CS4610: LAB 2

In the first part of this lab you’ll assemble the proximity sensing and high-level processing subsystems on your robot: two forward-facing bump switches with whiskers, two side-facing infrared distance sensors, and the PandaBoard ARM processor which we have configured to run Ubuntu. The org will now communicate with the panda over a short on-board USB cable, which will take the place of the long USB cables we have previously used to connect to a remote host. The host will now communicate with the panda, either via a USB-to-serial cable or over the network (either 802.11b wifi or Ethernet).

In the second part of the lab you’ll write code for the panda to implement a form of local navigation based on the Bug2 algorithm. In the third part of the lab you’ll write code for the panda to implement a global navigation algorithm given a map. Both parts will use a library of supporting code we have prepared for the panda called the OHMM Interface.

Robot Assembly

  1. PandaBoard
    1. Get your PandaBoard, SD card, and USB-serial cable (all have numbers corresponding to your group). Also get a short USB A-miniB cable and two 40–40x3/8" screws.
    2. Disconnect any USB cable currently connected to the org electronics on your robot. Disconnect the battery by pulling apart the two-prong Tamiya plug (as usual).
    3. Loosen, but do not remove, the three exposed Phillips head screws on the mezzanine board (the blue acrylic board just under the org).
    4. Loosen the fourth screw, which is under the org near where the motor wires connect, as directed.
    5. Use your fingers to unscrew the three long circular standoffs under the mezzanine board. Make sure that the shorter hex standoffs below them remain tight to the top plate on the robot (you may need to tighten them). Unscrew each one a little bit in turn to avoid binding.
    6. The PandaBoard comes in a special static protection bag. Trying to hold the board only by the edges, remove it carefully from the bag. Return the bag to the course staff so that we can reuse them.
    7. Examine your PandaBoard to locate the SD card connector and the four unoccupied mounting holes. Orient the board so that the SD card connector faces to the left of the robot. Using care not to scratch the PandaBoard, slip it in on top of the four hex standoffs.
    8. Replace the org on top of the panda and screw in the four circular standoffs finger-tight. Make sure that none of the wires on the underside of the panda are pinched or looped around the standoffs, and make sure that the dangling USB on the panda exits towards the front of the robot.
    9. Gently tighten the Phillips head screws on top of the mezzanine board.
    10. Viewing the robot from the front, arrange the dangling USB connector underneath the left of the two mounting slots on the front of the mezzanine. Attach it with two 4–40x3/8" screws from above.
    11. Attach the short USB cable from the org to the USB connector you just screwed in.
  2. bump switches
    1. Get two bump switches, four 2–56x5/8" screws, and four locknuts.
    2. Assemble the bump switches on the left and right front corners on top of the bottom plate as directed.
    3. Route the wires up through the front center square hole on the top plate. Insert the left bump switch connector into the A0 port on the org and the right bump switch connector into the A1 port.
  3. IR sensors
    1. Get two IR sensor assemblies, four 2–56x7/16" screws, and four locknuts.
    2. Assemble the IR sensors on the front right and rear right corners of the underside of the top plate as directed.
    3. Route the wires up through the front center square hole on the top plate. Insert the front IR connector into the A2 port on the org and the rear IR connector into the A3 port.
  4. panda power cable and SD card
    1. Have the course staff check your connections and test your org board output voltage. You will then receive a cable which powers the panda from the org, as well as the SD card holding the panda’s filesystem.

Booting the PandaBoard

The panda should boot once the SD card is inserted and it receives power. You should see the two LEDs near the SD card flash; you will likely become familiar with the pattern.

Important: once the panda has booted, it is important to cleanly shut it down, just as with any modern workstation type computer. This ensures that the disk filesystem (which in this case is actually on an SD card) is left in a clean state. The panda gets power from the org, so anytime you shut down the org, the panda will also lose power. (It is ok to reset the org, as this does not affect its power supply circuitry.) The correct way to shut down the panda is to log in (see below) and run the command

> sudo shutdown -h now

Wait for the LED indicator lights near the SD card to stop flashing. It is then safe to remove power. Or, if you just want to reboot the panda:

> sudo shutdown -r now


We have configured Ubuntu 11.04 on the panda SD cards so that they are actually quite similar to the ohmmkeys (VMWare is not involved here, of course). It is possible to use the PandaBoard with a standard USB keyboard, mouse, and HDMI or DVI-D (not VGA) display. The first two can be plugged in to any free USB port on the panda. The display must connect to the HDMI connector further from the front of the robot, the one labeled HDMI-1080p. You may use either HDMI to HDMI or HDMI to DVI-D cables (VGA is unfortunately not supported without extra conversion electronics), but beware that the panda may have configuration issues with some monitors. When using a monitor, it is best to have it connected at boot. We have had good results with 1280x1024 LCD panels.

