On this page:
1.1 Khoury Accounts
1.2 Partners
1.3 Eclipse IDE
Learn to set up your workspace.
The First Project
Set up the run configuration and run the program.
If you see red warnings about “terminally deprecated methods”...
1.4 Hourglass
1.5 Lab Part 2:   Getting started with your own projects
Making examples
Simple Data Definitions
Data Definitions with Containment
Data Definitions for Unions of Data
Self-Referential Data
Bouncing Ball simulation

Lab 1: Introduction to Eclipse and Simple Data Definitions🔗

Goals: The goals of this lab are to get familiar with our work environment: the Eclipse IDE, the handin-server submission process, the basics of running a program in Java, and program testing framework.

The second part of the lab will focus on practicing data definitions and examples in Java. Since this lab is happening before your first lecture, we ask that you complete the second part of the lab on your own time with your partner by the end of the week so that you are prepared for Homework 1.

Related files:
  tester.jar     javalib.jar     Shapes.java  

1.1 Khoury Accounts🔗

You will use Handins to work on your homework sets, to keep track of revisions, and to submit your homework. You will need a Khoury account to use Handins so please go here to apply for an account if you don’t already have one.

Important: if you have had a Khoury account in the past, but are not a Khoury student and your account has been deactivated due to inactivity, do not apply for a new account. Instead, send an email to systems at ccs dot neu dot edu explaining that you’re registered for CS2510, that your account has been disabled, and provide your Khoury username and your NUID in the email. You will not likely be able to log in until the Systems team has a chance to process your account, so be patient.

1.2 Partners🔗

Just like in Fundies 1, almost all of the work you do in this class will be done with a partner. Please take the time to review the pair programming expectations on the course website. Every week in lab, you will work with a new partner — whoever you happen to sit next to. For homeworks, we will likely have 1-2 partner swaps throughout the semester, but you are free to choose your first partner — and work with them today in lab.

If you have a preferred partnership, both members should go ahead and request each other on the Handin server before the end of the lab. For instructions on requesting a partner see Section 6 of the Complete Guide to the Handin Server. Make sure that by the end of lab, you’ve exchanged contact information with your new partner.

If you do not have a perference for a partner and would likely to be matched randomly we will create partnerships after lab is finished.

1.3 Eclipse IDE🔗

Eclipse is an integrated (program) development environment used by many professional Java programmers (as well as programmers using other programming languages). It is an Open Source product, which means anyone can use it freely and anyone can contribute to its development.

The environment provides an editor, allows you to organize your work into several files that together comprise a project, and has a compiler so you can run your programs. Several projects form a workspace. You can probably keep all the work till the end of the semester in one workspace, with one project for each programming problem or a lab problem.

There are several step in getting started:

Learn to set up your workspace.🔗

You will need to install the Java Development Kit (JDK) version 11. Do not use any version higher than 11. The submission server does not support higher versions, so you may have some problems when you submit. If you already have installed a higher version of Java, you need to install Java 11 as well.

You have two options for how to download and install the JDK:

Next, download Eclipse from https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ – the standard Eclipse IDE is fine, and the Eclipse site should detect your computer’s operating system appropriately. When instaling it, select Eclipse IDE for Java Developers, for this is what you are becoming!

Before opening the program (while it installs), follow the instructions below, replacing the reference to Z:\ with whatever folder on your computer is convenient for you.

The First Project🔗
Set up the run configuration and run the program.🔗

(Running your program won’t do very much right now, because the code doesn’t do very much right now. But making sure that everything is capable of running is necessary before making your program more complex!)

If you see red warnings about “terminally deprecated methods”...🔗

...you have Java version 17 installed. You will need to reconfigure your Eclipse. This will take a few steps: first you need to reset the Eclipse defaults to ensure that future projects use Java 11, and then reset your current lab project to use those defaults.

If you’ve followed all that, then the next time you run your program, it should run without any red warning messages. If you’re still getting warnings, ask a TA or tutor for more help. Good news: since you’ve now set the defaults correctly, you won’t have to do this again for future projects!

