Problem Set 11

home work!

Programming Language ISL+

Purpose: to practice designing functions that consume two complex inputs.

Due: Wednesday, April 8 at 7pm


Problem 1: Exercise 322 from HtDP/2e

Problem 2: Exercise 323 from HtDP/2e

Problem 3: Exercise 324 from HtDP/2e

Problem 4: Exercise 328 from HtDP/2e

Problem 5: Exercise 330 from HtDP/2e

Problem 6: Exercise 333 from HtDP/2e

Problem 7: Recall that S-expressions are defined as:

;;; An Atom is one of:

;;; - Number

;;; - Symbol

;;; - String


;;; An SExp is one of:

;;; - Atom

;;; - [List-of SExp]


;;; SL [List-of SExp] is one of:

;;; - empty

;;; - (cons SExp SL)

  1. Develop the templates for a function that consumes two SExps.

  2. Design a program that will determine if two SExps contain the same atoms regardless of the ordering. For example:

    (contains-same-atoms? '(1 2 3 () ("r" b)) '("r" 1 (2) 3 b))

    would return true.

    Do not solve this by flattening SExps into [List-of Atom] first.