
6 3/10: Party invitations

Representing social networks

We’d like to experiment with a very simple social network: we have a group of people, whom we will assume all have distinct names, and each of whom has a list of friends. (You can reuse either the ConsLists or QuickLists from the last assignment, if you wish.)

Exercise 1. Design classes to represent the above information.

Before we can design any methods to analyze the social network, we need examples of data. Here are some examples to get started:

Exercise 2. Draw a diagram of this social network.

Exercise 3. Define an ExampleFriends class, and try to define examples to represent these people. What goes wrong?

Exercise 4. Design the method addBuddy on class Person that modifies the person’s friend list by adding the given person to that friend list. Be careful to avoid duplicates!

This method should have the following purpose/effect statement and header:

// EFFECT: Changes this Person's friend list to

// include the given person

void addBuddy(Person buddy) { ... }

Add any additional helper methods you may need to make sure you can represent the friend network given above.

Who’s friends with whom?

Suppose someone is having an open-house party: all friends are welcome, and friends-of-friends, and so on — anyone that can be reached through the network of friends. We need to ask a few questions to see who’s going to be invited. Call the people on a given Person’s friend list their “direct friends”, and everyone reachable their “distant buddies”. Design the following methods:

Exercise 5. Does this Person have another Person as a direct friend?

// Returns true if this Person has that Person as a direct friend

boolean hasDirectFriend(Person that) { ... }

Exercise 6. How many direct friends do two Persons have in common?

// Returns the number of people that are direct friends

// of both this and that

int countCommonFriends(Person that) { ... }

Exercise 7. Will the given Person be invited to a party hosted by this Person?

// Returns true if that Person is a distant buddy of this one

boolean hasDistantBuddy(Person that) { ... }

Exercise 8. How many people will come to a party?

// Returns the number of people who will come to this Person's party

int partyCount() { ... }

Clique it or ticket A clique of size N in a social network is a group of N people, all of whom are friends with everyone else in the group.

Exercise 9. Design a method in the Examples class that computes whether a given list of people forms a clique. Define whatever helper methods you might need. Find a clique of size 3 in the example graph.