Lecture 25: Forward Reasoning
1 Purpose
Learn how to do proofs by forward reasoning
2 Outline
We’ll show how to use have
, a tactic you have already seen, to work forward, and also another tactic, suffices
that allows you to work forward in a slightly more natural way.
Here are a bunch of examples!
theorem p6_back : ¬ Q -> (R -> Q) -> (R ∨ ¬ S) -> S -> False :=
by intros nq rq rons s
cases rons
case inl r =>
apply nq
apply rq
case inr ns =>
apply ns
theorem p6_have : ¬ Q -> (R -> Q) -> (R ∨ ¬ S) -> S -> False :=
by intros nq rq rons s
cases rons
case inl r =>
have q : Q := by apply rq; assumption
have f : False := by apply nq; assumption
case inr ns =>
have f : False := by apply ns; assumption
theorem p6_suffices : ¬ Q -> (R -> Q) -> (R ∨ ¬ S) -> S -> False :=
by intros nq rq rons s
cases rons
case inl r =>
suffices q : Q by apply nq; assumption
apply rq; assumption
case inr ns =>
-- this doesn't do anything, since False was
-- already our goal!
suffices f : False by assumption
apply ns; assumption
inductive ev : Nat → Prop where
| O : ev 0
| SS (n : Nat) (H : ev n) : ev (Nat.succ (Nat.succ n))
theorem ev_plus6 : forall n, ev n → ev (Nat.add n 6) :=
by intros n H
apply ev.SS
apply ev.SS
apply ev.SS
theorem ev_plus6_have : forall n, ev n → ev (Nat.add n 6) :=
by intros n H
have ev2 : ev (Nat.add n 2) := by
apply ev.SS; assumption
have ev4 : ev (Nat.add n 4) := by
apply ev.SS; assumption
have ev6 : ev (Nat.add n 6) := by
apply ev.SS; assumption
exact ev6
theorem ev_plus6_suffices : forall n, ev n → ev (Nat.add n 6) :=
by intros n H
suffices ev4 : ev (Nat.add n 4) by
apply ev.SS
suffices ev2 : ev (Nat.add n 2) by
apply ev.SS
apply ev.SS
inductive ev' : Nat → Prop :=
| O : ev' 0
| SSO : ev' 2
| sum n m (Hn : ev' n) (Hm : ev' m) : ev' (Nat.add n m)
example : ev' 8 :=
by suffices rr : 8 = Nat.add (Nat.add 2 2) (Nat.add 2 2) by
rw [rr]
suffices ev4 : ev' (Nat.add 2 2) by
constructor <;> assumption
constructor <;> constructor
Tactic Use | Tactic Description |
| Creates new hypothesis |
| Gives a name |