Assignment 6: ExCELlence in Motion — Seeing is believing
Due: Thurs 11/08 at 9:00pm; self-evaluation due Fri 11/09 at 10:00pm
Starter files:
You are to complete this project with the same partners as on Assignment 5.
In this assignment will implement several views for your model from the last assignment. A view is responsible for rendering (some or all of) the data in a model in a form that is understandable to whoever is actually trying to use the data.
1 Working in pairs
This assignment is designed for groups with more than one person. Although the expected work is not simply double of what it was in earlier assignments, the assignment behooves mutual cooperation and often, pair programming.
Please make a plan, meet frequently and tackle the assignment in a systematic manner. Dividing the work and then meeting directly the day before it is due is a recipe for disaster. This assignment requires you to self-learn some things, so enforce each other’s efforts and learning.
In this assignment you will work on three views for your Easy Animator application.
As with the model, in the abstract sense, a view is an interface; particular concrete views implement that interface. Accordingly, your work in this assignment should carefully distinguish between any one particular implementation of a view and the common interface to which they should all adhere. Moreover, if your model from Assignment 5 failed to have a similar interface/implementation split, you must fix that.
2.1 View interface(s)
Start by planning your views, and observing which operations you need. Although different views look and behave differently, there are some common aspects to all views. The design of the actual interface(s) is left up to you. A common design technique is to have a view interface that has all functionalities and then individual views suppress or provide defaults for functionalities they do not implement (e.g. Fundies 2 uses this technique to motivate double dispatch: you can review it here.). Another relevant design rule is from the SOLID principles from Lecture 1: Why object-oriented design?: Interface Segregation (No client should be forced to depend on methods that it does not use). Think about these aspects as you come up with a design for your views.
2.2 Speed of animation
In order to produce an animation, your views may need to convert the animation from unitless “ticks” to actual time durations. This can be controlled by specifying a tempo for the animation, in ticks per second. Thus the same animation can be produced at different speeds, by altering the tempo. This tempo will be supplied as a command-line parameter; see below.
2.3 A textual view: seeing is believing
This view will show a textual description of the animation. This description should be the description you produced in Assignment 5. To facilitate testing, this view should work with a variety of output sources.
For example the output of the text view for the textual output of the small demo animation from Assignment 5 should be as follows:
canvas 200 70 360 360 shape R rectangle motion R 1 200 200 50 100 255 0 0 10 200 200 50 100 255 0 0 motion R 10 200 200 50 100 255 0 0 50 300 300 50 100 255 0 0 motion R 50 300 300 50 100 255 0 0 51 300 300 50 100 255 0 0 motion R 51 300 300 50 100 255 0 0 70 300 300 25 100 255 0 0 motion R 70 300 300 25 100 255 0 0 100 200 200 25 100 255 0 0 shape C ellipse motion C 6 440 70 120 60 0 0 255 20 440 70 120 60 0 0 255 motion C 20 440 70 120 60 0 0 255 50 440 250 120 60 0 0 255 motion C 50 440 250 120 60 0 0 255 70 440 370 120 60 0 170 85 motion C 70 440 370 120 60 0 170 85 80 440 370 120 60 0 255 0 motion C 80 440 370 120 60 0 255 0 100 440 370 120 60 0 255 0
You may achieve this functionality by moving your code to generate this rendering from the model to the appropriate view.
2.4 Visual Animation view
In this view, you will draw and play the animation inside a window, effectively reproducing the sample animations shown in Assignment 5.
2.4.1 Producing shapes within an animation: Tweening
Each kind of animation can be thought of as changing some attribute of the shape with time. For example, moving a shape changes its position while keeping color and size unchanged, while changing the color does not change its position and size.
Each such kind of animation is specified by how the shape is before it starts, and how it is after it ends. For example, consider moving a rectangle R from its position (min-corner) A at time \(t = t_a\) to another position B at time \(t = t_b\). The “initial state” of R at time \(t = t_a\) is when it is at point A and the “final state” of R at time \(t = t_b\) is when it is at point B. The animation should show R moving from A to B smoothly. This requires us to compute the intermediate state of R at any time \(t_a \leq t \leq t_b\). This is called “in-betweening” or “tweening” (yes, an invented word!).
