Read First

See a TA if you have difficulties with the weekly assignment, wish to discuss design ideas, or have problems with some assumed technical material. Again, we expect you to visit them as a pair.

See an instructor with any concern you have (coding, specifying, grading, course staff, partner issues, etc.)

Note 1: If JSON, TCP connections, or similar terms are opaque to you, we expect you to use Google and read up on the basics, first in a general way and then in a language-specific way.

Note 2: We cannot help you with the details of your chosen language. The point of letting you choose is to let you figure out how to find, distill, and apply language-specific resources. You will quickly see how to adapt this to the languages that your future employers choose for you.


Any changes to office hours will be announced on Piazza. All links to calls will be on Piazza.

Staff Office Hours

Instructor Hours Location
Pavithraa Mon, 9-11am Zoom
Dheeraj Mon, 1-3pm Zoom
Sai Tue, 6-8pm Zoom
Jaynil Tue, noon-2pm Zoom
Sameer Wed, noon-2pm Zoom
Mohit Wed, noon-2pm Zoom
Shaoyong Wed, 1:30-3:30pm Zoom
Satwik Wed, 1-3pm Zoom
Akshay Thu, 5-7pm Zoom

Instructor Office Hours

Email us if you need an appointment outside scheduled office hours.

Instructor Hours Location
Dio Mon, noon-1:30pm Zoom (see Piazza for details)
Ferd Wed, 2-3pm Zoom (see Piazza for details)