homework 1

review and data exploration

getting started with data

Please review the homework in this pdf file. Remember that reading resources can be found in the syllabus.

data and starter kit

You will need the data for the review portion and netflix data for the exploration portion.

Here are the starter kits that you might find useful.

  • Document templates can be either LaTeX File or DOCX File. When you’ve compiled/finished writing, download the PDF from Overleaf/Google and upload it to the submission link.

  • You may find Colaboratory useful, which you can subsequently download the file as a *.ipynb file (Under FileDownloadDownload .ipynb.) In Colab, you can download the data with

    !wget https://course.ccs.neu.edu/cs6220/fall2023/homework-1/netflix-data/movie_titles.csv
    !wget https://course.ccs.neu.edu/cs6220/fall2023/homework-1/netflix-data/combined_data_1.txt
    !wget https://course.ccs.neu.edu/cs6220/fall2023/homework-1/netflix-data/combined_data_2.txt
    !wget https://course.ccs.neu.edu/cs6220/fall2023/homework-1/netflix-data/combined_data_3.txt
    !wget https://course.ccs.neu.edu/cs6220/fall2023/homework-1/netflix-data/combined_data_4.txt
  • You can use any repository system to submit code as long as there is an online link to it. The standard way is to use Github, but you can have a sharepoint folder too as long as it’s clear what each individual file is.

submission instructions

Commit all your code and materials to your repository, and submit via Gradescope. There, you will upload your PDF and code.