# Principle Components Analysis and Parameter Estimation
Accept the [classroom homework invitation](https://classroom.github.com/a/4v5PHePA). Please review the homework in this [pdf file](https://github.com/kni-neu/homework-3/blob/master/assignment3-questions.pdf). Remember that reading resources can be found on Canvas under the schedule in Syllabus.
If Github Classrooms does not work for you, you can use [this Github template](https://github.com/kni-neu/homework-3) to start your repository by
1. clicking **Use this template**
2. creating a new repository, and
3. making it visible to **kni-neu**, **nkumeh**, and **pratyaksh64**.
## What You Will Need
You will need [the data](./data). If you are using Colab (not required), you would need a Google account.
## Starter Kit
Here are the starter kits that you might find useful.
* Document templates can be either [LaTeX File](https://github.com/kni-neu/homework-3/blob/master/assignment3-questions.tex) or [DOCX File](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q8fpJo-gF_L0_TwUdw5E7x7faOAStK4n). When you've compiled/finished writing, **download the PDF** from Overleaf/Google and upload it to the submission link.
* To help you get started, you may find that this [Colaboratory Link](./) is useful. In order to submit, you'll need to Download the file as a `*.ipynb` file (Under **File** → **Download** → **Download .ipynb**.)
## Submission Instructions
Commit your `*.py` or `*.ipynb` (either is fine), output files (`publishers_no_titles.txt` and `titles_no_publishers.txt`), and `assignment3.pdf` to that repository and provide the URL via [Gradescope](https://www.gradescope.com/courses/494275).