# Project Proposals (Homework 6) Please peruse [the assignment](https://github.com/kni-neu/project/blob/main/proposal.pdf). There is no Github Classroom link for this homework, but you can use the template provided [here](https://github.com/kni-neu/project) for your project (which has `proposal.tex` and `proposal.pdf`). If Github Classrooms does not work for you, you can use [this Github template](https://github.com/kni-neu/project) to start your repository by 1. clicking **Use this template** 2. creating a new repository, and 3. making it visible to **kni-neu** and **pratyaksh64**. ## Starter Kit Here are the starter kits that you might find useful. * Document templates can be either [LaTeX File](https://github.com/kni-neu/homework-6/blob/master/project.tex) or [DOCX File](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q8fpJo-gF_L0_TwUdw5E7x7faOAStK4n). When you've compiled/finished writing, **download the PDF** from Overleaf/Google and upload it to the submission link. ## Submission Instructions Upload your PDF to [Gradescope](https://www.gradescope.com/courses/494275). Use only one PDF file per team and include all the names of the entire team. Maximum four persons per team.