Logic and Computation
CS 2800 Fall 2022

Khoury College of Computer Sciences
Northeastern University

Professor and TAs (sections 1, 4, and 5) -- UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Stavros Tripakis (also spelled Trypakis)
Office hours: Mon and Tue 1:35pm-2:30pm, or by request
Location: WVH 340
Email: stavros northeastern edu
Neel Bhalla
Email: bhalla.ne northeastern edu
Nathan Kirschner
Email: kirschner.n northeastern edu
Daniel Melcer
Email: melcer.d northeastern edu
Lisa Oakley
Email: oakley.l northeastern edu
Nicole Peters
Email: peters.n northeastern edu
Claire Wang
Email: wang.cl northeastern edu
Pengbo Wang
Email: wang.pengbo northeastern edu
Yuhao Zhou
Email: zhou.yuhao northeastern edu