We can accomplish tweening in a simple manner using linear interpolation. Consider a variable f whose value is ‘a’ at time t=0 and ‘b’ at time t=1. Then its value at any time \(0 \leq t \leq 1\) is given by \(f(t) = a(1-t) + bt\) (verify its values at \(t=0\), \(t=1\) and \(t=0.5\)). Generalizing to any time interval \((t_a,t_b)\):
\begin{equation*}f(t) = a\left(\frac{t_b-t}{t_b-t_a}\right) + b\left(\frac{t-t_a}{t_b-t_a}\right)\end{equation*}
for any \(t_a \leq t \leq t_b\)
We can apply this formula to any attribute of a shape. For example, we can apply it to the x and y coordinates to interpolate position, or the red, green and blue components (r,g,b) to interpolate colors.
(Mathematically, linear interpolation can be visualized as drawing a line segment from a to b, and then thinking about how the values change uniformly.)
2.4.2 Implementation Details
To implement this view, you will need to use Java Swing. (You are not permitted to use
the javalib
library we used in Fundies 2, as it conflates the notions
of model, view and controller into a single World
class. Additionally,
Java’s other GUI library, JavaFX, is overly complicated for our purposes.) The code provided
with the MVC code and the Turtles activity from class give you a basic beginning using Swing. Some hints:
You will likely need to look up documentation on
class, and you may need to explicitly castGraphics
objects toGraphics2D
objects.Swing defines three template methods by which you can customize the size of panels or frames:
. Of these, the most common to override isgetPreferredSize
.Normally a GUI draws itself whenever it is asked to, or when certain events occur (e.g. maximizing or resizing the window). In order to produce an animation, you need some mechanism (similar to an alarm clock) to tell the window to keep refreshing itself automatically.
2.4.3 Behavior of the visual view
The animation should start as the view is loaded, with no additional inputs from the user. The window may or may not be big enough to show the entire animation: you should use scroll bars to ensure that the user can see different parts.
If objects overlap during the animation, they should be drawn in the order in which they were created (specified as input).
2.5 SVG Animation view
One of our initial motivations for this application was to make it easy for a user to create and play an animation. Conceptually it should be possible to create a visual representation of our animation using existing animation frameworks, such as Flash, etc.
In this view, you will produce a textual description of the animation that is compliant with the popular SVG file format. The SVG file format is an XML-based format that can be used to describe images and animations. It is an example of “vector-based graphics” where it stores explicitly the shapes to be drawn and manipulations to be done on them, instead of pixel values. Most browsers support SVG rendering1there may be some performance issues from one browser to another. If you experience any lag, try a different browser first. Therefore, the output of your program, if saved in a file, can be directly viewed in a web browser. Once again, to facilitate testing, this view should be able to work with a variety of output destinations to which it transmits the SVG description.
Some simple examples of SVG files have been provided to you, with embedded comments (please open the files in a text editor to see their source code). You should read the official SVG documentation to learn more about this format. You will find the descriptions on shapes and animations particularly relevant. The Mozilla Developer Network also provides some useful documentation on SVG, particularly a handy element reference.
Again, remember that since SVG is an XML-based format, it is a purely text representation. Ultimately, your SVG view produces only formatted text.
2.6 Assignment
Implement the views above. Place all the code of your views in the
package.Document any further changes made to your models from the previous assignment: explain what was added, removed or changed (besides the package declaration), and why.
3 Running and Testing
In order to run your code as an application, you need two functionalities:
Reading animation specifications from files
Switching among the views implemented above
3.1 Reading from files
The skeleton code above provides you with a utility class,
, that can read the animation files supplied for you to
use. (Note: these samples are not quite identical to the animated GIFs in
Assignment 5. But they’re very similar in spirit.) Because we do not know in
advance what you’ve named your model, or precisely how your constructors work,
in turn requires a AnimationBuilder<T>
that describes constructing any animation, shape-by-shape and motion-by-motion.
Think of this builder as adapting from the model interface that the
expects to the one your model actually has.
Implement this builder interface, where the
parameter should be specialized to whatever your main interface is named that describes an animation (likely your model):import cs3500.animator.util.AnimatorBuilder; import cs3500.animator.util.AnimatorReader; public final class WhateverYourModelImplementationIsNamed implements YourModelInterface { ... public static final class Builder implements AnimationBuilder<YourModelInterface> { // FILL IN HERE } }
Implement a factory of views, with a single method that takes in a
name for a view—“text”, “svg”, or “visual”— and constructs an instance of the appropriate concrete view.