It is also possible to use the panda in a “headless” mode where we only connect to it over the network—it has both wifi and Ethernet connections—and via a serial terminal connected to the RS–232 serial port on the DB–9 connector at the rear of the board. Because most other modern computers no longer have true RS232 serial hardware, we provide you with a USB to serial adapter cable. You interact with this terminal again using a terminal program such as kermit or minicom, but be aware that the port name will not be ACM1 here. The port name will depend on your system, typically on Linux it will be /dev/ttyUSB0, and on OSX it will be /dev/tty.usbserial. The adapter is based on the Prolific PL2303 chipset, which should work without extra drivers at least on modern Linux installations. For other OS you may need to manually install drivers.

Adding/Removing Users

We have pre-configured an “ohmm” account on the pandas. Login with that account and then add users for each of your group members:

> sudo adduser LOGIN

where LOGIN is the desired username. Note, use the command “adduser”, not “useradd”. If you make a mistake, you can remove a user with

> sudo userdel -r LOGIN

but be very careful doing that, of course (you may omit the -r to leave the user’s files around at /home/LOGIN).

Connecting to Networks

You may be familiar with GUI tools, including NetworkManager in Ubuntu, to identify and connect to wireless networks. Normally you interact with NM graphically (via an icon in the task tray), but it is also possible to manipulate it from the command line. It runs as a daemon (background service) even when running headless.

Listing available connections: the command

> nmcli con list

will show a list of the “connections” that NM knows about. “Auto eth0” is the wired ethernet network; the remainder are wireless networks that NM remembers; we have pre-configured some of these to get you started. (NM usually sets the name of a wifi connection to “Auto FOO” where FOO is the network SSID; the “Auto” prefix seems to tell NM to automatically connect to that network whenever it is available, without asking for confirmation.)

Checking the current connection: NM is designed to automatically find for the best available connection and use it; to see what it has selected, run

> nmcli con status

which will show the connection that NM has currently selected, and

> ifconfig

which will give the panda’s IP address, if the connection was successful (look for inet addr in the section under wlan0 for a wireless connection, or eth0 for wired).

Selecting a particular connection: is done with the command

> nmcli con up id 'CONN'

where CONN is one of the connection names from con list, verbatim. (The quotes allow spaces in the connection name; for example, to connect to wired ethernet use 'Auto eth0'.) This will work for networks without security, or for those that use a “secret” (password) that is the same for all users of the network (in which case the secret is remembered along with the network). For networks that require username+password login, we have provided a script nm-connect-802-1x; run it at the command line to get a usage description. For networks that require you to click buttons or fill in forms on a web page, use lynx. To bring down a connection, replace up with down.

Adding new connections is easiest by booting headful and using the normal GUI, where you select the desired network from a list and then enter your credentials. (You can also select “Connect to Hidden Wireless Network…”, if the access point has been configured not to broadcast itself.) If you then go back to the NM icon and select Edit Connections -> Wireless -> connection -> Edit… -> Available to all users, NM will save the connection info to a file in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/, and it will automatically consider connecting to it at boot, even before any user has done a graphical login. This is called a system connection (vs a user connection that would only be available to the currently logged-in user).

We have also provided a very experimental command line script nm-create-system-connection that can configure new system connections. Run it to get usage information.

The Lab Tarball

We have prepared an archive file of sourcecode that you’ll use in this lab. Follow similar instructions as for lab 0 to download and unpack it, but this time you will do this on the panda. Make sure that the unpacked lab2 directory is a sibling to your existing lab? directories that were unpacked from the prior lab tarballs.

If you are running the panda headless, use the following command to download a copy of the lab tarball:

> wget http://www.ccs.neu.edu/course/cs4610/LAB2/lab2.tar.gz

We ask you not to modify the files you unpack from the lab tarball. You will write code that refers to these files and that links to their generated libraries. Please do not work directly in the provided files, in part because we will likely be posting updates to the lab tarball.

  1. In lab2/src/org/libpololu-avr run make to build the Pololu AVR library.
  2. In lab2/src/org/monitor run

    > make
    > make program
    to build the OHMM monitor and flash the new monitor code to the org. This code includes a solution to the prior lab in the files drive.c and ohmm/drive.h; it is possible to use your own solution instead if you prefer — ask the course staff for details.
  3. In lab2/src/host/ohmm run

    > make
    > make jar
    to build OHMM.jar. (In the event that we distribute an updated lab tarball, you will need to re-make in org/libpololu-avr, org/monitor, and host/ohmm, re-program in org/monitor, and re-jar in host/ohmm.)
  4. Runing

    > make project-javadoc

    in lab2/src/host/ohmm will generate documentation for the OHMM Java library in lab2/src/host/ohmm/javadoc-OHMM (the top level file is index.html); or you can view it online here.