1.4 Hourglass🔗

We will be using Hourglass to conduct exams this semester. Hourglass is an online exam server that is designed specifically for the needs of CS courses and balances exam integrity while avoiding intrusive lockdown browsers.

If you have signed up for the course on Handins then once we have updated your registrations to synchronize with Hourglass, you should be able to sign in. If you are unable to sign in please let us know, but this synchronization is a manual process, so please wait until we’ve announced that we’ve synchronized the registrations before trying to sign in.

1.5 Lab Part 2: Getting started with your own projects🔗

The second part of this lab provides additional practice with data definitions. NOTE: as this is the first week and we want to ensure you’ve gotten everything set up properly, you will submit a part of this lab as part of Homework 1. In general, labs will not be graded, but feel free to come to office hours with questions about them.


We start with designing data — designing classes of data that are connected to each other in a systematic way, showing that the Design recipe for Data Definitions can be used virtually without change in a completely different language than we have used in the first part.

The programs we provide give you examples of the progressively more complex data (class) definitions, and illustrate the design of methods for these class hierarchies.

The design of methods follows the same Design Recipe we have seen before. The only difference here is that for classes that represent a union type (for example classes Circle and Rectangle that are both a part of the union type Shape, the conditional statement used in DrRacket inventory/template is replaced by the dynamic dispatch into the class whose constructor has been used to define the specific object.

Making examples🔗

Add examples of data needed to describe the shapes in the following image (ignore the colors):

You won’t be able to display this image yet: you’re only defining data right now, rather than using an image library to render it.

Simple Data Definitions🔗

Problem 1

Here is a data definition in BSL:

;; Represents a company store
;; A Store is (make-store String Number String)
(define-struct store [name year-opened inventory])
(define Amazon (make-store "Amazon" 1994 "miscellany"))
(define Subway (make-store "Subway" 1965 "sandwiches"))
(define Outlier (make-store "Outlier" 2008 "clothing"))

Draw the class diagram that represents this data.

Define the class Store that implements this data definition and the class ExamplesStore that contains the examples defined above. You should do this in a new Store.java file. Right click the default package under Lab1 and select New > Class. Name it Store.

Run your program to make sure it works.

Data Definitions with Containment🔗

Problem 2

Modify your data definitions so that for each store we also record its main location. Each location will record the city and state of the store – for online companies, we’ll store the city they were founded in.

Data Definitions for Unions of Data🔗

Problem 3

An amusement park’s attractions include shows, food vendors, and roller coasters. Every attraction has a name and a price (in cents — so we have whole numbers only).

Each show has a minimum age in years.

Food vendors also have a short description of what kind of food and drink it sells.

For a roller coaster we note the minimum height in inches required for riders, a rating of how exciting it is for riders, and a rating for how nausea-inducing it is. The integral ratings should range between one and ten, inclusive, with one meaning minimally exciting/nauseating and ten being extremely so.

Define classes to represent each of these kinds of attractions. Think carefully about what type each field of each class should be. Do you need to define any interfaces? Construct at least two examples each of shows, food vendors, and roller coasters.

Self-Referential Data🔗

Consider the following Fundies 1 style data definition for a Villain:

In the grand tradition of Scooby Doo miscreants and Mission: Impossible baddies.

;; A Villain is one of
;; -- String
;; -- (make-mask Villain String)
;; interpretation: either a villain wearing a mask, described as a string,
;; or the true identity as the person's name.
(define-struct mask [villain description])

Convert this data definition into Java classes and interfaces. What options do you have for how to translate this into Java? Make examples of Villains, including one with at least three masks.

Bouncing Ball simulation🔗

In BSL if you wanted to define a Ball, it might look something like this:

;; A Ball is a (make-ball Number Number Number Color)
(define-struct ball (x y radius color))
(define b (make-ball 0 0 5 "blue"))

In Java, that same definition looks like this:

import java.awt.Color;
class Ball {
int x;
int y;
int radius;
Color color;
Ball(int x, int y, int radius, Color color) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.radius = radius;
this.color = color;
class ExamplesBall {
Ball b = new Ball(0, 0, 5, Color.BLUE);

In Java, x, y, radius, and color are all called fields. They are attributes of a ball.

