Lab 1 - Setup and basic usage


Create an account on GitHub.

  1. Once you have a GitHub account, sent an email to the course staff, from Piazza with the following information
    GitHub Login Email:
    The email address that you used to create your GitHub account
    GitHub Name:
    The name you used in GitHub. This name appears on the top right corner of the browser once you are logged into GitHub.
    Full name:
    Your full name (first and last name) that should match the name you provided to the Northeastern Registrar.
  2. Create a test repository called Assignment0
  3. Check out the empty repository to your local machine
  4. Open a new file in a text editor or your IDE and paste the following in the definitions window, replace your name and email accordingly:
    // CS5500 
    // Assignment 0 
    // Therapon Skoteiniotis ( 
  5. Save the contents of the definitions window inside the local repository with the name
  6. Commit and push the changes to GitHub.