Computer Graphics (CS 4300) 2010S: Lecture 4
- HW2 and HW3 out
- loose ends (frame buffers & double buffering, signed distance from point to line)
- midpoint algorithm for rasterizing line segments
- line attributes
Midpoint Algorithm
- given a line segment, e.g. as start and end points , how should we decide how to “turn on” pixels to display it?
- this is an example of rasterization: converting a description of geometry (or model) into an image
- we need an algorithm that will return a resonable set of pixels; one common method is called the midpoint algorithm
- first, observe that it is sufficient to only consider the case of a line in quadrant I with more run than rise, i.e. all coordinates positive and . Any other line can be handled by small tweaks to this case.
- overall structure of the algorithm:
- (start at bottom)
- for to do (iterate from left to right)
- turn on pixel (we are now “on” a line pixel)
- if condition then (need to move up)
- The interesting part is condition. Idea: compute the midpoint between the centers of the pixels at and (i.e. the pixel immediately to the right and the one above it); if is below the ideal line connecting to , then the pixel at is closer to the line than , so move up.
- computing the midpoint coordinates is actually trivial:
- but how to determine if is above or below (or on) the line?
- we have already seen one method: make a temporary vector from and take the cross product of it and the vector
- if is positive, then is below the line
- how many floating point operations (FLOPS) does this require per iteration?
- note that can be pre-computed before the loop
- two additions to get
- two subtractions to get
- two multiplications and one subtraction to get (recall that only the component will be non-zero for the cross product of two 2D vectors extended to 3D with )
- total: 7 FLOPS per iteration using cross product
- we can do better, and we want to, because we may have many lines to draw, and the midpoint algorithm is linear in the maximum difference in or coordinates from to
- idea 2: use the implicit form of the line
- can be shown (see text or L3) that is an implicit form for the line through the points
- will be zero if is on the line, positive if above, and negative if below (to prove that the signs work out like this, consider )
- FLOP count:
- two additions to get
- two multiplies and two additions to evaluate
- total: 6 FLOPS per iteration using implict line eqn directly
- this is not much better than using the cross product, but it sets the stage for an incremental approach
- idea 3: observe that if we know the value of for a given point , we can use that value to accelerate the computation of nearby points:
- so now if we initialize before the loop, we can make condition simply check if
- if so, we need to move up, and next time through we will need
- if not, we will not move up, and next time through we will need
- revised pseudocode:
- (start at bottom)
- for to do (iterate from left to right)
- turn on pixel (we are now “on” a line pixel)
- if then
- (need to move up)
- else (don’t move up)
- FLOP count:
- one addition, assuming we pre-compute and
- total: 1 FLOP per iteration using incremental approach
Line Attributes
- line width
- dash patterns
- end caps: butt, round, square
- joins: bevel, miter, round
Next Time
- sampling and antialiasing
- color perception and color spaces
- reading on website