khoury Linux VMs, via ssh or using the Khoury Virtual Desktop. Include information about whether the client or the server’s observer can be used in a terminal or they require an X session to display a GUI.


The client and server have to adhere to the protocol, allowing us to connect another team’s (or our) client and use it with your server, or vice versa. The game should progress similarly to localSnarl from Milestone 8, modulo differences introduced by the protocol or the present milestone description.