On this page:
Problem 1: Generics and higher-order functions
6.1 The Convolve higher-order function
6.1.1 Practice with higher order functions
6.1.2 The Convolve operation
6.1.3 A Pair sequence

Lab 6: Higher-order functions

Goals: The goals of this lab are to practice writing operations using higher-order functions, and implement a new higher-order function.

Submission: You should work with your current assignment partner on this submission. Submit your solutions to exercise 6.1.1 to handins by 11:59pm on Tuesday, February 14th. This will be graded for effort. You can earn full credit even if your solutions are not perfectly correct. However, you should follow the design recipe for designing methods that was covered in Lecture 3. In particular, you should include templates, purpose statments and tests.

Exam 1 prep: Before beginning the lab problems, please do the Hourglass tutorial at https://hourglass.ccs.neu.edu/. This will allow you to become familiar with the tool we will use for Exam 1 on the 21st. You will have the best results with Firefox over other browsers.

Problem 1: Generics and higher-order functions

Related files:

6.1 The Convolve higher-order function

We have seen the following higher-order functions:

You can find an implementation of these operations in the attached code.

6.1.1 Practice with higher order functions

Add templates and purpose statements to the the provided IList<T> interface and classes.

Create a list of strings in the ExamplesLists class. The list should contains the months of the year. Write tests for the following, using higher-order functions:

6.1.2 The Convolve operation

The convolve operation is best understood using lists of numbers. Consider two lists W and L of numbers, of the same length. The convolution of these two lists produces a list that represents their per-element combination in some way. For example, a list of numbers C can be produced where each element in C is the product of the respective elements in W and L. If W=[0.3 0.5 0.1 -0.3] and L=[2.0 4.0 3.0 1.0] then C=[0.6 2.0 0.3 -0.3]. Another convolution can be the concatenation: CO=[0.3,2.0 0.5,4.0 0.1,3.0 -0.3,1.0]. If the lists are not the same length, then the length of the result is equal to the smaller of the two lengths. For example if W=[0.3 0.5 0.1] and L=[2.0 4.0 3.0 1.0] then CO=[0.3,2.0 0.5,4.0 0.1,3.0].

Implement the convolve operation on lists. We recommend that you approach this problem as follows:

6.1.3 A Pair sequence

Use the convolve operation to create a list that creates a list of pairs of the objects in the two lists. For example, a list of months of the year and a list of the number of days in each months can be convolved into a list of (month,days) pairs.