Week 8 Set a
Due Date Monday 10/22 at 9:00pm (Week 8)
Purpose To further your implementation of Minicraft and begin working with trees and intertwined data.
Finger Exercises
We strongly recommend completing the following finger exercises.
Graded Exercises
Exercise 2 Refine your to-draw and on-tick, incorporating feedback that you received for Week 6 Set b, Exercise 3, and be sure you’ve updated data definitions and code based on feedback you received on Week 5 Set a.
If you didn’t draw the TNT countdown number on your TNT blocks, you should do that!
Also, TNT does not chain react! i.e., if TNT explodes, TNT at adjacent positions will be removed just like normal materials, it will not in turn explode.
Exercise 3 Implement your on-key handler for your Minicraft game (for movement, selecting & placing materials, and smashing materials). See the initial writeup for the full details as well as the style guide for hints on how to structure this handler. Note that you will now be able to play your game!