Fun Stuff for CS7600 (Intensive Computer Systems)

Computer systems is an exciting area today, because it is constantly changing. Here are some of the resources on the web that I have enjoyed.


Current Events

NEWS (for Spring, 2016 and earlier):
New memory technology: 3D XPoint (Intel/Micron, from press release)
     (non-volatile memory (like Flash/SSD), but 1,000 times faster and byte-addressable; at a price between Flash and RAM ??; to be available in 2016)


OLDER NEWS from Spring, 2015:
NEWS: Talk by Yale Patt (famous researcher in Computer Architecture)
NEWS: 2015 CCIS Colloquia (research talks by invited guests to CCIS: topics including security, big data, social networks, robotics, natural language, etc.)
NEWS: Android Apps that Never Die (talk by me, Gene Cooperman, and Rohan Garg, at ACM undergrad chapter: 6 p.m., Wed., Feb. 25, 104 WVG) (pizza included)
NEWS: One VLSI fabrication facility: $6.2 billion as of 2014 (from UMC to build 12-inch fab in Xiamen


What are the largest supercomputers today?


Intel Announces Knights Mill: A Xeon Phi For Deep Learning (see also Coral supercomputers, below)

Deep Learning on NVIDIA GPUs

DeepMind Beats Human Champion at Game of Go (in 2015)

"[The deep learning algorithm of] AlphaGo doesn't actually use that much hardware in play, but we needed a lot of hardware to train it and do all the different versions and have them play each other in tournaments on the cloud. That takes quite a lot of hardware to do efficiently, so we couldn't have done it in this time frame without those resources."
NEWS: Coral supercomputers (appearing from 2016--2018; see especially the table, lower down in this article)

What are some popular programming languages today?

Relative Popularity of Different Languages

Benchmark Games (Which is faster, C, Java, or Python?):
(Benchmarks are notoriously variable. Be careful about how you interpret this.)

Three Newer Languages (with lessons from Scheme/Java/C/C++)

A Brief Glimpse at Some Other Assembly Languages