Assignment 2: Designing methods for complex data
Goals: Learn to design methods for complex class hierarchies. Practice designing the representation of complex data.
This homework should be done with your lab partner.
the names of classes,
the names and types of the fields within classes,
the names, types and order of the arguments to the constructor,
the names, types and order of arguments to methods, or
You will submit this assignment by the deadlines using the course handin server. Follow A Complete Guide to the Handin Server for information on how to use the handin server. You may submit as many times as you wish. Be aware of the fact that close to the deadline the server may slow down to handle many submissions, so try to finish early. There will be a separate submission for each problem - it makes it easier to grade each problem, and to provide you with the feedback for each problem you work on.
Practice Problems
Work out these problems on your own. Save them in an electronic portfolio, so you can show them to your instructor, review them before the exam, use them as a reference when working on the homework assignments.
Problem 10.6 on page 102
Problem 11.2 on page 113
Problem 12.1 on page 125
Problem 14.7 on page 140
Problem 15.2 on page 149
Problem 15.3 on page 149
Problem 15.8 on page 171
Problem 1: Embroidery
The art of creating decorative designs on fabric using a needle and thread is called embroidery. For instance, the following designs for a tree motif, a flower motif or bird motif may be created by an embroidery stitch such as a cross stitch or a chain stitch:
The following DrRacket data definition describes a simple piece of embroidery:
;;An EmbroideryPiece is a (make-embroidery-piece String Motif) (define-struct embroidery-piece (name motif)) ;; Motif is one of ;; -- CrossStitchMotif ;; -- ChainStitchMotif ;; -- GroupMotif ;; A CrossStitchMotif is a (make-cross-stitch-motif String Double) (define-struct cross-stitch-motif (description difficulty)) ;; interpretation: difficulty is a number between 0 and 5, with 5 being the most difficult ;; A ChainStitchMotif is a (make-chain-stitch-motif String Double) (define-struct chain-stitch-motif (description difficulty)) ;; interpretation: difficulty is a number between 0 and 5, with 5 being the most difficult ;; A GroupMotif is a (make-group-motif String [List-of Motif]) (define-struct group-motif (description motifs))
We are giving you the names of the classes or interfaces you will probably need
A reminder on naming conventions: For lists of data, the names of the interface should always start with ILo, while the two classes’ names start with MtLo for the empty lists and ConsLo for the nonempty lists; all three of these names should be followed by the name of the datatype of the elements of the list. So we would have ILoString, MtLoString, ConsLoString to represent lists of Strings, ILoBook, MtLoBook, ConsLoBook to represent lists of Books, etc.
Draw a class diagram for the classes that represent this data definition. (It is optional to submit your diagram. You can draw this on paper, or in ASCII art as a comment in your submitted file.)
Define Java classes that represent the definitions above.
Name your examples class ExamplesEmbroidery
In the ExamplesEmbroidery class design the example of the following:
- A piece named "Pillow Cover", with the following motifs:
- A "nature" group motif that has a
"bird" cross-stitch motif with 4.5 difficulty, a
"tree" chain-stitch motif with 3.0 difficulty, and a
- "flowers" group motif with a
"rose" cross-stitch motif with 5.0 difficulty, a
"poppy" chain-stitch motif with 4.75 difficulty, and a
"daisy" cross-stitch motif with 3.2 difficulty
Name this example pillowCover Our test program will check that the field pillowCover in the class ExamplesEmbroidery represents this information. (You may name the other motifs, and all the items inside them, anything you like, though the names should be reasonably descriptive.)
Design the method averageDifficulty that computes the average difficulty of all of the cross-stitch and chain-stitch motifs in an EmbroideryPiece.
Hint: you will need some helper methods for this...
Tricky! Design the method embroideryInfo that produces one String that has in it all names of cross-stitch and chain-stitch motifs in an EmbroideryPiece, their stitch types in parentheses, and each motif separated by comma and space. The String should end in a period.
So for the Pillow Cover example above this String would be
"Pillow Cover: bird (cross stitch), tree (chain stitch), rose (cross stitch), poppy (chain stitch), daisy (cross stitch)."
Note: You can combine two Strings with a + operator, or by invoking the method concat: assuming both s1 and s2 are Strings, then both s1 + s2 and s1.concat(s2) do the same thing as the BSL expression (string-append s1 s2).
Note: There is a comma and space between any two entries, but not after the last one.
Problem 2: A Picture is worth a thousand words
Define the file that will contain the entire solution to this problem.
For this problem, you’re going to implement a small fragment of the image library you’ve been using for Fundies 1 and will be using in Fundies 2. Each picture is either a single Shape or a Combo that connects one or more pictures. Each Shape has a kind, which is a string describing what simple shape it is (e.g., "circle" or "square"), and a size. (For this problem, we will simplify and assume that each simple shape is as tall as it is wide.) A Combo consists of a name describing the resulting picture, and an operation describing how this image was put together.
There are three kinds of operations: Scale (takes a single picture and draws it twice as large), Beside (takes two pictures, and draws picture1 to the left of picture2), and Overlay (takes two pictures, and draws top-picture on top of bottom-picture, with their centers aligned).
Design the classes (and interfaces) needed to represent the given information.
Sketch the class diagram for the classes and interfaces you have designed. (You can draw this on paper, or in ASCII art as a comment in your submitted file. You do not need to hand this in.)
- In the ExamplesPicture class define example data that represents the following images (the colors don’t matter; they’re just for illustration here):
A circle -
, a single circle of size 20
A square -
, a single square of size 30
A big circle -
, the result of scaling circle
A square on circle -
A doubled square on circle -
You should define each picture by its name (e.g. square or bigCircle). Any combo image should use the description text given above as its description.
Our test program will use this data to test your methods.
Add to your examples one more example of picture for each of the possible operations. Do not modify the existing pictures.
Design the method getWidth that computes the overall width of this picture.
Hint: follow the design recipe... working through examples really helps.
Design the method countShapes that computes the number of single shapes involved in producing the final image.
Note: Make sure you count every shape each time it is used.
Design the method comboDepth, that computes how deeply operations are nested in the construction of this picture. For example, the comboDepth of the last example picture above is 3.
Design the method mirror. This should leave the entire image unchanged, except Beside combos, which should have their two sub-images flipped (all names can remain untouched). This mirroring should happen the entire way down the image.
Tricky! Design the method pictureRecipe that takes an integer depth, and produces a String representing the contents of this picture, where the recipe for the picture has been expanded only depth times. For example, the pictureRecipe at depth 0 for the last example image above is "doubled square on circle", at depth 2 is "beside(overlay(square, big circle), overlay(square, big circle))", and at depth 3 or more is "beside(overlay(square, scale(circle)), overlay(square, scale(circle)))".
In more detail: invoking pictureRecipe on a Combo produces its name if the given depth is less than or equal to 0, and the formula of its mixture (at that depth) otherwise.
Hint: If you get stuck, you may want to use a wish list to determine subproblems that may be of use to you, and that you can delegate to when needed.