Teaching Assistants & Office Hours

TA Appreciation :)

TA office hours begin Tuesday, January 16, 2024. There are no office hours on university holidays.

TA office hours will be held in person and online (on Zoom at https://northeastern.zoom.us/j/93466315477). The different in-person locations will be indicated on the OH calendar below.

For both in-person and online, it’ll be important that you come to office hours having already made an attempt on the homework. TAs will be happy to help guide you on concepts and provide clarification on material from class. They cannot provide you with answers to problems.

TA Office Hours Calendars

Teaching Assistants

Alina Gonzalez
Alina Gonzalez (she/her, they/them)
Shivani Datar
Shivani Datar (she/her)
Naman Singhal
Naman Singhal (he/him)
Shreya Modi
Harsh Bhatt (he/him)
Vidhi Anand Thacker
Vidhi Anand Thacker (she/her)
Matthew Xue
Matthew Xue (he/him)
Alexander Chen
Alexander Chen (he/him)

Ivan Maykov (he/him)
Shru Kumar
Shrutika Kumar
Seamus Coyne
Seamus Coyne (he/him)
Kenichi Gomi
Kenichi Gomi (he/him)

Neha Joshi (she/her)
Varun Moahn
Varun Mohan (he/him)
Laura Morehead
Laura Morehead (she/her)
Pratyush Rokade
Pratyush Rokade (he/him)
Daniel Xu
Daniel Xu
Keegan Veazey
Keegan Veazey (she/her)
Roland Waterson
Roland Waterson (he/him)