After all, balls are fairly pointless...

A ball on its own is useless. What’s more interesting is doing something with a ball! Now, in BSL, if we wanted the area of a ball, we would have a function that looked like this:

;; Ball -> Number
;; Returns the area of a ball
(define (area b)
  (* pi (sqr (ball-radius b))))

But this approach can quickly get messy. And wouldn’t it make more sense for the ball to know its own area? That’s where methods come in. In Java, functions that live inside objects are called methods. These methods can use the data that’s inside the objects, as in the below example.

import java.awt.Color;
class Ball {
int x;
int y;
int radius;
Color color;
Ball(int x, int y, int radius, Color color) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.radius = radius;
this.color = color;
// Returns the area of this ball double area() {
return Math.PI * Math.pow(this.radius, 2);
class ExamplesBall {
Ball b = new Ball(0, 0, 5, Color.BLUE);
boolean testBalls(Tester t) {
return t.checkInexact(b.area(), 78.5, 0.001);

Note the use of this.radius. What this is doing is referencing the number we gave the ball when we created it. In this example, ball b has a radius of 5, so the area of b should be somewhere around 78.5. If you need the radius of another ball, you can access it with otherBall.radius. This works for the other fields as well.

Also note the use of checkInexact. The area of the given ball is roughly 78.5, but not exactly. In fact, all comparisons with floating-point numbers cannot be done completely precisely, so whenever we need to test such values, we must use checkInexact instead of the more familiar checkExpect. The last parameter, 0.001 specifies the tolerance we’re willing to accept: here, we’re saying the two values must be equal to within 0.1% (or a factor of 0.001).

Problem 4

Design a circumference method for Ball.

Problem 5

Design a distanceTo method for Ball. It should take a Ball and calculate the distance between each Ball’s center.

Problem 6

Design an overlaps method which returns a boolean indicating whether the ball overlaps with another, given Ball.

Challenge Problem

Do all of the above again, this time with a Rectangle class! You’ll need x and y positions, as well as width, height, and color.

Then, design a diagonal method for Rectangle that calculates the length of the diagonal inside the Rectangle.

Problem 7

Related files:

For this problem, you will need the bouncing.jar file above. Add it to your project the same way you added the other jar files. This contains some basic BigBang code specific to Bouncing Balls. For now, you don’t have to learn how BigBang works with Java. That will come a little later in the course.

Create a new project BouncingBalls. Then, create a file called Ball.java. Copy the below code and start filling in the gaps.

import tester.Tester;
import java.awt.Color;
import javalib.worldimages.*;
class BouncingBall {
Posn pos;
Color color;
int size;
int dx; // how fast is the ball moving to the right? int dy; // how fast is the ball moving downward?  
BouncingBall(Posn pos, Color color, int size, int dx, int dy) {
// Returns a new BouncingBall that's just like this BouncingBall, but moved // by this BouncingBall's dx and dy BouncingBall move() {
// Returns a new BouncingBall that represents this BouncingBall just after // it has bounced off a side wall. Does not actually move the ball. // This method will be called automatically when `collidesX` returns true BouncingBall bounceX() {
// Like bounceX, except for using the top or bottom walls BouncingBall bounceY() {
// Detects whether the ball is colliding with a side wall. boolean collidesX(Posn topLeft, Posn botRight) {
// Detects whether the ball is colliding with a top or bottom wall. boolean collidesY(Posn topLeft, Posn botRight) {
class ExamplesBouncingBalls {
int WIDTH = 300;
int HEIGHT = 300;
// NOTE: We have provided BouncingWorld for you, in the starter code. // We'll see how it works in a few lectures boolean testBigBang(Tester t) {
BouncingWorld w = new BouncingWorld(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
return w.bigBang(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0.1);

Try running it and interacting with it and see what happens. Given what you know of big-bang from Fundies 1, does pressing a key seem to do anything? Does clicking the mouse?

(Note: You may wish to use conditional statements in your code. You write them as follows:
if (some boolean expression here) {
... the true branch goes here ...
} else {
... the false branch goes here ...

The parentheses and braces are all required punctuation.)