The file OHMM.jar you just built is a Java library that runs on the panda (or any java-capable host connected to the org) and communicates with the monitor program on the org. You will use it to communicate with the org from your own Java code.

For now, you can try it out by running the provided OHMMShell driver. This uses JScheme to implement a scheme read-eval-print-loop (REPL) command line. In the lab2/src/host/ohmm directory, invoke it like this:

> ./run-class OHMMShell -r /dev/ttyACM1

run-class is a shell script that uses the makefile to help build a java command line, including classpath and other flags. (It assumes that there is a suitable makefile in the current directory.) The first argument, here OHMMShell, is the Java class containing the main() function, with or without a package prefix (here we could have also used ohmm.OHMMShell); when the package is omitted it is inferred from the project directory structure. The remaining arguments, here -r /dev/ttyACM1, are passed as command line arguments to main().

The -r PORTNAME invocation asks the OHMM library to use Java RXTX for serial port communication with the org. RXTX is not a standard Java library, but we have packaged versions of it in the lab2 tarball that should work at least on all Linux x86 machines, including virtual machines like the ohmmkeys, and on the PandaBoard. This is the recommended codepath; however, there are two alternates available for special situations or in case RXTX is not working. The -f option uses direct file I/O on the port file:

> ./stty.sh
> ./run-class OHMMShell -f /dev/ttyACM1

The -c option runs a proxy process to send and receive bytes to the org. One interesting possibility is to use netcat to communicate over the internet. On the “server” machine to which the org is physically connected, run

> ./stty.sh
> nc -l 1234 < /dev/ttyACM1 > /dev/ttyACM1

Then on any machine that can reach the server over the network, run

> ./run-class OHMMShell -c nc S 1234

where S is the DNS name or IP address of the server (you can test this by running the client and server on the same machine and using IP address

One problem with using both the file I/O and proxy process codepaths is that latencies can reach more than 1 second.

Using the Scheme Shell

First try a command like

> (e 14b)
$1 = 14B

which just asks the org monitor to echo back the given byte value 14b. Or run

> (df 1000.0f)

to add a 1000mm forward drive command to the queue and start it (the robot will move!). The b and f suffixes force scheme to interpret numeric literals as byte and float datatypes, respectively; they are necessary so that JScheme can correctly match the scheme call to a Java function. If the suffixes were omitted, the literals would have been interpreted as int and double (due to the .0), respectively, which will not be automatically converted to the narrower types byte and float.

Examine all the provided *.scm and *.java sourcecode so you understand what is available and how to use it.

Prepare Your SVN Repository

  1. Follow similar instructions as for lab 1 to make a checkout of your group svn repository but this time on your panda as a sibling directory to the lab2 directory you unpacked from the lab tarball.

  2. Change directory so that you are in the base directory of your svn repository checkout (i.e. you are in the g? root directory of the svn checkout), then run the commands

    > mkdir lab2
    > d=../lab2/src/host/ohmm
    > cp $d/makefile $d/run-class ./lab2/
    > cp $d/makefile-lab ./lab2/makefile.project
    > sed -e "s/package ohmm/package lab2/" < $d/OHMMShellDemo.java > ./lab2/OHMMShellDemo.java
    > svn add lab2
    > svn commit -m "added lab2 skeleton"

    This sets up the directory g?/lab2 in the SVN repository in which you will write all code for this lab. The makefile should not need to be modified: it is pre-configured to find the OHMM Interface library in ../../lab2/src/host/ohmm. It also will automatically compile all .java files you create in the same directory.

  3. Change to your g?/lab2 directory and run

    > make
    > ./run-class OHMMShellDemo -r /dev/ttyACM1

    This shows how you can easily write code that uses both OHMM.java and, if you like, also OHMMShell.java.

Sensor Testing

  1. Bring up an OHMMShell and run the following commands to configure the bump switches as digital sensors and the IRs as analog sensors (you may omit the comments):

    > (scd io-a0 #t #f) ; left bump switch on IO_A0
    > (scd io-a1 #t #f) ; right bump switch on IO_A1
    > (scair ch-2 1) ; front IR on A2
    > (scair ch-3 1) ; rear IR on A3
  2. Try out the bump switches:

    > (srd io-a0) (srd io-a1)

    They should read #t when triggered and #f otherwise. Make sure that the left sensor corresponds to the first reading and the right sensor to the second.

