Massachusetts Gov. Baker issues a warning after hearing some people are trying to take advantage of new companion eligibility rules to get 75 and older residents to bring them to vaccination sites. #NBCCT The idea that a state like Massachusetts can’t get vaccines out faster is inexcusable. The per capita percentage of people who work in the healthcare industry means that we should be running vaccination centers from morning till night until everyone who wants one get one. From the vantage point of a 71-year-old, turning 30 doesn't mean that life’s options are necessarily narrowing. At the moment I'm marveling at the rare feeling of being too young for something even at this age: vaccination in Massachusetts. In a bid to get more residents age 75 and older vaccinated, Massachusetts officials say they will also inoculate the people accompanying them, regardless of age, to mass vaccination sites, which can be confusing to navigate All vaccine sites in Massachusetts are "Mass vaccination sites" — resulting in mass confusion! Good morning Massachusetts, The pandemic continues to offer great opportunities for us to care for one another. Individually, we wear a mask. Collectively, we can make sure that everyone has direct access to vaccination in their community. Breathe in, breathe out. Yesterday, Massachusetts passed an incredible milestone marking 1 million administered doses of the #COVID19MA vaccine. Glad to have visited with and witnessed some of our health care workers in action at the @WorcesterState vaccination location. People have a trusting relationship with their doctor, and when their doctor says, 'This is safe and as soon as my family is eligible I will get it for them,' then patients are more willing (to get vaccinated) Data shows improvement in Massachusetts vaccination effort Massachusetts is climbing the ladder and is now 15th among states in terms of % of population with 1 dose. We had been in the higher 30s or low 40s. "I'm frustrated, disappointed and, frankly, pretty enraged by the latest development in vaccine distribution in Massachusetts," the State Senator said. "We need a mass vaccination site on Cape Cod, and we need it now." Covid #1 vaccination is done, and now the 15 minutes begins. Thrilled! But will hang at home later. Like every state, Massachusetts receives weekly deliveries of the #COVID19 vaccine. It’s the Baker administration’s responsibility to distribute them, and right now they’re lagging behind, write @Kennedy_School's @GrahamTAllison & @BelferCenter's Hugo Yen. If you are in Massachusetts and struggling to find a Vaccination location, please check out these sites. Unfortunately, the state run site is not as user friendly