-------------------------------- MODULE Integers ---------------------------- (***************************************************************************) (* This module provides dummy definitions of the operators that are *) (* defined by the real Integers module. It is expected that any tool will *) (* provide its own implementations of these operators. See the book *) (* "Specifying Systems" for the real Integers module. *) (***************************************************************************) (***************************************************************************) (* The two definitions here and the definitions imported from the Naturals *) (* module are overridden by TLC in the Java class tlc2.module.Integers. *) (* Each operator is overridden by the Java method with the same name, *) (* except that the mappings for the prefix - operator and the TLA+ infix *) (* operators are defined in the static block at the beginning of the Java *) (* class. *) (***************************************************************************) EXTENDS Naturals Int == { } (***************************************************************************) (* This defines the prefix - operator. *) (***************************************************************************) -. a == 0 - a =============================================================================