Course Contract
As a general rule, it is a violation of academic integrity to submit work
that you have not contributed to. This includes you asking your partner to
do the homework one week, and you do it the next week—
Students caught cheating will be penalized by the course staff and, in addition, will be reported to the university’s office on academic integrity for further action. }
first name
middle initial if applicable
last name
read the textbook regulary, at least each week;
keep up to date with Piazza posts and information posted there (yes, this means I have to read every post);
meet with my pair-programming partner on the agreed-upon basis;
notify my lab TA immediately if my partner fails to show up or contribute.
I understand that I have the right to get advice from one of my instructors within 24 hours (including weekends) via email and/or see my instructor by appointment.
your signature here