On this page:
Player API

Logical Interactions

Player API

    public: String name()


    public: Board proposeBoard0(Natural rows, Natural columns)

    // the player may be asked to propose a game board

    // that comes with a min. # of rows and columns


    public: Any setup(Option<State> state0, Coordinate goal)

    // the player is handed the inital state, which is visible to all

    // plus a (private) goal that it must visit next


    // if state0 is NONE, setup is used to tell the player go-home

    // and goal is just a reminder where home is.


    public: Pass or Action takeTurn(State s)

    // after receiving the state, a player passes on taking an action

    // or picks

    // -- a row or column index and a direction,

    // -- a degree of rotation for the spare,

    // -- a new place to move to.


    public: Any win(Boolean w)

    // the player is informed whether it won or not


The interaction between Racket player components and the Racket admin framework is governed by the set of following interaction diagrams.

Setting Up a Game


    referee                         player (p_1) . . . player (p_n)

      |                                |                 |

      |                                |                 |

      |                                |                 |

      |     proposeBoard0(N,N)         |                 | % an _optional_ request for a

      | -----------------------------> |                 | % board of a particular size

      |     board                      |                 |

      | <=============================================== |

      .                                .                 .

      .                                .                 . % repeat for ascending age

      .                                .                 . % for every player, if at all

      |                                |                 |

      |     proposeBoard0(N,N)         |                 |

      | -----------------------------------------------> |

      |     board                      |                 |

      | <=============================================== |

      |                                |                 |

      |                                |                 |

      |                                |                 |

      |     setup(state,coordinate)    |                 | % the initial state for this game

      | -----------------------------> |                 | % the target tile for this player

      |                                |                 |

      .                                .                 .

      .                                .                 . % repeat for ascending age

      .                                .                 .

      |                                |                 |

      |     setup(state,coordinate)    |                 |

      | -----------------------------------------------> |

      |                                |                 |

Playing Turns


        referee                         player (p_1) . . . player (p_n)

          |                                |                 |

          |   takeTurn(state)              |                 | % player receives:

          | -----------------------------> |                 | % - current state            


    action 1:

          |     PASS                       |                 |

          | <============================  |                 | % pass on this turn

          |                                |                 |


    action 2:

          |     Choice                     |                 | % a choice that includes

          | <============================  |                 | - a row or column index

          |                                |                 | - a direction

          |                                |                 | - a number of degrees

          |                                |                 | - a place to go to

          |                                |                 |   for the avatar

      +-- |                                |                 |

      |   .                                .                 . % if legal:

      |   .                                .                 . % referee modifies game state

      +-> .                                .                 . % otherwise:

          .                                .                 . % kick player out

          .                                .                 .


    if the player reaches the assigned treasures-target with this turn:


          |                                |                 |

          |     setup(NONE,coordinate)     |                 | % no state; just a reminder

          | -----------------------------> |                 | % to go home



    if the player reaches home with this turn, the referee terminates the game:


          |                                |                 |







          |   takeTurn(state)              |                 |

          | -----------------------------------------------> |

          |     response                   |                 |

          | <=============================================== |

          |                                |                 |

          .                                .                 .

          .                                .                 . % repeat until all remaining players

          .                                .                 . % reply with PASS in one round

          .                                .                 . % or one player has returned to

          .                                .                 . % its home after visiting its target

          .                                .                 .

Scoring a Game


    referee                        player (p_1) . . . player (p_n)

      |                                |                 |

      |                                |                 |

      |     win(Boolean)               |                 |

      | -----------------------------> |                 | % true means "winner"

      |                                |                 | % false means "loser"

      .                                .                 .

      .                                .                 .

      .                                .                 .

      .                                .                 .

      |     win(Boolean)               |                 |

      | -----------------------------------------------> | % both winners and

      |                                |                 | % losers are informed

      |                                |                 |

Convention The % parts on the right are interpretive comments. ~~

    ------> are calls

    <====== are returns

A missing return arrow means that method must successfully return void.

Termination of Interactions An interaction between the referee and any player is discontinued if the player
  • breaks the rules (a “business logic” bug)

  • raises an exception (a safety bug)

  • takes too long for a computation (a DoS bug).

We do not worry about a player that exploits shared-memory allocation of data representation. These terminations are not specified in the sequence diagram.

Naturally, if a referee has to eliminate the last player, the game is over.