Lecture 1: Why object-oriented design?
1 Because software isn’t easy
Writing software is hard. Writing good software is really hard. This
might surprise us, because how computers compute is, fundamentally, very
simple. As programmers, we have a solid understanding of the rules that
a machine follows to execute our programs, and yet, experience shows
that all significant programs have bugs—
We compose complex systems from simple parts.
The physical world limits the size of artifacts that we can construct, but computer programs no know such limits.1This is not strictly true, as storage is finite, but in practice memory on general-purpose computers is not a constraint on program size. Programs are mathematical creatures, their scale and scope limited only by our imaginations. While the individual rules of computation are simple and easy to grasp, as programs get larger, simple steps interact in increasingly unpredictable ways. Human beings are capable of producing much larger programs than they are capable of understanding, and large and changing teams of human beings moreso. Thus, much of the task of engineering good software comes down to reducing and managing complexity.
Of course, complexity is not the only challenge in writing software; another is that requirements evolve throughout the software development lifecycle. It’s rare that a customer can, at the outset of a project, describe accurately what is wanted, and even then, releasing version one doesn’t mean that we’re finished. Requirements often change because the world our programs must interact with changes. We invent new hardware, change our laws, specify new protocols, and dream up novel features, and we need software to keep up. We want designs to be flexible, so that we can adapt them to changing requirements without making major alterations to our code.
2 Object-oriented design
In this course, we focus on a suite of techniques and technologies for dealing with complexity and increasing flexibility that are commonly known as object oriented. We will discuss concepts such as
information hiding, the idea that components should not know about other components’ data representations;
interfaces, which mediate between client and provider, and allows each to be replaced or changed independently; and
polymorphism, by which the same code works on different classes of objects.
Each of these concepts promotes loose coupling, in which different parts of a program depend as little as possible on the details of other parts. This makes components easier to replace or reuse, and by limiting the ways in which components can interact, loose coupling may help reduce the complexity of the system as a whole. (Similarly, functional programming limits interactions by making all communication between components explicit and local.)
We will also consider designs in light of the “SOLID Principles”:
Single responsibility, meaning that each class should have a single responsibility or purpose. (For example, separating the logic of a GUI from the presentation makes it easier to test and easier to change each separately.)
Open/closed, meaning that interfaces should be open to reimplementation, and that clients should not require (and hence, be closed to) modification. (For example, code written to use interface Map does not have to change when we decide we’d rather use TreeMap than a HashMap.)
Liskov substitution, meaning that objects of subtypes may be used anywhere that the supertype can be used. (For example, if a Square is a Rectangle then a Square can be used wherever a Rectangle can be used.)
Interface segregation, meaning that classes should offer small, specialized interfaces for different kinds of clients. (For example, a class representing the state of a document might implement different interfaces for spell-checking and printing that provide only the necessary operations for each task; this makes the relationships clearer and dependencies narrower.)
Dependency inversion, meaning that details should depend on abstractions rather than abstractions depending on details. (For example, the interface of a GUI application should know about the business logic rather than the business logic knowing about the interface.)
3 Good software
Now, if we want to write good software, it is important to say what makes software “good.” Paramount is correctness, which means that a program does what we intend it to do. We also care about efficiency, because a program that takes longer to run than we have time to wait, or needs more memory than we can afford, isn’t very useful. Often the goals of correctness and efficiency are said to be at odds: While abstraction might help us write programs that are (more) correct, it can also impede efficiency. We will see that this is sometimes the case, but we will also explore how carefully designed abstractions can facilitate efficiency.
Because we have to balance these competing concerns, making software requires making choices. The most interesting problems in software development have no clear answers. This is what I mean when I talk about design. Our sense of what makes code good is as much aesthetic as it is formal or mathematical. Despite the absence of clear metrics, with experience we develop intuition that distinguishes better designs from worse. One goal of this course is for you to gain a little more experience and grow a little more intuition.
The great computer architect Fred Brooks wrote that there is “no silver bullet”:
There is no single development, in either technology or management technique, which by itself promises even one order-of-magnitude improvement within a decade in productivity, in reliability, in simplicity.
Certainly this is true, but object-oriented design makes a decent wooden stake.2Stakes are generally a less ideal weapon for killing monsters. It offers a viable and popular methodology for mitigating complexity and change, if we do it well. If we do it poorly, we can make a terrible, incomprehensible mess. I will do my best to help you do it well, but I hope in this semester you will have the opportunity to experience both.
4 Topics
Some topics we will cover in this course:
What are objects all about?
Interface polymorphism
Data abstraction and encapsulation
Client perspective versus implementor perspective
Object-oriented terminology
Generic polymorphism
Testing and specification
Algorithmic efficiency
Software archaeology
Class diagrams
Design patterns
5 For More Information
Please read the syllabus/website for details on the course schedule, policies, and resources.
1This is not strictly true, as storage is finite, but in practice memory on general-purpose computers is not a constraint on program size.
2Stakes are generally a less ideal weapon for killing monsters.