Welcome to Computer Systems, Spring 2022!
Assignment 11 is available. You are asked to make two submissions, the first one is due on Tuesday, April 19, 10pm.
Assignment 10 released.
Hint on how to get the page size added to Assignment 9.
Assignment 9 is now available. The deadline is Friday, April 1.
We have added a Resources page collecting useful links to outside resources.
Assignment 8 is now available. The deadline is after the Spring Break, on Friday, March 25.
Assignment 7 is now available. Starter code is accessible via Canvas. Note, that this assignment has no autograder.
Assignment 6 is available.
Assignment 5 is now available.
Assignment 4 has been released.
Links to labs are now provided on the Schedule page.
Assignment 3 has been released.
Assignment 2 has been released.
The Office Hours page now contains an embedded calendar with the current TA office hour schedule. This calendar is usually more accurate than the one displayed in the Office Hours App.
A tentative schedule for all unpublished Assignments has been added.
Assignment 1 is published.
Welcome to Computer Systems! To start, please read the Syllabus and take a look at our Schedule. We look forward to seeing you in class!