Homework 8


home work!

Programming Language ISL+

Purpose This problem set concerns trees

Problem 1

Here is a data definition for trees of strings:

;;; An STree (string tree) is one of:

;;; - String

;;; - (make-node STree STree)

(define-struct node [left right])

What is the template for an STree-consuming function?

Design a function that will consume an STree and produce the longest string in the tree.

Design a function that will consume an STree and append all the strings in the tree into a single string.

Design a function to search an STree: it consumes an STree and a string, and returns true if the string is contained in the STree.

Problem 2 Legos!

Let’s build some lego buildings out of lego bricks. Here are data definitions for lego bricks and lego buildings:
(define-struct lego [label color width])
; A Lego is a structure:
;    (make-lego Number Symbol Number)
; interpretation: (make-lego l c w) is the lego brick
; with label l, color c, and width w (in pixels).
(define-struct bigger [lego left right])
; A LegoBldg (lego building) is one of:
; - Lego
; - (make-bigger Lego LegoBldg LegoBldg)
; interpretation: (make-bigger l lft rgt) makes a bigger
; lego building by putting a lego brick l on top of two lego
; buildings lft (left) and rgt (right).

Problem 3 Design a function, count-bricks, that takes a lego building and produces the total number of lego bricks in that building.

Problem 4 Each lego brick is 10 pixels tall. Design a function, how-high, that takes a lego building and produces the total height of the lego building (in pixels).

Problem 5 Design a function, contains-colored-brick?, that takes a lego building and a color, and determines whether the building contains a lego brick of the given color.

Problem 6 Design a function, find-colored-brick?, that takes a lego building and a color and finds any lego with the given color in the building, or returns false if there are no such legos.

Here is the data definition for the type of data this function returns:
; A MaybeLego is one of:
; - #f
; - Lego

Your function should not use contains-colored-brick?, it should not traverse/examine parts of the building more than once, and it should stop searching once any brick of the given color is found.

Problem 7 Design a function, lb->image, that takes a lego building and produces an image of the building.

Hints: You may want to look up above and beside/align in Help Desk. Also, you may want to design a helper function, lego->image, that takes a lego and produces an image of the lego. All legos are rectangular and 10 pixels tall.

Here are some examples:
(make-bigger (make-lego 4 'purple 80)
             (make-bigger (make-lego 2 'blue 60)
                          (make-lego 1 'yellow 40)
                          (make-lego 3 'red 40))
             (make-bigger (make-lego 6 'orange 60)
                          (make-lego 5 'green 40)
                          (make-lego 7 'red 40)))

(make-bigger (make-lego 4 'purple 80)
             (make-bigger (make-lego 2 'blue 60)
                          (make-lego 1 'yellow 40)
                          (make-lego 3 'red 40))
             (make-lego 6 'orange 60))