  3. Try out the IRs. Set up a reasonable object at a known distance between 8 and 80cm, then run

    > (sra ch-2) (sra ch-3)

    They should out the distance in millimeters, plus or minus a few due to noise. Make sure that the left sensor corresponds to the first reading and the right sensor to the second.

Local Navigation

Now you will implement a simplified version of the Bug2 local navigation algorithm we covered in L5. The simplifying assumptions are:

We strongly recommend you write all code for this lab in Java that runs on the panda and on an external host (for debugging). If you prefer to use other languages, we will allow that, but you will need to write your own version of the interface we’ve provided in OHMM.java. There should be no need to write more code for the org.

  1. Develop a graphical debugging system that shows a birds eye view of the robot operating in a workspace with global frame coordinates at at least covering and . This display must bring up a graphics window that shows the axes of world frame and the current robot pose updated at a rate of at least 1Hz. Make sure that this can work over the network, somehow, even when the panda is headless. One convenient option would be to use standard remote X Window display. Arrange the graphics so that world frame points to the right, world frame points up, and is vertically centered in the window (and remember, your graphics must always show at least the minimum world area stated above).

  2. Write a program for the panda that implements the Bug2 algorithm subject to the above simplifications. The goal location should not be hardcoded, rather, read the goal coordinate from the first command line argument in floating point meters. For example, if your Java class to solve this part is called Bug2, you should be able to invoke it like this

    > ./run-class Bug2 4.3

    for a goal at . You will likely find this more manageable if you break the task into the following parts:

    1. Drive forward slowly until at least one bumper switch triggers, or until the goal is reached.
    2. If an obstacle is encountered, “line up” to it with small motions until both bumpers are triggered.
    3. Back up a fixed amount (e.g. 25cm) and turn left .
    4. Start reading the IRs. Plot their data points in your debug system. Devise a way to estimate the obstacle wall pose from the data points (we suggest you use the line fitting approach covered in L6).
    5. Start driving forward slowly. You may need to implement a controller (e.g. PD) that tries to maintain the distance to the wall and the parallelism of the robot with the wall.
    6. Monitor the IR readings to detect the obstacle corner.
    7. Once the corner is detected, execute a fixed sequence of motions that turn the robot (i.e. to the right) so that it should end up at roughly the same distance from the left obstacle wall.
    8. Continue as above to follow the obstacle boundary until the leave point is reached.
    9. Turn and drive to the goal.
  3. Whether or not you choose to solve the problem as we suggested above, it is a requirement that your debug program show (at least) the current robot pose, the world frame axes, the goal location, and the cumulative IR data points; i.e. all data points collected so far must be plotted. It is also a requirement that your program somehow report the following events:

    1. Obstacle hit point encountered.
    2. Obstacle corner encountered.
    3. Obstacle leave point encountered.
    4. Goal reached.

Global Navigation

Now you will implement a global navigation algorithm of some type; the visibility graph and free space graph algorithms presented in L7 are reasonable options. You may make the following simplifying assumptions:


  1. Extend your graphical debug program so that the world frame and boundary locations are not hardcoded, but can be changed at runtime.

  2. Write a program for the panda that implements your global navigation algorithm by reading in a text map file in the format

    xgoal ygoal
    xmin0 xmax0 ymin0 ymax0
    xmin1 xmax1 ymin1 ymax1
    xminN xmaxN yminN ymaxN

    where each token is a floating point number in ASCII decimal format (e.g. as accepted by Float.parseFloat() in Java). The first line gives the goal location in meters in world frame. Each subsequent line defines an axis-aligned rectangle in world frame meters (the rectangle sides are always parallel or perpendicular to the coordinate frame axes, never tilted). The first is the arena boundary, and the rest are obstacles. There may be any number of obstacles, including zero. The obstacles may intersect each other and the arena boundary.

  3. We will leave most details up to you. However, it is required that your graphical debug program show (at least) the current robot pose, the world frame axes, the arena boundary (this is why you must be able to resize the display at runtime), all obstacle boundaries, and the goal location. It is also a requirement that your program somehow indicate when the goal has been reached.


You will be asked to demonstrate your code for the course staff in lab on the due date for this assignment. We will try out code; 30% of your grade for the lab will be based on the observed behavior. Mainly want to see that your code works and is as bug-free as possible.

The remaining 70% of your grade will be based on your code, which you will hand in following the instructions on the assignments page by 11:59pm on the due date for this assignment. We will consider the code completeness, lack of bugs, architecture and organization, documentation, syntactic style, and efficiency, in that order of priority. You must also clearly document, both in your README and in code comments, the contributions of each group member. We want to see roughly equal contributions from each member. If so, the same grade will be assigned to all group members. If not, we will adjust the grades accordingly.