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Problem 1: Iterators

Lab 9: Working with iterators

Goals: The goals of this lab are to practice designing an iterable data structure.

Submission: Submit your solution to Problem 1 on handins. This should include the ListOfLists<T> class and any classes required to make ListOfLists<T> iterable. This should include an examples class with tests for all of the methods you designed. This is due Tuesday Match 21st at 11:59pm.

Reminder: both partners should work on this together.

Problem 1: Iterators

Create a class ListOfLists<T> that stores an ArrayList of ArrayList<T>. This class must have the following methods:

Now make the ListOfLists<T> iterable. The intended behavior should be as follows:

void testListOfLists(Tester t) {
ListOfLists<Integer> lol = new ListOfLists<Integer>();
//add 3 lists lol.addNewList();
//add elements 1,2,3 in first list lol.add(0, 1);
lol.add(0, 2);
lol.add(0, 3);
//add elements 4,5,6 in second list lol.add(1, 4);
lol.add(1, 5);
lol.add(1, 6);
//add elements 7,8,9 in third list lol.add(2, 7);
lol.add(2, 8);
lol.add(2, 9);
//iterator should return elements in order 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 int number = 1;
for (Integer num : lol) {
t.checkExpect(num, number);
number = number + 1;