homework 6
classifier evaluation metrics
evaluating classifier performance
Review the homework in this pdf file. Remember that reading resources can be found in the syllabus.
data and starter kit
For those of you who have not completed Q3 from homework 5, you will need the data from the last assignment as well as the starter Colab kit. For this assignment, you will need the data. If you are using Colabs (not a requirement), you would need a Google account.
Here are the starter kits that you might find useful.
- Document templates can be either Overleaf TeX File or DOCX File. When you’ve compiled/finishe d writing, download the PDF from Overleaf/Google and upload it to the submission link.
submission instructions
Submit your work to Gradescope. There, you will need to upload a PDF file with the written answers (including the plots) to all the questions above. As well, there will be a link to upload your Python code. Make sure that the signature matches the above signature as we will check it against other types of data.