
Class work (40%) Tests (3)
Project (60%) Each “sprint” counts equally.
Group grade counts as 95% of the overall sprint grade. and is based on your technical achievements and the happiness of your client.
Individual grade counts as 5% of the overall sprint grade. It is based entirely upon peer review.

A 10 point scale will be in effect. There will be no rounding of scores. A curve may be introduced at the professor’s discretion.

Score      Grade
100      A+
> 93      A
90-93      A-
> 87      B+
>83 - 87      B
80-83      B-
>77      C+
>73-77      C
70-73      C-
>67      D+
> 63-67      D
60-63      D-
0-<60      F

Late Work Policy

All work products you or your teams will produce are due as specified on the assignment. You must make every effort to turn your work in by the deadline. The official clock is the time on the submission tool. For example, if the requirements document is to be submitted via confluence, then the official timestamp is determined by The official time will be whatever confluence, jira, or git say. No other timestamps matter

  • If there is a time and day given, then that’s when the assignment must be submitted.
  • If no time is given on the due date, the material must be submitted by the end of the business day, which is defined as by the start of the next business day (the professor's start to the day).
  • Late work will be docked 20% per day for a maximum of 50%. So it still pays to turn in your work.

Sometimes life gets in the way of schedules. Sickness or other unplanned or extraordinary events happen and will be dealt with individually. It is your responsibility to insure your situation is known to the professor as soon as reasonably possible. You are accountable for being heard, which means you need to insure that a TA or I heard you. PLEASE DO NOT COME TO CLASS IF YOU ARE ILL. While we want you to share your knowledge and experiences, there are some things you shouldn’t share.

While “life happens,” poor planning by you does not count. And definitely do not wait to discuss gray areas. For example, an interview opportunity arises (good!). You should not wait until the day before the assignment is due to let us know that you could not complete the assignment because you had to travel. That would be considered poor planning. Good planning would be to alert the TA or professor that you got the interview and, while you hope to finish the assignment, there is a concern. Then when you don’t finish on time, it’s clear that you planned your time and that will be taken into consideration. These “good planning” situations will be considered individually.