IS4800 - Empirical Research Methods in Information Science



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Team Projects


The following assignments are to be completed by teams. Team project reports should be emailed to by noon on the due date. In-class presentations should be prepared using PowerPoint or your web technology of choice and either: a) emailed to by noon on the due date (please put PRESENTATION in the subject line); b) put on a USB memory stick for use on the instructor's computer; c) put on your own laptop that you bring to class for the presentation; or d) put online (but also use one of the other methods as backup).



Each project has a two week duration. Study proposals are due 3 class sessions before deadline, and should be about one page long covering: general topic; research question(s); measures, eligibility, and any human subjects ethics issues you are unsure about. Note: if you plan to use any questionnaires, you must include a complete copy of each in your proposal. You may not collect data until the instructor sends you an email explicitly approving your study protocol. Data collection, analysis, writeup and preparation for oral presentation are due on the due date (see the directory page for team assignments, presenter assignments and due dates). Your projects must be related in some way to IS, and follow the Northeastern IRB guidelines for student projects discussed in class. Your final reports must be at least two pages long (not counting raw data in an appendix) and contain both raw data, visualizations, analysis (statistics), and discussion (interpretation & implications). At the completion of each project you will be asked to evaluate yourself and your teammates.



Oral presentations must be at most 10 minutes in length (hard upper bound - you will be cut off if you go over), leaving 5 minutes critique per team. Your talk should encompass the main idea/research question, hypotheses (if appropriate), study design, results, conclusions, and (very important) appropriate visualizations of your results.


Tips for a good presentation:


Example Presentations from Past Classes [descriptive1] [descriptive2] [correlational1] [correlational2]


Team Study #1 - Ethnographic/Descriptive


The first study should be ethnographic and/or descriptive. Proposals are due 3/13, giving you one week after spring break to conduct, writeup and present your results on 3/20. Priorities: Motivation, Methodology, Form of writeup & presentation, Conclusions/Lessons learned.



Team Study #2   - Correlational / Quasi-Experimental

  The second study should be correlational, with proposals due on 3/23 and presentations on 4/3.



Team Study #3   - Experimental

The third study should be experimental, with proposals due on 4/6 and presentations on 4/17.