The key to writing a survey paper is to recognize that the reader already has access to the original papers that are being surveyed. So, if the survey simply has a section summarizing each of the original papers, then the survey is not really adding value. The reader could gain the same benefit by reading the abstract, introduction, and topic sentences of each of the original papers. Similarly, if you are tempted to explain some of the details in the original paper, then just refer the reader to directly reading, for example, "Paper 2, Section 3" for detailed. One of the tests of a good survey paper is whether you can condense the material into a 5-minute oral presentation. If you can't condense it, then maybe you're trying too hard to present three distinct papers, and 5 minutes is not enough to present three unrelated papers. This is then a clue that you're on the wrong track. The creativity in a survey paper is searching for a common theme (perhaps by also reading a Wikipedia article or blog for background), and then commenting on how each paper addresses the common theme. This is the part that can be fun, once you realize the target that the reader of the survey is looking for. Otherwise, "why does the reader need you, anyway?", to describe the point in a more humorous vein. Researchers read the literature in a top-down or hierarchical manner. First, they read the title, to decide if they should look more closely. The title should have the right keywords, but usually nothing more. If they like the title, they will read the abstract. In the case of a survey, the abstract should have the key idea, and a sentence or two about why it is important. Normally, the abstract fits in a single paragraph. If they like the abstract, they will reach the intro. In the intro, if you read the topic sentences, then it should tell a story. A typical story (e.g., for deep learning) might have the following topic sentences: 1. Deep learning allows more accurate learning by having more levels in the deep learning network. 2. Deep learning has become practical through the use of GPUs and other hardware accelerators. 3. A key problem in deep learning is how to represent a particular application within a deep learning network. 4. Two ways in which applications may be mapped to a deep learning are through mapping a feature space, or through mapping a two-dimensional set of pixels. 5. The performance of deep learning varies drastically according to the representation of the application. Higher performance tends to be exhibited when .... And now that you have your story based on topic sentences in the intro, you can use the body of the paper to provide more details of that story. Finally, a key question that comes up is how to write one survey paper that integrates three widely varying papers. Conceptually, you will have read each paper in depth before going on to the next one: PAPER: 1 2 3 _ _ _ | | | | | | V V V Now, your own survey paper should concentrate on breadth: 1 2 3 |---------> |---------> |---------> |---------> For example: 1. Deep learning uses more levels. The number of levels can vary from X to Y, depending on the application. 2. Deep learning typically uses GPUs for hardware acceleration. But at least one Deep Learning approach uses the Intel Xeon Phi many-core CPU. 3. The problem of mapping an application to a deep learning network is the key to being able to solve that application. Some examples of applications that can map easily to a deep learning network are .... 4. Tyipcal application representations include feature spaces and pixels in Euclidean space. We see that the representation in a deep learning network varies radically for these two cases. 5. The performance of deep learning also varies radically for different applications. While this field is still evolving, current experiments have shown that feature space approaches tend to exhibit higher performance than geometric Euclidean spaces, when comparing deep learning approaches to standard approaches in the corresponding application domain. [OR WHATEVER YOU CONCLUDE INSTEAD.]