TA office hours begin Monday, January 13th, 2025. There are no office hours on university holidays.
For in-person office hours, please go to the room listed and write your name at the bottom of the list on the whiteboard. A TA will call your name when it’s your turn, so please keep an ear out!
For online office hours, we will be using the queuing system in the Khoury Office Hours app. Have a question ready and add yourself to the queue. When a TA is available, they’ll call you on Teams. You can find the system on the Khoury Admin portal (login with your regular Northeastern ID): https://admin.khoury.northeastern.edu/ (look for "Log into Office Hours Apps" in the dropdown).
For both in-person and online office hours, we recommend you spend about 30 minutes trying to figure out a problem, and then ask for help. TAs will be happy to help guide you on concepts and provide clarification on syntax.
Naman Singhal (he/him) |
Alina Gonzalez (she/her, they/them) |
Ravneet Kaur (she/her) |
Harsh Bhatt (he/him) Languages: Hindi |
Shruthi Palaniappan |
Olivia Yeung (she/her) |
Alexander Chen (he/him) Languages: Mandarin |
Shruti Panicker (she/her) Languages: Hindi |
Shru Kumar |
Mann Savani (he/him) |
John Liu (he/him) Languages: Mandarin |
Neha Joshi (she/her) |
Carly Thoms (she/her) |
Daniel Ku (he/him) |
Annika Salpukas (she/her) |
Anzar Chowdhury (he/him) Languages: Bengali |