------------------------------ MODULE Sequences ----------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* Defines operators on finite sequences, where a sequence of length n is *) (* represented as a function whose domain is the set 1..n (the set *) (* {1, 2, ... , n}). This is also how TLA+ defines an n-tuple, so *) (* tuples are sequences. *) (***************************************************************************) (***************************************************************************) (* These definitions are all overridden by TLC in the Java class *) (* tlc2.module.Sequences. Each operator is overridden by the Java method *) (* with the same name, except that the mapping for TLA+ infix operators *) (* is defined in the static block at the beginning of the Java class. *) (***************************************************************************) LOCAL INSTANCE Naturals (*************************************************************************) (* Imports the definitions from Naturals, but doesn't export them. *) (*************************************************************************) Seq(S) == UNION {[1..n -> S] : n \in Nat} (*************************************************************************) (* The set of all sequences of elements in S. *) (*************************************************************************) Len(s) == CHOOSE n \in Nat : DOMAIN s = 1..n (*************************************************************************) (* The length of sequence s. *) (*************************************************************************) s \o t == [i \in 1..(Len(s) + Len(t)) |-> IF i \leq Len(s) THEN s[i] ELSE t[i-Len(s)]] (*************************************************************************) (* The sequence obtained by concatenating sequences s and t. *) (*************************************************************************) Append(s, e) == s \o <> (**************************************************************************) (* The sequence obtained by appending element e to the end of sequence s. *) (**************************************************************************) Head(s) == s[1] Tail(s) == CASE s # << >> -> [i \in 1..(Len(s)-1) |-> s[i+1]] (*************************************************************************) (* The usual head (first) and tail (rest) operators. (Definition of Tail *) (* changed on 4 Jun 2013 because original defined Tail(<< >>) = << >> . *) (*************************************************************************) SubSeq(s, m, n) == [i \in 1..(1+n-m) |-> s[i+m-1]] (*************************************************************************) (* The sequence <>. *) (*************************************************************************) SelectSeq(s, Test(_)) == (*************************************************************************) (* The subsequence of s consisting of all elements s[i] such that *) (* Test(s[i]) is true. *) (*************************************************************************) LET F[i \in 0..Len(s)] == (*******************************************************************) (* F[i] equals SelectSeq(SubSeq(s, 1, i), Test) . *) (*******************************************************************) IF i = 0 THEN << >> ELSE IF Test(s[i]) THEN Append(F[i-1], s[i]) ELSE F[i-1] IN F[Len(s)] =============================================================================