#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Felix Muzny DS 2001 - CS Sept 29 & 30, 2021 Practicum 4 - "Slides"! """ # While you wait: # 1) Look at the feedback from your p3 submission (on Gradescope) # (you might not have any feedback, this would be in line) # (with your code or on the right side by the rubric) # 2) Compare and constrast Tasks 1 & 2 from our solution # with your solution. # (our solution is on the course website, next to the materials # from last week) # # If you did not construct the filename from the user input, # pay special attention to the Task 1 solution! # # # # Data discussion will be uploaded separately after the # students who need to make up this work have finished! import random # 2) While loops: what do we remember? # for repeating code # it will iterate (repeat) until it reaches the stopping point # the stopping point is when the condition becomes False # "while" then a condition (boolean expression), then ":" # if we write "while True:", then we'll need a "break" to # 3) write a program for a mini guessing game # the game is the following: # I think of a number # you guess a number # if you get the number correct, we stop def main(): secret_number = random.randint(0, 10) # print out the secret number so that # we can debug our code print("secret number: ", secret_number) print() # a few different options for this code # Option 1 guess = int(input("guess? ")) guesses = [guess] while guess != secret_number: guess = int(input("guess again? ")) guesses.append(guess) print("you won!") print(guesses) # a few different options for this code # Option 2 guess = -1 # a "dummy" value just to get the loop started guesses = [] while guess != secret_number: guess = int(input("guess? ")) guesses.append(guess) # at this point this is guaranteed # guess == secret_number print("you won!") print(guesses) # a few different options for this code # Option 3 guess = int(input("guess? ")) guesses = [] while guess != secret_number: guesses.append(guess) # add the guess in *first* guess = int(input("guess? ")) # remember to append the final guess guesses.append(guess) # at this point this is guaranteed # guess == secret_number print("you won!") print(guesses) main()