Problem Set 9

home work!

Programming Language ISL+

Purpose This problem set concerns the design of functions on XML-like data.

Finger Exercises HtDP/2e: 307, 308, 318, 319, 321, 323


Problem 1 Exercise 309 from HtDP/2e extra credit

Problem 2 Exercise 310 from HtDP/2e extra credit

Problem 3 Exercises 316 and 317 from HtDP/2e; you will want to include the solutions of exercises 300, 301, 302, and 303 extra credit

Problem 4 Exercise 326 from HtDP/2e extra credit

Problem 5 Exercise 328 from HtDP/2e extra credit

Problem 6 Complete the random-player variant of HungryHenry, that is, design the remaining functions from the wish list of problem 2, problem set 8, and their helper functions.

Feedback Our goal is to provide you preliminary feedback on your design by the end of the weekend. Check the hand-in server for a marked-up versions of your design.

Your program must render all cupcakes, distinct avatars for all players, and the to-be-visited waypoints for the human player. For the version that you hand in, use shapes from "2htdp/image" to render these items. For the version that you play, you may instead use fancy images though you should keep the notions of “closeness” independent of which images you use.