3.2 The main()
Add the following class to your project:
package cs3500.animator;
public final class Excellence {
public static void main(String[] args) {
This main()
method will be the entry point for your program. Your
program needs to take inputs as command-line arguments (available in your
program through the argument args
above). Review the
for command-line arguments in a Java program.
The command-line arguments will be of the form
-in "name-of-animation-file" -view "type-of-view" -out "where-output-show-go" -speed "integer-ticks-per-second"
Characteristics of a valid input are:
Each pair of arguments (
-in "input-file"
,-out "output-file"
, etc.) may appear in any order (e.g. the-view
pair can appear first, followed by-in
and so on)Each pair of arguments are ordered. That is, if the user types
then the next input must be the name of an input file, and so on.Providing an input file (the
pair) and a view (the-view
pair) are mandatory. If the output set is not specified and the view needs it, the default should beSystem.out
. If the speed is not specified and the view needs it, the default is 1 tick per second.
This main()
method will be the entry point for your program. You will
need to create an Application run configuration in IntelliJ that chooses
as its main class. In this run configuration,
you can also specify command-line arguments, such as the file you want to read
in, and the view name you want to use. The options for the view name are
"text", "visual" and "svg".
Here are some examples of valid command-line arguments and what they mean:
-in smalldemo.txt -view text -speed 2
: use smalldemo.txt for the animation file, and create a text view with its output going toSystem.out
, and a speed of 2 ticks per second.-view svg -out out.svg -in buildings.txt
: use buildings.txt for the animation file, and create an SVG view with its output going to the fileout.svg
, with a speed of 1 tick per second.-in smalldemo.txt -view text
: use smalldemo.txt for the animation file, and create a text view with its output going toSystem.out
.-in smalldemo.txt -speed 50 -view visual
: use smalldemo.txt for the animation file, and create a visual view to show the animation at a speed of 50 ticks per second.
If the command-line arguments are invalid, the program should show an error
message (see
for how to open a popup error message) and exit.
3.3 Specifying command-line arguments through IntelliJ
You need to create an Application run configuration that chooses
as its main class. In this run
configuration, you can also specify command-line arguments. When you run the
program normally, it will use these command-line arguments.
3.4 Testing
You should be able to test your text-based view and SVG view sufficiently by
parameterizing it over alternate input and output sources. We did the same
thing in Assignment 3 —
Unit-testing the visual view is optional. Unit-testing the other views is not.
4 Submission
Submit any files created or modified in this assignment. We should be able to run your program successfully using files in your submission.
Submit a text README file explaining your design. Make sure you explain your design changes from the previous assignment.
Submit a file named
, showing the output of the console view when rendering thetoh-3.txt
.Submit a file named
, showing the output of the of thetoh-8.txt
file at 20 ticks per second as an SVG file.Submit a JAR file (with extension
) file that can run your program —see below for instructions. Your directory structure should be the same as in prior assignments —
a src/
directory and atest/
directory —plus a third directory named resources/
containing your README, your JAR file, the text transcript and SVG files as required.
To create a JAR file, do the following:
Go to File -> Project Structure -> Project Settings -> Artifacts
Click on the plus sign
-> From Modules with dependencies. You should now seeSelect the main class of your program (where you defined the
main(String[] args)
method)If you see a checkbox labelled “Build on make”, check it.
Hit ok
You should now see something like
If now you see a checkbox labeled “Build on make,” or “Include in project build,” (it’s been renamed in recent versions of IntelliJ) check it now.
Make your project (click the button to the left of the run configurations dropdown, with the ones and zeros and a down-arrow on it). Your
file should now be in<projectRoot>/out/artifacts/
.Verify that your jar file works. To do this, copy the jar file and your animation input files to a common folder. Now open a command-prompt/terminal and navigate to that folder. Now type
java -jar NameOfJARFile.jar -in smalldemo.txt -view text -out out -speed 2
and press ENTER. The program should behave accordingly. If instead you get errors, review the above procedure to create the JAR file correctly. Note that double-clicking on your JAR file will not test it correctly, because your program is expecting command-line arguments.
5 Grading standards
For this assignment, you will be graded on
the design of your view interface, in terms of clarity, flexibility, and how well it supports needed functionality;
how well you justify any changes made to your model,
the correctness and stylishness of your implementation
whether your program accepts command-line arguments correctly
whether your JAR file works correctly
the comprehensiveness and correctness of your test coverage.
Please submit your homework to by the above deadline. Then be sure to complete your self evaluation by the second deadline.
1there may be some performance issues from one browser to another. If you experience any lag, try a different browser first